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Everything posted by caze

  1. The Cloverfield Paradox was really terrible, just a pastiche of various sci fi films, and terribly written. That so little effort was put into the characters, and especially the science end of things, put it in the same realm as those awful ScFy channel movies (it's probably worse in many ways tbh), just with better actors and a bigger budget. The only redeeming quality was the production design, and some nice visuals and effects here and there. Shame, as the previous one was great.
  2. caze

    House Music

    I think Roy Ayers was the first person to use that house staple, the high string-synth drone? This was maybe the first use of it from a few years earlier (30 secs in):
  3. caze

    House Music

    first of all nobody was shit talking about you specifically, it was mostly lopez. and lopez said the following, he wasn't just bigging up a ron trent track (which literally no-one has a problem with): he can't wrap his head around people liking some good music because there's some other good music being released? bizarre. it's not only possible to do both, it's actually very easy!
  4. caze

    House Music

    it's not a private chatroom, spiral has given you an invite now on two occasions. you don't need any software, just a web browser. re house music vs. 'hipster' house music: I like music that sounds nice to me, that's about the only criteria I have, maybe some of it won't stand the test of time and I'll forget about it when something else comes along, or maybe I'll still be listening to it in 20 years time. who knows? not sure why any of this is making you angry though.
  5. Scott Walker? Michael Chapman? Robert Wyatt? Jah Wobble? Alan Wilder grew older with Recoil and created a whole new genre. yeah, them too (and I'm a big fan of Robert Wyatt, but he probably peaked with Rock Bottom - still good stuff after that, sure, but that was the pinnacle for me). everyone has a limited amount of inspiration in them it seems to me, some have more than others, but no-one has a limitless supply.
  6. That double rocket landing was the best thing humans have done in a long long time now. Good job.
  7. hardly a surprise, all musicians get shitter as they get older.,
  8. caze

    Now Reading

    nice little short story of hers I just read: http://interconnected.org/home/more/2007/03/acacia-seeds.html
  9. it's amazing, but especially this bit, don't think any other comedy has come close in that regard. really rewards rewatching as well, because it effectively retroactively inserts new jokes.
  10. thor 3. yes, amusing but ultimately pointless. less shit than the previous avengers movies.
  11. IT, very good, first decent horror film I've seen in years. Great script, logged great, funny.
  12. Or maybe it would be worse? Sectarian and tribal conflict, genocide, Islamist theocracy, and ethnic fascism all precede the west's involvement in the middle east. That's not to say there haven't been lots of cack-handed interventions, all I was saying it wasn't the root cause, which it wasn't.
  13. no, the west is not the root cause of anything in the region
  14. Doesn't really contradict what I just said, even if the numbers have increased under Trump, they're still a small minority of the overall civilian casualties, and the military aren't affected by the shutdown.
  15. I'm pretty sure federal bureaucrats aren't directly involved in killing anyone, so no. Also, most of those brown children are being killed by brown adults, the amount of kids being killed by the US military is pretty small really.
  16. Beamish is much nicer than Guinness, not sure how easy it is to come across outside of Ireland though. Murphy's is also decent, a bit easier to find. The nitrogen makes all the difference though, so a proper draught stout (from a pub who knows how to do it right*) is not really comparable with a bottled stout. It's nice to see craft brewers getting more into using nitrogen too, had a nice Trouble Brewing stout on draught when I was back home over christmas. If you want a tastier bottled stout from Guinness they have other options too: ...and * Thankfully gone are the days that you could only get a decent pint in Ireland, you still come across a place that doesn't clean it's pipes or know what they're doing (e.g. pulling the pint in one go, or getting the angle wrong and fucking up the head) from time to time but Guinness do a good job of maintaining standards with their pubs now.
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