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Everything posted by caze

  1. "Fear is the mind-killer" quite accurately sums up Trump's support and it's consequences.
  2. Liked the first episode of Black Mirror. Not exactly subtle, but it's ok for satire to overdo it at times.
  3. caze

    Now Reading

    coincidentally I just started reading Count Zero last week, seems ok so far.
  4. yeah, you not heird of sovereign citizens? or freeman-on-the-land as they call themselves over here. most of them are just lone dumbasses, though some of them are organised nutters (like those Oregon BLM standoff folks). this is a lol: http://www.yourstrawman.com/ the american ones believe some hilarious shit, one of the things has something to do with the US government not being legitimate because it has the wrong kind of tassel on the flag: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_protester_conspiracy_arguments
  5. ha, good work never would have guessed, but seems obvious now that you point it out.
  6. more sovereign citizen idiocy: https://youtu.be/_nFG3dYjbcQ
  7. ouch, lots of boos. loved the 'YOU'RE A JOKE' shouted out. Clinton went down a lot better, better joke writers no doubt, but better delivery too. Check out the face of Giuliani when she hits him, beautiful. https://youtu.be/Q0ryocAv8Zw?t=6100
  8. I had the same single https://youtu.be/LCVuIsw78yA I have zero recollection of the movie though.
  9. https://www.buzzfeed.com/benking/tiny-hand-will-be-your-new-comic-sans?utm_term=.svvDNgAM0Q#.thLNynOeWd
  10. You've spent the entire election assuring the forum trump has no chance (except maybe unless Bernie delegates were protesting) and I think Putin probably had people telling him the same thing. I'm not saying theres no chance Russia ever believed trump could win but rather that it's always been a longer game. But yes, win/win. It has played out pretty much how I thought it would play out, there was always the chance I could be wrong though (it does happen the odd time you'll be surprised to learn), and it's still possible I could be wrong (though less and less likely by the day). Polls have been spectacularly wrong in the past, though the sheer number of them this time means it's extremely unlikely. Assange might still have some bombshell up his sleeve too, which the Russians would probably know about, though you'd have thought they'd have used it by now, but who knows.
  11. Arnold is dead, think he either killed himself, or died in an accident/was bumped off. Ed Harris is just a rich dude who's been going there for years.
  12. The problem with that is that Trump has at several points had a chance in the race, if his handlers had better control of him, and if the sex pest stuff hadn't come out he might have won, especially with Russia's help. It's win/win for Russia either way though.
  13. http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/10/19/kellyanne-conway-clarifies-trump-plan-to-defeat-islam.html?via=desktop&source=copyurl
  14. the interesting thing for me was that even after the article was retracted, Trump still continued to peddle the mistake as the truth.
  15. no he's a fraud because he produces his videos in a fraudulent manner. like when he claimed he dressed up as a pimp and went to try and pass off his girlfriend as a prostitute to a bunch of community organisers, but it turned out he completely misrepresented how it actually went down - he only wore the ridiculous pimp getup before he met with the people he was conning, changing back into regular clothes to meet them, but made it look like he had it on when he was in there on the video (was all shot from his perspective so you couldn't see what he was wearing), he also edited the footage to distort what the guy had said to him. he was sued over that and settled for $100,000. he's also a convicted felon. this video looks like a load of nothing to me, the Fovel guy doesn't do anything wrong, just provides an opportunity for Trump supporters to highlight their true cunty natures. the other claims are nothing as well, would need to see the unedited footage to see exactly how he went about distorting everything, but it's pretty obvious in most cases, leading questions, taking things out of context, but mostly things that just aren't even particularly controversial in the first place.
  16. that o'keefe guy is a total fraud it turns out, not only is there nothing particularly shocking in his videos, but he only manages to construct anything of note by judicious editing and lots of leading questions.
  17. not surprising that, science fiction writers are often technological curmudgeons when it comes to the real world for some reason. musk has actually built spaceships though, so I think he may have a better idea about the whole thing than a guy with a PhD in english literature.
  18. that didn't look like space to me, pretty dumb stunt.
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