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Everything posted by caze

  1. Agreed, but I expect we'll continue to see more and more people lifted out of poverty into the future. And yes, even amongst the non-impoverished there are still problems, just because developed nations have a high standard of living doesn't mean we should ignore relative inequality or stagnant wages. It's just that such problems are eminently solvable without the need for radical economic upheaval, which would be more likely to impoverish more people and generally lead to a shittier situation for all involved.
  2. don't forget about the chillout room... I was randomly reminded of Space Night today, it was a show on German TV in the 90s, footage of space stuff with music, started off with pop tracks, but after a few years a techno dj took control and started playing ambient and downtempo techno stuff instead. was also broadcast in the UK/Ireland on Sky in the wee hours, which is where I came across it. remember recording it to VHS then dubbing it to cassette and playing it at house parties (I was still in school then and too young to get into clubs most of the time, so it was mostly house parties or out in a field somewhere), they used to project it in German clubs too apparently. might have been the first place I heard afx and Global Communication, things like that. would often come home after a night out and it would be on tv, fall asleep to it on the couch.
  3. yes, I was dividing using the wrong units. 186k miles/s, instead of 299k km/s.
  4. To the moon, which is 384,400 km away, almost exactly 2 light seconds away.
  5. They were bought before she even took the job, was under the previous administration.
  6. Seems like impeachment talk is gathering speed. Isn't that a bit premature though? You don't want to energise the republican base just before the midterms, galvanising turn out. I suppose it depends just how serious the charges they're working on are, there's probably nothing that they could find which would cause Trump's hardcore supporters from turning away from him, but it could be serious enough to turn off moderate republicans. There's also a decent chance the talk will die down now for a few more months I guess, it was just a temporary reaction to the Manafort news.
  7. I agree, the collapsey bit that was cut sounds good in isolation, but the transition in the original definitely works better. The extended ending is better tho.
  8. I'm listening properly on headphones now, the difference to the leak is pretty obvious now. Loads of extra detail being revealed, has taken on a more acoustic vibe with lots of clear sounding sampled percussion, which before sounded way less natural.
  9. I'm sure I've been wrong plenty, but I wasn't wrong this time, the Parsi word Naan means bread (and still means bread, it's not just some archaic root). It's the same word, with the same orthography as in Urdu, same word in Hindi too. The bread that it refers to is also basically the same in both Iran and India, both cooked in a tandoor, might be a bit sweeter in India if there's yogurt in, in a UK restaurant they might put sugar in too, but I don't think that's particularly traditional. Go into a Persian kebab place and compare the bread there to an Indian restaurant Naan one from a Turkish place and you'll see what I mean (Turkish flatbread is also nice, but not quite as lush). Roti is a Hindi and Urdu word which means bread, but also refers to a specific bread - unleavened where Naan is leavened. Naan is fucking great though, along with sourdough Neapolitan pizza, it's the best bread. Rotis/Chapatis are only ok, a Paratha is much nicer. My first world achievement was actually cooking a decent Naan at home in a regular oven, took years to get it down. The first trick was cooking on a pizza stone/steel at as high a temp as possible, but the real clincher was wrapping it in a clean towel for 5 mins after it's cooked, it softens it up massively, they're too stiff otherwise. Still not as good as a proper tandoor one, but infinitely better than a store bought one.
  10. I've not been paying close attention, but definitely sounds a good bit better than the leak in parts (abundance an pthex in particular), 1st 44 didn't sound all that different. need to listen on headphones though.
  11. true, I should have just called him a cunt and been done with it, he's not smart enough to waste the time on educating him.
  12. the video is not just literally wrong, it had the exact opposite meaning. a 'well actually' is contradicting someone, not agreeing with them. you really are quite dim. 20 years is enough to allow for more than a surface knowledge about something, maybe you should hold off your snide remarks about people on the internet when you know fuck all about them? it makes you look like even more of a dumb cunt when you're not even right. Etymology From Hindi नान (nān)/Urdu نان‎ (nān), from Persian نان‎ (nān), from Middle Persian LHMA (nān, “bread, food”).
  13. I've been cooking Indian food for over 20 years you muppet, made plenty of Iranian naan as well. also, I said 'that IS correct'.
  14. you weren't actually wrong, Naan comes from Persian (and just means bread), Roti comes from Sanskrit originally (also meaning bread). the main difference is an Iranian Naan doesn't use Yogurt usually, while an Indian one does.
  15. There's little support among the workers at the Tesla plant for unionization, mostly because a lot of the workers were previously employed by some other auto manufacturer, and the union screwed them over and they all lost their jobs.
  16. lol @ at all these idiots still falling for the ok hand troll
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