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Everything posted by caze

  1. 128kbps ftw (I only discovered the other day that the Come To Daddy rip I had was 128, lost the CD years ago).
  2. Scaramucci seems completely unhinged: http://www.newyorker.com/news/ryan-lizza/anthony-scaramucci-called-me-to-unload-about-white-house-leakers-reince-priebus-and-steve-bannon
  3. yep, having a positive result in a test tube is no big deal really, there are numerous substances that will kill a cancer cell like that, getting it to work in an actual patient is a whole other thing. and results with rodents rarely actually translate into humans, especially when it comes to cancer. there's been no large scale studies at all showing positive results from treating cancer with cannabinoids. there is lots of good research showing it works with preventing nausea, relief from chronic pain and as a multiple sclerosis treatment, but that's about it. there was a big meta study that came out this year and that's the conclusion they came to. https://www.nap.edu/read/24625/chapter/2
  4. if cannabis is also what's compelling you to post all this stuff you're not making a good case for it I make a good case for using Cannabis to cause apoptosis in any cancer cell in my body No you don't because no it doesn't. If anyone follows your advice there's a good chance their cancer will develop further, increasing the chances of them dying, good job asshole.
  5. I think you might be suffering from early onset dementia.
  6. caze

    Now Reading

    I loved every minute of 1q84, was the first thing I read of him too. re: boring stuff, Red or Dead by David Peace takes that to ridiculous lengths. would try your patience even as a Liverpool fan, but similarly there's a payoff to it as well.
  7. why do you want to buy something he's giving you for free?
  8. I've tried other computers, even remoted into a different country and it still didn't work.
  9. Where did this come from?? and why did he mute half the channels?
  10. https://youtu.be/RpPb-WlJmik I guess this makes more sense now.
  11. maybe they're reading this thread and fixed the UTC bug.
  12. I watched the first two and a half seasons of that before I gave up, thought the first 1 was pretty good, 2nd one started going downhill, but the third was just terrible. What are they on now, season 5?
  13. Both trailers make this look pretty good. I trust Villeneuve, it's gonna be good.
  14. Holy shit! nevermind, it's just a mix cd https://latenighttales.co.uk/products/badbadnotgood :(
  15. That was just a follow on from round one, the first time a few weeks ago when Macron out masculine-hand-shaked him, winning the bout. Trump was out for revenge, but he changed tactics, went with the i'm-not-letting-you-have-your-hand-back-shake. He only managed to draw round two though.
  16. Were people always this dumb? Who remember?
  17. I am also just about to subjugate myself to the Mummy. I already watched the half in the bag, and it made me curious to see just how bad it is.
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