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Everything posted by caze

  1. It's beer day again I think this one is a Pale Ale? The Rochefort 6 was lovely, looking forward to trying the 8
  2. I have one of them Rochefortes, my latest haul:
  3. yeah it hasn't aged well at all. bottom faired better, still great. Just watched the last couple of Barry episodes, really fucking good. great premise, fantastic execution, even the bit players are nailing their characterisations, everyone has a story. mostly just filled with genuine lols tho,
  4. Just watched this, really liked it too. His best in a while I think, lots of slow build up uncomfortableness followed by the relief of a genuine lol. The first scene with prelude to the afternoon of a swan was so beautifully shot, then following that up with repeating the theme with a long tracking shot of diarrhea was genius. Many more uncomfortable laughs too, bomb vest bit was great too.
  5. these guys are 2 mins around the corner from the new house I'm moving into at the weekend, looks like they've got a good selection: https://beershophq.uk/ourshops/stalbans
  6. Molly's Game - Aaron Sorkin still doesn't know how people talk, every character is Aaron Sorkin. Tobey Maguire was a real prick, Cera was great, as was Jessica Chastain's cleavage. Black Panther - loved the design, music was good, the action scenes weren't great though, most of the jokes fell pretty flat. Also, Martin Freeman's accent was terrible. This is also in my growing list of unwatched downloads, must get around to it soon.
  7. They wanted to have a url that auto-completed when you type a 'g', for obvious reasons.
  8. The Utopia guy is doing a TV version of Iain Banks' Consider Phlebas for Amazon. One of his more straightforward actioney space opera works, so should be pretty straightforward to adapt. It has some epic cinematic sequences in there, can't wait to see how they turn out. Banks himself really wanted someone to make a movie out of it, I think the only attempt anyone made to do anything before was a Luc Besson helmed Player of Games which never got off the ground. David Fincher was supposed to remake Utopia at one point too, but nothing seemed to come of that.
  9. I liked the acting, especially the back and forth between Rudd and Theroux. Skarsgard was decent too, given he had very little to work with.
  10. What do you make of this scathing review? lol, what a terrible review. especially this bit: "the barrage of inexplicable twists that closes out the film" There was, at most, one twist, and it wasn't much of a twist seeing as it was foreshadowed pretty obviously the whole way through the film. No idea what he's on about, normal linear plot development must be too mentally tasking for this poor chap.
  11. Mute was pretty good I thought, took a while to get going, the visual style was a bit all over the place which was off putting at first, but about half way in I started to like that about it... it kinda had one foot in the present still, which is something that's usually lacking from scifi. directors are too eager to make everything look completely different. Think it'll get better on repeat viewings. Theroux and Rudd were great.
  12. these are really great films. especially liked Last Life in the Universe (his follow up, Invisible Waves is also really good, both films really beautifully shot, Christopher Doyle is the shit). Gozu is mental, really funny too. yes. David Wain is great, haven't checked out his new one yet, the national lampoon biopic, supposed to be good tho.
  13. the thrusters are just used to keep the antenna oriented back to earth.
  14. Is this any worse than the americans who cheer and clap at the end of movies, or whoop and bray like morons at a taping of some shitty current affairs comedy? No, no it is not.
  15. lol, a red bandana would have had a very different meaning.
  16. voyager isn't going to explode when it runs out of fuel.
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