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Everything posted by caze

  1. caze

    Now Reading

    Baudolino is great for that stuff as well, he goes even further down the rabbit hole in that one - based around the time of the Holy Roman Empire and the myth of the Kingdom of Prester John.
  2. caze

    Go Corbyn

    slander? are you being ironic, or did you post the wrong link? that's a puff piece about some Labour MP I'd never heard of before, wouldn't have been surprised if I'd read it in the Guardian.
  3. caze

    Go Corbyn

  4. not much, they may have hinted at something wrt Noreaga, but I think it was only that they let him do his thing as long as he was fighting commies rather actually helping with the trafficking (can't remember exactly). one of the narcos in it was an ex-CIA agent though.
  5. I can read Thomas Pynchon with some concentration but I cannot parse this at all. What are you on about man? you should've seen the posts he came out with back on the planet-mu board, he's crystal clear in comparison these days.
  6. I don't know how anyone could sleep on their stomach, feels weird immediately.
  7. caze

    Go Corbyn

    They only got around 1% more in the last election compared to under Brown, which was not particularly impressive, the scale of their collapse in Scotland was significant as well, especially in the wake of the failed independence vote. The LD vote plummeted because people are dumb, and Britain had no experience of coalition government; and most of their votes went to the Tories not Labour. The Lib Dems were a far more principled party than Labour or the Tories, so that's just a silly thing to say. You're right though that five years is a long time, who knows what the economic and international situation will be like by then, that's just as likely to work against them than for them though (esp with regard to Europe). The fact is though, Labour lost the last election because they were perceived as too left-wing by southern English voters (the block most important in winning any general election), so becoming more left wing hardly looks like a great strategy.
  8. finished Narcos last night. I'm not as gushing about it as Nebraska, but it's good.
  9. caze

    Go Corbyn

    He wants to get rid of the monarchy too, which is a great idea of course, but not going to win him many fans.
  10. caze

    Go Corbyn

    England is not turning more left, Labour will almost certainly be slaughtered in the next election. This should be good news for the LibDems, might actually be able to stage a recovery now (wouldn't be surprised if they gain a few MPs in the coming months).
  11. ha. that's incredibru. it's awful, but also amazing.
  12. I don't think they were spies though, just machiavellian fucks.
  13. caze

    Now Reading

    Tragedy & Hope Was slightly dubious about this one due to what I read about it online, seems to be popular amongst right-wing conspiracy nuts in particular. It's gotten off to a good start though.
  14. The second season is much better, there were plenty of laughs from the ridiculousness of the characters and other bits of more obvious satire, but the writing wasn't great. Now they've figured out how to craft a joke and develop a story.
  15. Dude you shit in a Target. TWICE. How am I supposed to believe you? Nah I'm just messing with you. Admitting that may actually lend to your credibility if anything. So basically what you're saying is that the dinosaurs never even went extinct. And that the .0001% of the dinosaur population that constituted the Bilderberg group saw that the dinosaur population had passed the profit-making threshold and would result in quarterly losses so they just bunkered down and blasted the Yucatan with a diverted asteroid to make shit look like a natural disaster. But before they did that they took some critters down with them, one of which endured countless generations of artificial selection which resulted in the ultimate pet. The human being. They appeared before us as Jesus (or ninjas) to earn our trust and reinforce certain behaviors, and they've divided us such that it makes it difficult for us to recognize what's going on and interfere with their business venture. That's basically what you're saying right? lizards (reptiles) are not closely related to dinosaurs (no more than mammals are). there is (was?) actually a Christian sect in Japan who believed Jesus went there after he was resurrected and died there. Not sure if that was before or after he was in Montana or whatever according to the Mormons. lol.
  16. a quick search of 'aphex' in my library results in 955 tracks, that contains a bunch of duplicates, but also might be missing a few things labelled afx or whatever. I'd say it's under 800 anyway.
  17. caze

    Now Reading

    Just finished Mind: A Brief Introduction, by John Searle. As it the title suggests it's a good introduction to the topic, written in fairly straight forward language (aside from a minimal sprinkling of the usual philosophical jargon), and it covers the basics and history of the philosophy of mind better than other books I've read on the subject. It is lacking in depth though, the sections at the end on free will and the sense of self are particularly lacking, though he admits as much himself. He also failed to convince me of his Chinese Room argument, which I'd read about in other books before. He only gives a few limited responses and dismisses them fairly quickly without much exploration (another slight flaw in a few other parts of the book). I'm not sure I agree with all of his conclusions in other areas as well, in particular I think he failed to distinguish his own conception of things from certain of the ideas he too quickly dismisses (materialism and epiphenominalism in particular), though this could be a failure on my part to recognise some subtle part of his argument, I dunno. A good book overall though, and definitely worth a read if you're interested in this stuff.
  18. ha! my best trips involved me standing in the same room for hours walking around in circles/staring at the walls.
  19. lol. same with homeopathic cold remedies.
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