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Everything posted by caze

  1. Trump was in favour of the Iraq war before it began, despite his constant lies to the contrary now (he said so himself on an interview on Howard Stern's show). He called the war a "tremendous success" just after the invasion. About a month later he called it "a mess", after that he started complaining about the money being spent on Iraq, said it should be better spent on the economy, but never criticised Bush or the justification for war in the first place. It's only about six months later that he shifts his position and starts saying it was a mistake.
  2. Nixon was hospitalised for a couple of weeks during one of his campaigns, after suffering from exhaustion. JFK managed to cover up numerous hospitalisations during his campaigns and while in office. FDR managed to hide the seriousness of the effects of his polio from the country, and even from foreign leaders he met with. Obama is probably one of the few presidents to not have any serious medical issues before or during his presidency, due to his age. Most presidents are old, and none of them are in perfect health. Trump is overweight, and has a shitty diet apparently, doubt very much he's in perfect health, though not smoking and drinking has probably helped him.
  3. Is this your opinion as a medical doctor who's studied her medical records? I've never seen any parkinsonian ticks out of her, and her recent symptoms are not in any way associated with parkinsons or any other medical condition, they are however associated with what they say she's been suffering from recently(dehydration, a bacterial infection and seasonal allergies). WikiLeaks is seriously damaging it's reputation over this election: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/wikileaks-conspiracy-theory-hillary-clinton_us_57d6f4b2e4b00642712ebbd0
  4. lol @ delet talking about other people being delusional. you are in need of psychiatric help delet, I mean that seriously.
  5. caze


    Have there been any white supremacist datbois? roasty?
  6. The polls are not neck and neck, there are some that are close (tie or +1, +2 for clinton), and Trump has had one +1 in the last week. Clinton is still getting +6 and +8 in some polls though, the RCP average is +3 at the moment for her. He's only ever polled more that +1/+2 a handful of times during the whole race, and he's only managed a single week where his average polling rate was positive, after the RNC. He's done well to stop the collapse in his numbers after the DNC, but he's still failed to show he can actually eat into her lead, he's just far too unlikable, the people who hate him hate him, he's already got all the support he's going to get I reckon. Hopefully Clinton shakes off her pneumonia before the debate, if she does I'd expect her to obliterate him. It's not impossible for him to win, but it's really not in his hands, something will have to happen to keep Clinton voters at home come election night, and given the relentless mudslinging going her way so far, and the fact that very little of it has been sticking, it'll have to be something serious.
  7. caze


    what, the death of the greatest meme? what date was yesterday?
  8. caze


    i know it's pretty stale, but #neverforget
  9. I think she's just genuinely crazy, a paranoid schizophrenic.
  10. https://twitter.com/alexmatsuo/status/772621934232276993/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
  11. that place is in loads of movies, first one that came to mind was that shitty Michael Douglas movie, Disclosure (remember that really lame 3D operating system?)
  12. all i can think about is the teacher been all excited the day before, saying to herself "this is gonna kill" The sociological gap between her generation and the generation she is teaching is huge, she'll never understand memes and thats the real problem. this would've been incredibly lame no matter what generation had the misfortune to witness it.
  13. ...plus there's the fact that drugs tend to fuck certain people up, the people who aren't easily disposed to playing around with them probably should leave well enough alone.
  14. youtu.be/lp5K_J2B5OQ you shouldn't watch it though, far too much cringe.
  15. caze

    Go Corbyn

    This is partially true, though you're exaggerating the level of criticism I've sent his way, your nazi comments in particular (there are certainly anti-semites on the hard-left, but of course I don't think they make up the entirety, or even the majority, of Corbyn's voter base, and I don't think he's one himself; and I don't think I ever used the word nazi, no need for the Godwinning). Two problems with this, first off you're not comparing like with like. It's not a double standard if I criticise Corbyn for his inept abilities in the realm of political theatre, and then defend Clinton for claims she's corrupt when there's zero evidence she's actually corrupt. They're two completely different categories of things, you might have a point if I tried to claim Corbyn was corrupt based on some flimsy insinuation, and then defended Clinton on the same charge. That would be a double standard. I've never done that. Secondly, I never had any bile to send Sanders' way. I like Sanders, disagree with him on enough that I prefer Clinton, but also agree with quite a lot of his policies as well (and where I agree with him it's generally in areas where he's far better than Clinton, mostly social issues, drugs, criminal justice, etc.). Sanders' more rabid fans were the only thing that really annoyed me about his campaign, so there was a certain amount of schadenfreude to be had in his defeat for that reason. He's far less mental than Corbyn btw. If I was american I'd have happily voted for him against Trump (or any other republican), had he won the primary. Still not a double standard, because any time I've defended Clinton it's been justifiable, I'm simply counteracting rabid conspiracy theorising for the most part. The Corbyn stuff has been entirely justifiable, and again, mostly when I've slagged him off it's for a separate category of offenses, there's really not enough going on with Clinton in that realm to be worthy of criticism (she's not the most enthusiastic or dynamic of public speakers is about as bad as you can get, doesn't always come across as particularly genuine - though she's a lot better in one-on-one situations, or small gatherings - ultimately though she's an incredibly canny political operator). Everyone has their biases, but mine are based on ideological differences, and I'm not using them as a means to ignore hypothetical failures in people I might be biased towards, mostly because I don't think those things are really the worst thing in the world when it comes down to it. It's all about what you're priorities are I guess. I'm sure if Corbyn had a 30 year history of sustained, unjust, partisan - and always futile - attempts to discredit him, I'd have a lot more sympathy for him. Mostly he puttered around in the background of British politics and was ignored by everybody (as he should be), it's just funny now seeing him thrust, completely unprepared, into the limelight.
  16. this has to be one of the least coherent things Trump has ever said, which is saying something:
  17. It wasn't supposed to be that he was just about to be whacked, maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. The point was that for the rest of his (potentially short) life, that uncertainty would always be there, he'd always be looking over his shoulder.
  18. caze

    Go Corbyn

    Yes you are, it's painfully obvious. And there's no double standard at all either, I hardly need to point out Clinton's shortcomings (I assume you're referring to her, though I don't know why in a thread about British politics, not sure if I actually have a preferred politician in Britain, they're all terrible, Tim Farron is currently the least-bad leader), it's not like there's any shortage of that kind of thing. No trite explanations of anything either, if you want to point any out and you're reasonings behind it, please do so in the relevant thread. If you really felt this stunt was pointless and pathetic then a 'lol' from you would have sufficed.
  19. caze

    Go Corbyn

    I'll happily oblige next time Corbyn does something incredibly dumb, and you rush in to the poor man's defence. Watch this space.
  20. caze

    Go Corbyn

    it's not a failed attempt at making fun of Corbyn, it's very successful, in fact I'm laughing out loud right now thinking about it again. lol. nice whataboutery attempt, shame I also think Clinton is pretty lame. but even then she didn't actually to do a press conference with bon jovi. politicians meet celebrities all the time, at functions, fund raisers, charity things, policy launches, etc. the fact that Corbyn actually organised a press conference to announce that UB40 were endorsing his campaign for leader is so ridiculously lame it falls off the scale.
  21. caze

    Go Corbyn

    this is hilarious: https://twitter.com/MichaelPDeacon/status/772909855602606080 a joint press conference?!?!? where do Madness stand on this? that's what I want to know
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