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Everything posted by caze

  1. lol, if someone working for Gawker had to listen to an entire episode of O&A they'd probably spontaneously combust.
  2. High VAT is very regressive, in addition to being bad for economic growth generally.
  3. freakishly long penis, or plumbing issues?
  4. Jurassic World, ridiculous nonsense for the most part, but watched with your brain in the off-position it's enjoyable enough. Better than the other sequels at any rate.
  5. sounds like bollocks to me, will give it a second thought if someone actually comes out and accuses him in public.
  6. http://i.imgur.com/hAHt5dq.gif
  7. do you realise he's scored at a rate of 1 in 2 since he arrived in england (3 seasons)? he's not very much like andy carroll at all (aside from both being good in the air, he's not a crock, has pace, and good movement too). also, he's still only 24 and Villa are pretty shit, so he's there's a good chance he'll keep improving year on year now for a while, and at the rate we create chances if he's actually any good he should score more with us (as long as we can play to his strengths of course).
  8. caze

    Now Reading

    I read them all, along with all the Robot books, when I started 2ndary school. Can't remember a huge amount, but think they got better as they went. I loved them at the time, but not sure if they'd age well. Recently re-read some old Brian Aldis books and they came across a bit quaint at times.
  9. caze

    Norm MacDonald

    Dirty Work is amazing.
  10. Nah, it's a great signing (if a bit over-priced, though we can hardly complain after having just fleeced City). Cracking business for us overall this summer. We've spent £77.5m (plus whatever Ings costs in the tribunal) and have brought in £57.5m in sales so far (with more cash to come from Enrique, Lambert, Borini and Balotelli hopefully). Milner will be a big upgrade on Gerrard (who's only really had one decent season in the last four), Clyne a big improvement on Johnson, Firmino might not quite have the explosive talent that Sterling has, but looks to be further along in his development so will probably improve the team straight away, Origi and Ings will provide far better squad coverage than Lambert and Borini (Origi in particular looks the business, if a little rough round the edges), and Benteke is obviously a big improvement over Balotelli (he's got pace, finishing, movement, best aerial ability in the league as well, can hold it up, bully defenders, only downside I can see so far is his passing is pants, though that may improve surrounded by better players). Joe Gomez looks a talent as well, though where he's going to get games with Lovren, Toure, Wisdom and Ilori also around at CB I don't know (maybe Ilori will go on loan again, or might provide an option at right back in the early cup games or something). We're certainly in better shape than we were at the start of last season, really looking forward to the start of the season.
  11. I'm guessing they would've had to take a different route to get there in order to go into orbit, and it would've taken a lot longer. It also gets to go investigate the Kuiper Belt now as well.
  12. he has more genes in common with crabs than he does with you and me.
  13. no, it's more that he was speaking to a public that was a lot more repressed and conservative than today's is, so what he said then was shocking and original; but now, it sounds obvious and boring (and thus, not particularly funny).
  14. I think for a lot of people under 35-40 Carlin just comes across as pretty tame (especially for people who had already grown up in a liberal environment), but I guess for others growing up listening to someone like him it was somewhat shocking and inspiring. It's the same with Lenny Bruce, hugely important at the time, but listen back to him now and the material hasn't aged well at all. Comedy is hugely contextual.
  15. http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/sport/sport-headlines/manchester-police-hunt-northern-irish-con-artist-20150713100079
  16. caze

    Now Reading

    I really want someone who likes Ubik to defend the book It was a long time ago that I read it, but remember it being great, really great. Must read it again.
  17. he pointed out in the comments that it's an anagram of ginger.
  18. looked cool and all, but the acting was decidedly unsexy (which was a shame, as they're both very attractive). ms anderson stole the show in that regard yet again.
  19. yeah, it's good shit. any other recommendations of recent stuff? aside from mmw, the bad plus and fly, I've not gotten that into much current stuff. here's a great fly tune:
  20. http://www.nasa.gov/feature/new-image-of-pluto-houston-we-have-geology
  21. No there's not, and no I'm not. If you actually read the entire report you would see that there are very obvious problems with all of the data (and they looked at a lot of different sources), they describe them in detail, and they also describe the steps that would need to be taken to create a valid data set which could be used to establish any possible link. A 13 year difference between two reports supposed to be about finding issues related to behavioral traits in breeds of dogs is not relevant, are you trying to suggest that some dogs have become inherently more dangerous in a single generation? The first report you linked to can be dismissed out of hand, it clearly has no decent methodology behind it, was entirely collated from press reports, and was created by an anti-dog advocacy group (that seems to be run by a single person based on a casual check). Stop being a dog racist.
  22. nice. didn't expect it to be kind of red though, weird.
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