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Everything posted by caze

  1. yep, they gave away the tickets for free, and in return they got email addresses and got a chance to talk to some dumb kids who usually sit on their asses during elections. they even had them pick up the tickets beside early voting places where they'd tell them to go vote.
  2. she cancelled it because she was receiving death threats apparently. (obviously not personally, seeing as her name isn't public, but lots of them on twitter and such)
  3. If they had done their fucking job to begin with and offered an indictment we'd have bernie running against trump and all would be right in the world. The FBI can't indict anyone, that's up to a grand jury, Comey knows they have no chance of getting one because they don't have any evidence of anything illegal happening.
  4. don't think so, this Trump supporting lady who voted twice in Iowa was charged by the local cops: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/10/29/trump-supporter-charged-with-voting-twice-in-iowa/
  5. given it's the states that run the elections I presume that would be a no no.
  6. In a poll of early voters in Florida, 28% of registered Republicans have voted for Clinton! (vs 6% registered Democrats for Trump) yikes. 48% vs 40% overall for Clinton in that poll. If she does win Florida by anywhere near that margin it will be a landslide win nationally. Early voters might not well represent the final tally though (but even if that 28% drops to 10-15% say, she'll still win Florida). http://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/exclusive-stunning-clinton-number-in-fl-798824003656 http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/poll-florida-republicans-vote-for-hillary-clinton
  7. Looks like Trump was definitely being leaked wikileaks releases before they went public: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/02/trump-adviser-clinton-emails-wikileaks-roger-stone No proof it came directly from Wikileaks I suppose, could have come directly from the Russians, pretending to have come from Wikileaks. Roger Stone is real piece of shit.
  8. Bill Weld: please vote for Clinton, basically He seems fare more sensible than Johnson, far more level headed and presidential as well, Johnson was constantly flying off the handle in interviews.
  9. rich people like to hang around with politicians, more shocking news at 11. if they were to find any evidence of an actual quid pro quo then it would be interesting, but there's zero evidence for that so far. sure it's probably unethical and sleazy at best, but it doesn't appear to be criminal, nor explicitly corrupt. given all the other issues at stake in the election, it's insignificant. at least the Clinton Foundation is an actual charity as well, unlike the Trump Foundation which seems to exist for paying off lawsuits, fixing water fountains in his hotels, and paying for portraits of The Donald (and hilariously, paying the $7 registration fee for his son to join the boy scouts! he couldn't afford to pay that out of his own pocket?!), it occasionally gives some money to actual charities, but it gets the money from other people, Trump himself doesn't give significant money to charity, unlike the Clintons who donate significant amounts of their own money to charity (around 10% of their income, all of which is public record, because of the high level of transparency of the accounts of the foundation itself and their own tax records). Trump has given around 10% of what the Clinton's have given to charities, and he claims he's a billionaire, and even a lot of that 10% is rather suspicious when you look into the recipients (conservative religious groups for example).
  10. bollards can be unlocked and removed, so they're not actually trapped.
  11. Awesome. Btw I'm not that informed into all this US election entertainment, but why wouldn't Putin want a weakened, #crookedHillary in office, whose first term will be in full attack from republicans / full investigation for all the alluded scandals? because republican attack mode in congress and/or the senate doesn't really affect US foreign policy
  12. they constantly draw attention to this as well, with guests getting shot and it not doing anything to them, that's the point. The point is that they're pointless, boring and only serve as indulgent displays. no, they're just setting things up for what's going to happen later.
  13. they constantly draw attention to this as well, with guests getting shot and it not doing anything to them, that's the point.
  14. visually it's very good actually, though it was fairly limited in the first bunch of episodes, it was basically three different looks: dusty scrub, clichéd western town, sombre clinical modern shit. they've introduced a lot more variety in the last couple of episodes though, especially the last one. I'm guessing it'll continue to develop more in the last few episodes. but even given the limited palette they're working with, the sets are are well designed and it all looks great, and is all shot nicely, the effects are subtle and very high quality (compare them to the CG in Game of Thrones for example, infinitely better). the action sequences haven't been particularly exciting, but I don't think that's a big problem as it's not really the point, is it? they didn't even bother to show Dolores shooting the guys in the last episode, it was enough that she did it, which perfectly got the point across.
  15. He was suffering from extreme toothache, the delivery girl was bringing pain meds. The toothache led to him hallucinating that a vast active living intelligence system was beaming the true revelation of the way the world worked directly into his brain (a brain which had taken a lot of drugs in it's time), he went a bit nuts and all his books from that point on were basically about the same thing.
  16. Florida man driving home from strip club falls out of truck and runs himself over http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article110524437.html
  17. But men are definitely for the draft, right? Gimme the GOOD bits of gender equality but not the BAD bits no I mean they're against the draft for both men and women.
  18. thanks for the reminder to listen to this watmm, I listened to a bunch of their other albums last week but forgot my favourite one for some reason. as good as always, half way through so far, drums have just kicked in on montagne d'or. I first bought the CD of this in Glastonbury, probably a couple of years after it came out, and when I got home to listen to it I discovered it had smashed it into little bits on the trip back. Had only really heard Orblivion fully at that point, probably had a few other tracks on mixtapes and the likes, Little Fluffy Clouds of course, but when I eventually got a new copy this really blew me away. definitely in my all time top 20 albums. I saw them live around that time too which was really great, were performing in a pyramid structure with a great laser show (they had to interrupt the set at one point when some guy climbed up in the rigging inside the tent, and they had to get a security guy on stage to talk him down, lx started fucking around with the security guy's vocals with delays and shit, lol).
  19. Seeing as most feminists are against the draft in principle anyway, it's hardly hypocrisy on their part.
  20. The fact is that Trump still hasn't matched his polling highpoint since he briefly hit it for under a week after the RNC, since that time the american public, who many of which at that point weren't paying much attention to the election, have gotten the chance to see Trump perform in three debates, that didn't go well for him and most of them have made up their minds. If anything the tightening of the polling makes it more likely that Clinton will win, given that it will help with her turnout. Though it won't help with downticket races, so the republicans have a better chance of holding onto the Senate.
  21. A trump win still isn't very likely thankfully.
  22. No it wouldn't, at it's simplest it would require two or three people, a burner phone, and some commercial encrypted communication software. The more I read about this server the less likely it seems to be in any way relevant though.
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