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Everything posted by caze

  1. about what I expect from so called independent media, journalism school exists for a reason. also, there seems to be zero information about who operates that website, very suspicious looking.
  2. reddit comments mostly call bullshit on it. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/55jywp/lawsuit_finds_millions_of_uncounted_bernie/ edit: i'm not saying there was no scam/fraud/cheat or whatever.. but this article doesn't really lay it out did nobody else notice that that article was just a repost of something posted in July? the headline was not even remotely backed up in the body of it either, the only actual information I was able to glean from it is that a lawsuit has been filed.
  3. Provide evidence for this claim please, and which specific polls are you talking about, are they all rigged? You'll also need to provide some evidence for your assertion that 'more and more people' are supporting Stein as well, I've seen nothing to indicate that this is the case.
  4. This election will not have a record number of third party votes, Nader got around 3% of the vote in 2000, and Perot got 19% in 1992 (8% in '96). Stein won't get more than 2%, she's a joke of a candidate, Johnson won't get 10%, might be closer to 5% if he keeps doing dumb shit on TV.
  5. read my sick burn out like this for the required emphasis: https://youtu.be/Ne0RrK5qJ-k?t=69
  6. I've got the sickest burns, lined up, I can do this shit all night,,,
  7. I'm really not, in fact I'm being quite sensible here, and in fact it is you that is the idiot.
  8. ..and thus helping to elect the person who least represents your values.
  9. actually, Gerrard had a good final season at Liverpool, after several underwhelming/shit/injury-ravaged seasons prior to that.
  10. I love the way Michelle Obama can't bring herself to say Donald Trump's name here: http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/videos/2016-09-28/michelle-obama-protest-vote-is-a-vote-for-trump
  11. Ibrahimovic tries to get Rooney to press, Rooney doesn't press, Ibrahimovic is annoyed,
  12. ...so exactly the same as the previous two then? sigh. hopefully they can get someone on board for the next one who actually cares and understands what science fiction is actually for, not likely though I'm guessing.
  13. moving the Trump family and Kanye West to an uncertain fate on the surface or Mars would solve a lot of the world's problems.
  14. Elon Musk's Mars colonization plan couldn't have come at a better time.
  15. My understanding is she's dead center on the political spectrum. her policy platform is to the left of Obama's. it was already fairly lefty, but then she added on a bunch of stuff Sanders asked for at the convention.
  16. no, there were multiple douchebags present I think.
  17. also the funnyordie douchebag trying to plug his michael cera on mars project, then there was some guy in the background 'just stop'. lol.
  18. I just finished watching the whole presentation, very impressive actually, very exciting. I have only been half paying attention to what they've been doing over the last decade and a bit, but they really have achieved a lot, makes me think that maybe they can achieve this. Obviously still a lot of obstacles to overcome, investment and continued technological development being the obvious ones. Would be nice to see a similarly in-depth presentation about the habitation aspects (with detailed plans on each aspect: construction/fabrication, life support, agriculture, transportation, etc), the main thing I think that was lacking there - which is understandable I guess, the transportation aspects are difficult enough to begin with. Makes me want to read the KSR's mars books again (though the systems involved in that seem quite quaint compared to this vision).
  19. "do we need any training to go to mars" "no. maybe a week or two." sounds like a well thought out plan.
  20. I mean, I did watch every season of it. But it was terrible.
  21. I don't think they are. They're also full of rabid conspiracy nonsense and so called independent news, which is some of the dumbest shit humanity has managed to produce in it's entire history.
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