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Everything posted by caze

  1. http://europe.newsweek.com/vladimir-putin-sidney-blumenthal-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-benghazi-sputnik-508635?rm=eu I had been wondering where Trump was getting all the Sidney Blumenthal stuff in recent weeks, I had assumed it was just a chance for some anti-semitic dog whistling, and it still probably is. What's amazing is that despite how transparently fraudulent his entire campaign has been, on close to 100% of every issue, it still seems to fool a worryingly large number of people. Are people getting dumber, or are certain people just getting more brazen in their attempts to fool them? Maybe they could have been doing this shit all along if they had wanted, rather than the low level of spin and distortion that's always been around.
  2. latest poll, ouch: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/first-read/poll-after-trump-tape-revelation-clinton-s-lead-double-digits-n663691
  3. the pentagon is actively making smaller nukes. battlefield nukes. and figuring out scenarios where it's acceptable to use them. there are hawks in the pentagon.. as well as reasonable people.. who basically just want to play with all the toys and teach "the enemy a lesson" etc. the stereotypes are real in some cases. couple of questions cause i don't believe everything i read who do they want to nuke? can't imagine a reason why they would want to nuke someone like russia, thats chaos, maybe they want to reset the middle east? is that what u are saying ? also .. sources? i want to know how the people that hold advance weapons think The Bush administration were developing these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_bunker_buster, but Congress cut the funding to it so they cancelled the program.
  4. http://www.independent.ie/sport/soccer/watch-crazy-scenes-as-everton-striker-chased-off-pitch-on-stretcher-by-police-over-alleged-unpaid-alimony-35112042.html
  5. Trump probably has around 30% hardcore support, mostly undereducated and/or stupid white people (mostly men), he had another 10-15% fairly secure support in the form of highly partisan republicans (a lot of them evangelicals), then there were 10-15% swing voters which at times he'd managed to do okay with, partly due to Clinton's similar lack of enthusiastic support. Since the debate he seems to have lost a large chunk of the swing voters, and now there are increasing numbers of evangelicals and establishment republicans losing faith, almost none of them will vote for Clinton, a few might go with Johnson, but not many, so it'll just lead to low turnout for republicans generally and Clinton should sweep the EC (it looks like there'll be more than enough of them that it won't matter if she's still lagging behind with younger college educated people, many of whom usually don't bother voting anyway). Even the latest wikileaks stuff is pretty tame, the worst of it just confirms to people who probably weren't voting for Clinton what they already thought, most everyone else doesn't seem particularly bothered, there's no smoking gun in there. And even if they continue releasing similar stuff it won't matter as long as Trump keeps doing dumb shit, he seems incapable of doing anything else.
  6. I liked the bit with Hopkins and the kid, looks like he designed him as himself as a child. The bit with Maeve running around the facility freaking out was great too. Sounds like someone else is definitely playing around with the robots, trying to awaken them, leaving clues and prodding them into realisations. I wonder if the Ed Harris plotline will link up with the main storyline much, is it just a hidden level in the game, or part of the deeper machinations that are going on? It might be enough to keep showing him up as a cunt, just so we can all cheer when some robot eventually kills him. The head of narrative guy is definitely going to meet an unhappy end before this finishes too.
  7. amusing take on the veep debate: http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/10/5/13170838/pence-trump-unhappy
  8. http://abc7ny.com/news/video-mother-leaps-from-balcony-during-child-abduction-attempt/386631/
  9. she was in Duke of Burgundy, and was great in it, only thing I've seen her in. Not seen Borgen, which is what most people would know her from I suppose.
  10. next step: create a language using only four letters.
  11. The opening theme was awful, I thought the rest of the music was good, loved Black Hole Sun on the player piano.
  12. yeah, I never watched that, doubt I ever will. I can sense it's shitness even from here right now.
  13. caze

    Now Reading

    death is merely an evolutionary adaptation
  14. First Westworld was really good, haven't seen the original movie so not sure what exactly to expect (though I have seen Itchy & Scratchy land of course so I can guess), acting was all pretty good, effects were all pretty subtle and nicely done, I like how they've not given too much indication about what the actual future looks like, hopefully they just introduce that in little dribs and drabs throughout the season. Only thing that annoyed me was the opening theme music, which was generic and lame (the rest of the music was fine though, liked the little bits of modern music on the player piano). Luke Cake is pretty enjoyable so far, watched the first half. Not the most exciting storyline ever, but the acting is all pretty good and the music is excellent (Adrian Younge is great). It's better than Jessica Jones.
  15. http://kcur.org/post/kansas-city-public-library-director-says-police-over-reacted-arrests-library-event#stream/0
  16. These are the only polls from there that were done after the debate: CNN/ORC................ 9/28 - 10/2 1213 LV 3.0 51 45 Clinton +6 LA Times/USC Tracking.. 9/26 - 10/2 2319 LV 4.5 42 47 Trump +5 FOX News............... 9/27 - 9/29 911 LV 3.0 49 44 Clinton +5 PPP (D)................ 9/27 - 9/28 933 LV 3.2 49 45 Clinton +4 Gravis................. 9/27 - 9/27 3386 RV 1.7 50 50 Tie The LA Times poll seems to be incredibly biased towards Trump, and has been all along. So it does look like there was a large post-debate bump, even if you include the LA Times poll she got a small bump, and even if you include the pre-debate polls it shows he's already peaked.
  17. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/US-woman-discovers-husband-is-her-own-grandfather/articleshow/54654532.cms
  18. ...and upon further reading, it doesn't even look like a lawsuit was actually filed.
  19. It was? What was wrong with it? I didn't notice anything during the debate. The only thing I noticed was that it was fixed lower down than Clinton's was, so he kept having to lean into it to talk (or maybe that was just down to their difference in height).
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