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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. people still watch The Walking Dead - why? remember, on respective deathbeds the time wasted on this fuckery will not be refunded
  2. Under the Shadow - it had me right up until a moment under the bed that cant be disclosed or disguised cos i dont know how to do the spoiler thingy still a whole lot better than 99% of the gash that poses as horror these days, ie shit gore bollix or inane found footage boo-hoo wank just wish the main character's immersion in djinn/occult mysticism had been explored more fully cos that coincides w/her transition from wtf to get me out of here.....it could really have amped up the psychological disorder of the mother/daughter experience as every1 slowly leaves Tehran from the war raging all around them. The dream elements also coulda been layered in more, so that disorientation effect was further amplified still a pretty good feast for Persian-esque persuasions & i loved the Jane Fonda/culturally porous licks that fleshed out the mother's world in particular. contrast it with The Witch & it seems better in most departments by comparison 7.5/10
  3. found a copy of Smackos "Computer Day" in a bag of randoms tonight, the paranoid schections are fkn mint, psychosis runs amok between the fluffier synth work outs, plusch the acschent isch adding more warped layersch Cruyff turnschs flashbacks/10
  4. THERE IS NO CHEESE-CAKE a duplicitous merciless witch is behind this crime
  5. a v special film, sort of Death of a Salesman recast with colleagues/family switches & Jack Lemon is mfkn immense, he brings that older H'wood gravitas thru that character's fracturing & overall makes a lot of other flicks look bunk in comparison I want to see this but I guess you can only stream BBC iPlayer if you're in Britain... shouldnt take long for alternative access routes theres a fair amount of repetition in the last act from previous work, but the focus on Syria, the manipulation of Gaddafi (hey you live by the sword Colonel....), especially the Sunni/Shia rebound of choosing suicide bombings as a more focused tactic built from Assad Snr's legacy in particular were haunting. The inability of Occupy and the Arab Spring to fully realize key objectives, the immersion of today's world in online realms (a much better critique of this element than Herzog's Lo and Behold). People think its style over substance, but there's masses of meat on these bones and the imagery, soundtrack and surreal atmospheres created thru editing key moments with delicious electronica, gives it real heft. He lances Putin's regime succinctly and Trump pops up every now n again like a bad orange penny. Good work.
  6. right see if this has worked, '23' hand gesture poses for added William Burroughs dowsing, remember Kenneth Anger stayed here and theres certainly an ambience to the area
  7. Hypernormalisation doc - fk me that was a lot of info, some known, some truly wtf, although US foreign policy, dictatorships & their legacies (especially a la Curtis) are always intriguing have to re-watch again later in the week to get it all in the membranes, but the guy has a knack for melding imagery & sound that you dont experience elsewhere, plus that almost hypnotic vocal tone he speaks in eases you into the horror its all Kissinger's fault/10
  8. not sure if this thread was where the British drugs map series was posted, ie: the horrors of synthetic bud aka spice in Wolves & illicit valium in Scotland, anyway, the series now locates to Swansea & its continued love affair with brown/opiates, *as horrific as it gets at times mind
  9. Don't Breath a cup of cold dripping spunk/10 this is what happens when you let others choose the evening's viewing Under the Shadow mint/10 everything the fkn Babadook and the cold cup of dripping spunk above could never be (or achieve)
  10. "Universe much bigger than previously thought" http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/universe-galaxies-how-big-many-size-observable-map-history-nottingham-a7360736.html
  11. they're not that spectacular but'll wang em oop somehwere over le weekend chaps its a beautiful spot though, way up above the town itself with gigantor Georgian town houses all along that row and the sea directly to the west.... must be worth a chunk of change these days caveat is the postcode is BS23 2HD.....coincidences eh ;) https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/South+Rd,+Weston-super-Mare+BS23+2HD/@51.3571421,-2.9900618,710m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x4871fed3f89b7ed9:0x761f3882431d5a2e!8m2!3d51.3563229!4d-2.9877285
