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Everything posted by Draft78

  1. Japan interview... hope to have a translation in a couple of days (a guy from fb is working on this) https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.jp%2Fdp%2F4909483799%3Fref%3Dppx_pop_mob_ap_share%26fbclid%3DIwAR3G1k6CfdYpN-xEJKHpUlk5hL0WbqLcqMgN86fOldFOiVo1ydo13dC0DfI&h=AT1oHaVtXgVMKUGNob8xTYxIgtSkGxxoelksQ37Wh-VQX2K2IyL8mgNWLis4JjnpP-q_b3lYlHnpPrVse73XNaRzLiMLLo9OfyOMOXaPUMC8YJT0IllZugBEvopYw9cyRW1EKG2Lvw&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0Nl4GX348wLybldnyUWqa3R3xaQOGmHc9j1NZpeOwA7VEvLKRcJ_mfhh9i1Qjse-4zQWn6CW6X96xcuox-PPpisGZd1apiRtDe5qCSJwJwtU_S-7mSqth_FSBLFy8YZmDvoGPrVeIvzb-ETSPpBlWsibmdVu6dA30fGhoM-xhaFE7BnYcRD9Jgm4m11YRwFxBMW0nKRisufwMRxg
  2. ...the long awaited unified theory?
  3. Well, "magic" was in quotes, referring to Alco's statement in the end if i could just read scientific literature and stare at a memento mori while pondering why i like lush pads, they'd probably lose some of their "magic" so to speak. The magic is understood in a merely suggestive sense, "abandon yourself to listening stop thinking" . My thought on reductivism is this: knowledge, in order to progress, must necessarily be fragmented, the figure of the humanist scientist is romantic (Leonardo Da Vinci), but not applicable for a practical matter: to know a topic in depth, specialization is inevitable, human mind can handle a limited amount of information. It is therefore thanks to the dialectic of the scientific community that this boundless network of "particles" collaborates in an interdisciplinary system, which results overall in civilization. If the ideal purpose of knowledge is (the chimeric) "absolute" (which today could be configured in the hope of a unified theory of physics), the method is, on the contrary, the relative. And science is essentially that thing: method. The method is based on data, and the data have no moral relevance, it is limited to exposing the facts, in the most direct, clean and incontrovertible way possible. Morality, unlike data, is not based on the objective, but on the subjective, and can vary profoundly depending on the culture or historical moment or the specific identity of an individual: it is a constant and arbitrary fluctuation. And in fact it seems to me that religious thought, which represents the adverse pole, is the highest representation of the arbitrary; no method but dogma. If I look at the thing from an "aesthetic" point of view, I could say that introducing morality into science means introducing the aleatory into the methodic: they are two antithetical languages, you get a short circuit. But I don't want to be misunderstood: I don't mean that science can cross all limits, reduce us to automatons or lead to an Orwellian nightmare, maybe I'm a bit of an asshole, but something is still saved. But to avoid this, I don't think it is necessary to introduce ethics into scientific language, but rather to prevent research from crossing into ethically unacceptable territories, and this limit should be established by an external system, which is the constitution. As for me, who, in all honesty, am a person with very modest, laconic and more than anything else suggestive knowledge, I can have fun exasperating some ideas, transforming them into slightly raving hyperbole, considering conscience and feeling as a whole of forced functions, when then, in life, if I exceed, I exceed by drive not by rationality. In the end, I have not understood a shit yet
  4. Yeah, in answering I took a drift of my own, losing sight of the origin of the discussion ... it happens to me ... but my tone was not controversial, I enjoyed it, I hope this can be seen.. As for the suggestion of being able to live with phenomenology and the simple enjoyment of direct experience like love, well, you have touched a precise point that does not stop me from writing a tragicomic episode. That business of "memento mori" I do not exclude that it is just my characteristic way of going with the flow ... well, my girlfriend (is it still possible "gf" after 40?) Does not share with too much enthusiasm my "Cartesian" adage. So