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Everything posted by caze

  1. It wouldn't surprise me if it was part of the story in some way, especially given Jimmy's work with the OAPs.
  2. yeah, his outward appearance as a remorseless asshole was pretty convincing. wonder what Chuck's will situation was, can't imagine if he had time to think about it before his final decision he'd have left it all to Jimmy, perhaps not without a condition that he stopped practicing law or something, he may have written him out long ago though as well. some of that HHM payoff would certainly help him and Kim get back on their feet, doesn't seem likely though.
  3. here's a suggestion, you could take any vinyl, print out a scan of the cover from TECH004, place over the vinyl, put it on the turntable, turn the volume down, press play on the turntable, then press play on your computer which has the two soundcloud tracks lined up. problem solved!
  4. I just had two double gin cocktails, I nearly fell over a few minutes ago. Yes that's right, this is a success.
  5. I don't think he did, he just posed as a worker so he could get in to take photographs of the house.
  6. toast is pretty amazing as well, maybe we should start a toast thread :thinking3:
  7. They also gave Go Plastic a 5.1, a profoundly ignorant piece of music writing that.
  8. caze


    Yeah, the chad shit is lame, the virgin-x stuff is good though, write what you know I guess.
  9. this sounds a lot like Jade helm paranoia. I'm guessing the military are always doing training like this?
  10. Nice try, but we weren't.
  11. You seem to be the confusion. The Roy of the Rovers EP has a Ceephax collab/remix/tribute on it. It also has a track with the same name as a Ceephax track (from Ceeland and also United Acid Emirates). He's not being cheeky, he's just saying he wished Roy of the Ravers hadn't used the same name (not sure if it's a remix, or he just nicked the name, but whatever). Both tracks are great though.
  12. It's not that complicated.
  13. Emotinium is a remix of this: https://ceephax.bandcamp.com/track/emotinium Though it doesn't sound much like it, hence why he should've renamed it I guess. Because that track is a Ceephax remix of a Roy of the Ravers track.
  14. caze

    Now Reading

    I want to read the novels of Steve Bruce (former Manchester United defender and current football manager), they look really really really really terrible (in a good way). http://shocko.info/words/2015/7/16/striker-by-steve-bruce-the-full-review
  15. Insignificance is one of the best albums of the last two decades.
  16. just got around to this now, good stuff. I like to keep telling myself that it's not that bad, that the checks and balances still seem to be working, but that op ed from the german jewish newspaper was pretty chilling.
  17. according to him Go Plastic was mostly done using the QY700 and an Eventide DSP4000
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