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Everything posted by caze

  1. finished watching rick stein's trek from Venice to Istanbul, good foodieness. will be trying to do more greek and turkish dishes now.
  2. Actually, that douchey pharma CEO is a great example of bad-regulation, it's not a good example of the evils of free market capitalism. He can only get away with that shit because it's too costly for anyone else to enter the market for that pill - despite the fact that the patent has expired. This isn't a problem in the EU, where a generic version of the drug could be fast tracked for little up-front investment, and the price would come down to a reasonable level pretty quickly. But the US has onerous FDA regulation, even for new generic versions of already approved drugs, and so it's just not economical for anyone else to enter the market. This would be true for all R&D if it weren't for the patent system, which protects the profits for a certain time allowing them to pay off the massive R&D investments they put in.
  3. turns out their's a subreddit called catsontits (of course there is).
  4. State control of prices/production (when there is a scarcity of resources/energy at any rate) is provably wrong. No matter how complicated a computer model we could possibly come up with, it'll simply never work. Mixed socialist models, like modern social democracy, don't suffer from this problem. But that's not their only problem. Libertarian socialist models are as ludicrous as extreme/naive individualist Libertarian models, the former is an oxymoron, the latter is impossible to protect from balkanised fascism. The main problem with socialism in general is that it tends to increase overall inefficiency and corruption, even if the motives are in the right place, it fails to take account of innate human shittiness, and so the assholes tend to rise to the top of everything and bugger everything up for the rest of us. Our current global system isn't much better than this though, of course it's not a free market system either (and free doesn't mean 'no regulation' btw, it just means 'free from bad regulation'), so maybe we should have a proper go at that any see if it does any better. That doesn't mean we have to throw out all socialist concepts (welfare systems, progressive taxation, free education, etc.), but they need to be empirically validated.
  5. that's not correct. one true Scotsman alert.
  6. check out the book though, which is really great. I liked the film well enough (didn't think it was amazing or anything), but the book is totally different.
  7. you don't need to kick it, there's only like 2 episodes more or something. I have to say I'm digging this show, better than the other one. Last episode was the best yet. Liked the ominous vibes coming from the army dudes and barber dude's death squad parallels.
  8. she was making a tattoo out of the spiral jobbie her bf drew on her arm. not getting any social justice vibes from the show at all.
  9. depends what type of tea you're drinking. too much milk in tea is abhorrent (as is any sugar), but strong black teas do need a bit of milk to cut through the bitterness.
  10. Berlin is actually very cheap for a capital of a major European city, a hell of a lot cheaper than Paris or London or Dublin. Munich would be more expensive even.
  11. yeah, me three. took a while to get going, but there were plenty of laughs in the 2nd half.
  12. It's funny going to other countries where they take these things seriously, remember getting dirty looks in Amsterdam when crossing the road, same in Germany. Not even sure if they have jaywalking laws there, or do they just really enjoying following rules (you see everyone standing at traffic lights even when there's zero traffic, weird).
  13. I only realised the other day that it was a remake after listening to an interview on that Paul F Tompkins youtube thing, what's the original like? Andy Daly is brilliant though, his stuff on Comedy Bang Bang is great. His Pilot Podcast Project thing was good too.
  14. caze

    Go Corbyn

    yeah, that's what I thought. he's pretty much for keeping the commons as is, rather than moving to a modern representative system like PR/STV.
  15. caze

    Go Corbyn

    He would change my opinion of him somewhat if he came out in favour of electoral reform, something which Labour are not usually in favour of (the only candidate to publicly supported it was Liz Kendall IIRC), he's not said much on the matter, but what he has said seems to imply he's against it.
  16. caze

    Go Corbyn

    Corbyn wouldn't lead a government for the people by the people, it would be for some people, by some people. just like any other politician, just with a different classification for some.
  17. I'm worried this will be terrible, that sketch show that Odenkirk was involved with recently was awful. Mr Show was the best though.
  18. Sorry to be a dickhead but it always pisses me off - it's down't mine not down tut mine Or for example, going tut (to the) shops What language is that? Yorkshire
  19. caze

    Go Corbyn

    It's not slander if it's true. To many people, including most Labour parliamentarians, Corbyn is not the acceptable face of the left.
  20. this version came out years ago, where was that from again?
  21. caze

    Go Corbyn

    slander? are you being ironic, or did you post the wrong link? that's a puff piece about some Labour MP I'd never heard of before, wouldn't have been surprised if I'd read it in the Guardian. read the language they use to describe him. they're definitely not in favour lol, of course they're not. there's nothing slanderous in that article though, which wasn't even about Corbyn.
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