  12. went to Weston yesterday and out of respect visited the olde Coil home, now a retirement center lots of surreal graphics on the outbuildings, "Temple Hill"/T-H, well it is right on the very top of the town itself, a black sun with black rays, a black n white pointed star, but a huge building in itself though but due to attachment fail can not upload the pics here had to go to Burnham for a decent chippy mind
  13. that was borderliine Alan Partridge ladyboy lapdance
  14. dunno if Charlie Brooker's on his Wipe/News-Wipey thing has glimmers of cold dont think any of the fictional satire matches that, although the pig 1 was topical if daft
  15. re: the peasant once upon a time i was in a local house for illicit purchases & a friend of the bloke i was there for was already holding fort in the kitchen. these 2 had been out previously that day with their staffordshre bull terrier army, flushing out rabbits in a field & letting their dogs rip em up "......yeah and when Sally cracked that one cunt's head to pieces i got a rrrrrraaaaaaging lob-on" lob-on is colloquial for an erection yeah, then they wanted a baccy-hash bong session, complete with staffies n psychos n boners n strange atmospheres, sorry, local customs & some folks dont get out too often
  16. there is food in the room behind me i can not fetch any cos of stoned sosostoooooooooooooooooooned its pro-chef made n everyfin but maybe in 15mins as an arbitrary possibly wrong guess plus the sniffle thing, lurgy season doe innit
  17. holy metal band name font overload
  18. Andrew Liles has done a 30th anniversary remix of Slayer's almighty Angel of Death from Reign in Blood:
  19. cheers for heads up, slipped below me radar, intriguing story indeed
  20. Andrew Liles - Trigger Happy........ the man can do no wrong musically, continues to stretch the strangeness, evocative enough to entice & enchant but disturbing enough to plunge you over-board, the intro section is like the sound of Broadmoor hospital residents hallucinating in space Alice Coltrane - Journey into Satchidananda ... title track is a huge pers favourite & with any1 else the sitars would've been overdone, but as beguiling as it gets even after countless plays, busted out last night & time dissolved Jonathon Coleclough - Period...theres a section in the title track thats distilled bliss, hence the purchase, have already looped it for the car just to soak in it during forthcoming road trips David Toop - Entities Inertias/Faint Beings....not only can the bloke write insightful engaging explorations of field recording fusions of electro-acoustics, music concrete & experimental mod-synth nerd-frenzy, he can create the soundscapes that justify the shekels....Ancestral Beings is ear erection brain jizz 3rd eye mindfuck of the finest caliber jazz club noice meets Fritzl basement horror/10's all round
  21. find similar aspects with writing projects where things flow more fluidly, although editing & proof-reading are always done straight-headed afterwards with sounds & music for long turntable mixes its v similar to what you've outlined, where you might pick out elements that take things in a different direction (considering its records or cd's other folks have composed) underpinning these, 1 of the main uses i find is it can act as a psychological purge, where stuff that might have been circulating subconsciously gets a mental airing, processed and dealt with, usually at the end of a knotty week thats also 1 of the criticisms against opinions who hold on to the notion that its only ever consumed to fog or hide from reality, far from it & for ptsd especially mein gott.....considering the volume of tranqs that get thrown around the logic fail in this area of the NHS is staggering
  22. the BBC did a re-jig of Louis T's semi-infamous program on Britain's leading celebrity pedophile, Jimmy Savile, earlier this week, well worth tracking down dont know how much folks outside of these isles are aware of the massive extent of sexual abuse cases, assaults & general creepiness of Sir Child Fucking Necrophiliac, but it was utterly bizarre watching Louis review previous footage & clips of Savile's encounters with the public that brought a genuine edge to things its not often that the power of odd gets so succinctly dissected, nonetheless v refreshing seeing such a prolific documentary maker questioning his role, subject matter and (with hindsight) coercion into such a seedy, sleazy and malevolent world uncomfortable but compelling/10 (although technically its a tv show)
  23. but if you dislike cats & know that somewhere in Gummo-land young men are actively hunting and killing these vermin, you can sleep better at night well, the first 23secs @ least https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IcamFVeazI
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