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Everything posted by caze

  1. usually save it for a lamb korma style dish, use all the expensive whole spices (black cumin, mace, brown cardamoms, etc.) the rich nuttiness goes well with those, as does the meat, can be a bit overpowering with poultry I find. another thing I've started doing recently is using Jaggery instead of your standard supermarket unrefined sugar, definitely more flavor in there. love a nice Rendang, will try out that recipe.
  2. I've used pretty much every spice going, but never melon seeds. What do you do with them, dry-roast and grind them up with the rest? Made a curry earlier on and overestimated the spice content, turned out brilliant. Note to future me: double all spice measurements (and I'm normally pretty generous to begin with, maybe just building up a tolerance?). ive just realised its not sesame seeds i need for a korma but white poppy seeds. will have to hunt some out, no,no roasting, leave them clean tasting for a creamy korma base. basically you blitz them all into a paste. you soak the poppy seeds prior to this. Almonds, poppy, cashews, melon seeds. I need to find my notes (havent made a korma for ages, i like hot lower fat curries), this paste gets mixed with cream as well! If you want to step your curry game, go to www.curry-recipes.co.uk and register for the forum there. they know loads about how to replicate BIR-style meals (british indian restaurant) yeah, been on that site for ages, and their previous incarnation as well. my curry last night had toasted cashews, then boiled in milk/water for half an hour (important or you'll get a gritty texture), blended, add coconut powder and cream, great kormafication. another one I do is sesame seeds, poppy seeds, urad dal, dry roasted and ground. mix with butter and brown sugar to form paste. both are easy to make in bulk and you can then freeze and use them to quickly perfect any curry if you fancy something nutty/creamy/sweet. must try the melon seeds.
  3. I've known many people who think cannabis can cure literally everything, cancer and all. It's all a big pharma conspiracy apparently that's preventing these geniuses from saving the world. lol.
  4. I've used pretty much every spice going, but never melon seeds. What do you do with them, dry-roast and grind them up with the rest? Made a curry earlier on and overestimated the spice content, turned out brilliant. Note to future me: double all spice measurements (and I'm normally pretty generous to begin with, maybe just building up a tolerance?).
  5. caze


    some of them, yes, especially the vocals. but the drums, piano, and some other bits are too long. also he listed multichannel audio recording interfaces on the gear list for those tracks, and no hardware sequencer. too long? what's the sample length of a hardware sampler these days, I can't imagine that would be problem. also, it's not possible to tell just from listening what length the samples are. He never denied using multi-channel recording, just computer edits.
  6. caze


    all of that live stuff could easily have been sampled and triggered from a hardware sequencer.
  7. I never got a particularly intense trip from mushrooms, used to go picking for them in the sticks when I was a teenager, would usually make a tea out of them, or eat them dried. Mostly got an intense body high out of them (loved that feeling coming up on them when I started to feel incredibly light, and breathing in would imbibe me with supernatural energy - though there was always a nagging sickly/poisonous heart-murmury feeling that was there in the background as well), and an amplified perceptual experience across the board when they were strong (vivid colours, vibration/movement around the edges of everything, etc). Once I had an intense shared auditory hallucination with another guy but that was the weirdest thing I experienced. The strongest I ever had were in Amsterdam, we bought some Hawaiian ones in what was ostensibly a newsagents, lol. Even those though were more like drinking a couple of bottles of wine and smoking a load of weed, they hit us hard though. In the end though I never experienced anything on them that came even remotely close to what I got with acid: reality dissolving around me completely loosing my sense of self and time and place etc.
  8. Cocaine Cowboys is a great documentary, focused on Miami and the various latin trafficking gangs that operated there. Shows how the development of the city from sleepy up-market resort community to bustling metropolis was so tied up with the coke money (massive real estate development via laundered cash basically), ridiculous murder rate at the height of it. A mate of mine lives in Columbia, was telling me the other day that Escobar was nothing compared to the Cali gangs, Escobar got all the recognition due to his public persona, but those guys were serious fuckers in comparison.
  9. I haven't smoked weed much for around a decade now, only once or twice a year at this stage. Someone PM some shit.
  10. sounds like a couple of pigeons playing tennis.
  11. It's probably not going to stay cancelled for long, they'll either do another season for Amazon (or maybe Starz), a movie is a possibility too
  12. There's a new Brian Wilson biopic out, weirdly it stars John Cusack (also Paul Dano playing the younger Brian), with Paul Giamatti playing his crazy psychologist. Seems to be getting good reviews.
  13. caze


    My guess is someone who's brain has been ruined by the internet, no attention span, limited intelligence.
  14. Yeah, it's been up it's own arse from the get-go. Never been a problem for me.
  15. This season has been great so far, not watched the latest yet though. The last one was the weakest so far, and it was still great. Wet Hot American Summer is getting better as it goes along, the first bunch of episodes were only ok, but the last couple I watched were very good. Think I'm up to #6 now. The new Review with Forrest McNeill's are brilliant too.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Jxh7eyIGu8
  17. Remaining episodes are shot in Vancouver, so expect plenty of forest lol. And i fucking hate the use of expanders in TV/Movies - that "pumping" effect the guy was talking about fucks up the levels so bad, you've got the volume cranked trying ot hear the dialogue and then "aghhhh holy fuck turn it off" as a car crash on screen punctures your ear drums. Awful. I didn't notice anything on my copy (played through an amp/5.1). Only time I really noticed the sound in a conspicuous way was with the old man wheezing in the bed, which sounded too loud, but was probably just done for effect, and kindof worked anyway. I quite liked it I have to say.
  18. mother teresa doesn't make me believe in humanity, she was a terrible person.
  19. wow, katiacid is pretty great. a lot of those early sawish ones before were ok and all, but I can see why they never got a release. this one's still a bit rough in places, but has something unique about it at the same time. (and by ok and all, I still mean pretty great)
  20. i have a micro-penis. uh, ok, I don't see how that's relevant, but I hope it's working out for you.
  21. I don't get it: also, this thread has been the worst funny thread in the history of funny threads on the internet.
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