she reflects: "The fact that you like me is because of the chromosomes that hold the information to recognize my shapes as interesting as a vessel to save the genetic heritage from death, right?" ... "I'm afraid so, it's not something that I have decided or asked for". "And, if you love me, it's still because of the self-preservation instinct, which instilled this phenomenon that seems noble to us and we have called feeling, but it has an adaptive purpose, right?" ... "yes, but don't see it as a trivialization of things, if anything, it is now that we observe this mysterious device that oscillates in history through us that it starts to get interesting" ... "but .. you see, the problem is not the fucking trivialization, but the obvious fact that the only thing you feel for me is a disguise of the fear of death. I'm the Fear Of Death. i mean, nice! you never stop discovering something here!". That night I felt like the miserable version of Woody Allen, and I have yet to figure out if it was good or bad. The pleasure of music, compared to cinema or literature, I think lies precisely in this profound language which, if you are in the right condition, does not require any active effort from you (critical, interpretative, analytical) but solicits strings of the subconscious that are guided without offering resistance. In cinema and literature, for example, we look for a narrative, a complete meaning (and it is a consoling thing), while in music we have pure moods, where by pure we mean not subordinated to a fact, but existing in itself. and for itself, which seems exceptional to me. A few pages before I just wrote about how, generally, the pieces click for me when I turn down any attempt at analysis. After all, I don't think it's a coincidence that music, and only music, is the most widespread and distant means of collective transcendence in history. Then well, there is what can happen by associating psychoactive substances with autechre, but here I would get out of the sow once again, I think I've already exaggerated this night..
  5. exactly what I thought: the mere fact of reality is already so full of crazy mystery for the simple fact of being, that I don't understand what need there is to appeal to supernatural possibilities to seek the thrill of the inexplicable
  6. well, the fact of scrutinizing the mechanics of pleasure should not be intended to increase pleasure, but rather to create a new one, of a different nature, which is the pleasure of scrutinizing. The pleasure derived from music remains unchanged. your point of view is more than understandable, in fact my sowing "memento mori" is more a conditioned reflex than a method. However, I must say that the attempt to consider the basic nature of things does not lead to a reduction of "magic", if anything the opposite is true: it amplifies it,at least in my case. Above all, there remains the absolute mystery of my thinking, of the fact that the present moment manifests itself in me, and that it does so according to organized codes that I can classify. This, for me, is not a reduction of magic, but just looking the ineffable magic in the face.. I mean, the fact that I am happening, that I can notice that I am happening, and that I am tempted to discern emotions - that i feel! -, creates in me a sense of alienating disorientation, which translates the ordinary into something dizzying, and this - perhaps even a little pathetically, I recognize - if associated with the original emotion - which was the pleasure of listening to lush pads - give me a result which is very far from being sterile or academic: if anything, excessively dramatic.. Then, if I hypothesize that all this sea of mystery is the supreme answer to the most inaccessible and definitive of mysteries, death, where just using a noun and an article causes a paradox, it's over! I emphasize that all this is a masochistic exercise that does not want to arrive at a sense of things, but to create a self-induced short circuit by forcing the impossibility of understanding: even giving oneself some hammering on the balls could be a way to escape the abyss of the indistinct ... mmh, yeah, maybe not the best
