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Everything posted by caze

  1. well, it seems like he's out of depth actually (convinced as he is that android consciousness isn't possible), so not really pulling the strings.
  2. Yeah, Arnold implemented an interior monologue style narrative to transmit the instructions/action to the androids (which we heard examples of in previous episodes and at the end of this one, i.e. the Jaynes style 'speaking' half), as well as all kinds of other unspecified details. Ford mentioned he thought they had cleared out all the code Arnold had put in there, aside from the voice commands used in analysis/etc., but the implication there was he wasn't sure, and probably had something to do with what was going down now. A combination of the reveries and possibly Lowe's fiddling around seem to have triggered some of that dormant code.
  3. https://twitter.com/aseitzwald/status/788365511780425728/photo/1
  4. another great episode, liked the Julian Jaynes angle, which destroyed my theory that the emerging consciousness was down to deliberate meddling by someone, but it's equally interesting that it was some dormant piece of code being activated that led to everything clicking into place. like the introduction of the Blood Meridian style lunatic.
  5. lol, I know that guy thinks this is damning video evidence, but that Foval guy has to be the nicest dirty tricks political operator I've ever seen. encouraging people show up to political rally's and have them say things (or simply have t-shirts on) does not make them responsible for getting punched in the face from Trump supporters. if this is the limit of the Clinton dark-arts operation it's pretty lame.
  6. http://www.theonion.com/article/onion-withholding-our-endorsement-president-until--54164
  7. nobody will ever better this anti-abortion song from lil markie:
  8. while this is all true, at least clinton has a detailed set of proposals on her website, and has done since the start of the primaries, so if a voter wants to have the slightest bit of responsibility for actively participating in democracy they can just do some simple fucking research. trump has more stuff on his now than he did in the primaries, but mostly just a paragraph's worth of text in a few bullet points on each issue (and generally spends more time lying about Clinton than actually promoting his own policies as usual - shoehorning in the emails every chance he gets). obviously if a normal republican candidate had been up there the debates would have been a lot more substantive (clinton would have been able to finish a couple of sentences without being interrupted for one thing), but even then you're only going to be able to scratch the surface in a 90 minute debate.
  9. nah, Trump just said western civilisation will come to an end when Clinton is elected, so we've got this season, and maybe one more tops.
  10. https://twitter.com/tannenbaumr/status/786916622934171648/photo/1
  11. well the no-fly-zone isn't actually on the cards at the moment, it might've made sense before Russia got involved and started mercilessly butchering civilians, but not now. NATO doesn't back it for one thing (they recently poo-pooed Turkey's suggestion of a limited one in the north, we might see one limited to northern syria if nothing else changes before the new year perhaps).
  12. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-russian-trump-idUSKCN12C28Q we better all prepare for nuclear armageddon so I guess... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. That's just the name of the character from the original movie, though he was an android so they've changed it up a bit.
  14. A new poll in Utah has Trump and Clinton tied, on 26%, with the other republican who's running (former CIA officer and Mormon) Evan McMullen on 22%, Gary Johnson has 16%. Utah last voted for a democrat in '64, LBJ. McMullen has steadily been taking voters off Trump (who had a 20 point lead over Clinton before McMullen entered the race) in the last few polls there, though there haven't been many done so it might be a one-off. Mormons are big on the whole 'family values' thing, so pussygate can't have helped him. Interestingly Clinton is only 6 points behind in Texas, even a further collapse by Trump and he'd probably still squeak through there, but it's interesting that it's even that close. There was another poll I saw there with a majority of Trump supporters favouring secession from the US if Clinton wins, lol.
  15. lol, I'm surprised yer wan on the left didn't start literally banging her head on the table.
  16. If that's about it then I agree with you and suggest avoiding Kurt Eichenwald's hack bs to make your point since he claims his article demonstrates that both trump and wikileaks are Russian operatives. Not in an inadvertent way but in a conspiracy against America. It's become his shtick this summer and it is the conspiracy theory I referred to. I didn't see much wrong with the article to be honest. It would obviously be silly to suggest that Trump is a Russian operative, but he is clearly a useful idiot being helped along by the Russians, they would much rather him in the oval office than Clinton, for what should be obvious reasons even to you. Wikileaks have gone down in my estimation as well, again, they're not paid up Russian agents, but they're clearly not simply all about transparency and the truth like they claim, obviously pushing their own agenda here (an agenda which seems largely driven by Assange's personal animosity towards Clinton, which is perfectly understandable, but let's be honest here). thing is, your moderate observations are undermined (again) by your sources. Just look at this clown: https://mobile.twitter.com/adamjohnsonNYC/status/785736619550765056 imo your points are more convincing when you state them without this kind of context. it also comes off as hypocritical bc this clearly rises to a similar standard by which you've judged other things to be conspiracies. That being said, your observations about Trump and Assange are quite reasonable. Yes, even I can agree. they're not undermined by anything, they stand or fall by whether they're true or not. I have no idea who this guy is, all I know is that this was a reasonable article.
  17. That's funny, whenever I get a flu, which is rarely, I usually do absolutely nothing about it and that also works to get rid of it in like three days.
  18. If that's about it then I agree with you and suggest avoiding Kurt Eichenwald's hack bs to make your point since he claims his article demonstrates that both trump and wikileaks are Russian operatives. Not in an inadvertent way but in a conspiracy against America. It's become his shtick this summer and it is the conspiracy theory I referred to. I didn't see much wrong with the article to be honest. It would obviously be silly to suggest that Trump is a Russian operative, but he is clearly a useful idiot being helped along by the Russians, they would much rather him in the oval office than Clinton, for what should be obvious reasons even to you. Wikileaks have gone down in my estimation as well, again, they're not paid up Russian agents, but they're clearly not simply all about transparency and the truth like they claim, obviously pushing their own agenda here (an agenda which seems largely driven by Assange's personal animosity towards Clinton, which is perfectly understandable, but let's be honest here).
  19. What's the conspiracy theory? It's pretty simple, a Russian news agency published something incorrect (they later retracted it), Trump later presents it as the truth (after the original source had retracted it), lots of idiots believe him. I'm not sure what else you think I'm saying, but that's about it. As to the dog-whistling, have you heard the way Trump has been very deliberately using and repeating this guy's name? He clearly wants a jewy name out there associated with Clinton to keep his white supremacist fans happy/angry.
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