  7. I had forgotten the reference..
  8. I too have a keen curiosity to investigate the patterns that make me select things in the category of good and bad. You say that it is unlikely that we are born with an innate sense of aesthetics, but rather that it is the result of the social context, and of the specific experiences we encounter (acquisition and accommodation: it was not Piaget who described the process of equilibration in "the construction of the real "?). But it is also true that we are born with a genetic makeup that is the fruit of centuries ove centuries of selection, and that this could determine the way in which i process sensitive experience (therefore i introduce an innate and primitive element in the experience of my social and cultural context). A deterministic view in this sense could be excessive, but I am inclined to think that what I am, right now, is a complex combination of innate and acquired characteristics. But of one thing I am quite sure: any function that passes through my brain, even the most seemingly unconditional, such as aesthetics, is connected to the sovereign need of life: to be and persist. Desmond Morris wrote a curious book - more than anything else a collection of experimental observations accompanied by some theoretical suggestions - in which he tries to contextualize the meaning of art within a physiological perspective, looking for the reasons linked to the processes of adaptation: biology of art (here we observe the aesthetic sense of the chimpanzees, imagining that the absence of superstructures can lead to a direct and genuine observation of the phenomenon). Having said that, the effort I voluntarily make to discover and learn about musical possibilities that, on an instinctive level, would initially seem indigestible or in any case very difficult, will still carry the weight of what is my training : the very fact that I decide to make an effort towards understanding the new and the "not immediate" is in turn a legacy of my previous experience. In this sense, I am afraid that I will never have a pure, precategorial listening (now alive completely immersed in the ineffable maze of ensembles). But since I am inclined to read the world in a Freudian echo, I don't hide that all the reasons mentioned above, every articulated or primitive form of this egocentric and self-referential skein that I call "I", bears a sexual imprint. I am obviously not referring to a social or contemporary sense of sexuality, but to a very basic and seminal idea: if I distinguish shapes in space it is because I am alive, and if I divide these shapes into beautiful and ugly, good or bad, it is because ordering these forms makes me survive, and the name that has been given to this taxonomy of the whole, I believe is precisely sexuality (which is the only tool with which life finds a compromise of persistence with death). I probably went a little further, and I will pay dearly for the consequences of this generic and brutally reductive rant, but now it's done I too am more seduced by Coltraine than by Davis. Bitches is an extremely unpredictable album, it manages to tune distant motifs and tones, sometimes you almost have the impression of listening to two different bands playing in unison (which is very interesting), however I find there are blues and psychedelic influences that takes me back to the regions of the known, to the criteria of a period, while Coltraine sends me right where he wants, without compromise, without mediation. Things like this seem to be out of an era ... who knows if time will prove me right
  9. ...in my case the tracks click when I stop listening to them analytically. It's not the amount of listening, but the way of listening. It happened to me recently with ecol4: with careful listening I was led to divide the beats from the melody, and so I had a 4/4 with some tricks, and reverse feedback over all... nothing special after all. Then, a few days ago, I was working on a graphic, and Plus did its job ... I was focused on a defect in the paper, and I certainly didn't pay attention to ecol4, and that's how it clicked: I felt it as a whole, spontaneous, and it was another thing. Analytical listening turns out to be interesting only after the first step: each previous attempt is just a boredom exercise. This is a phenomenon that happens to me only (or almost) with Ae, and I don't think it happens because I forced myself to like them, but rather, it is the reason why I like them with such a lasting effect. Or am I trapped in a labyrinth of mirrors between will and pleasure and it is no longer possible for me to discern what is the effect and what is the cause?
  10. WTF !! I didn't dare ask, it seemed to me that two years of work was more than it was humanly possible to hope for. Thanks to this point it is an understatement. The file without mastering is another great gift, some details are more evident (aka Rob is lush as Claudia Cadinale in her twenties), although of course the sound is less intense. My hearing system is experiencing the year of prosperity and abundance.
  11. well, now I live in the belief that Ios & Digit, in addition to having filled a historical chasm, have also unlocked the soundboards of the ovetrsps tour. Living at the bottom of Pandora's box could have side effects. The first one that comes to mind is a new endless and dark tunnel of Sean pls. Sean pls
  12. the crescendo at 34:00 with Rob erupting with 90101-5l-l over the poignant melodies is one of the most dizzying spikes in the history of Shane Embury and Robert Rodriguez
  13. r o b i s t h e t r i p g r a d i e n t
  14. it was in effect a shit day, suddenly it turned into a piece of history
  15. I never felt an intrusive sense of urgency, if anything a genuine desire to stick your ears into the sonic nectar of the gods
  16. amazing! chances are your reconstruction will sound better than the sounboard would have sounded, had it been recorded that night. I mean, the sounboard would have consisted of a mix conceived for an avenue system, then mastered, and the balance of the various channels would have been the result of improvisation. Here, on the contrary, we will have a well-finished and chiseled mix in months of work. Digit Nord extract is an ear massage. It would be awesome, in the future, if you ever feel like it, to have a series of short excerpts, with elements hidden in the final mix, mixed as if they were short traks ...
  17. it's true, they generate visions, but I refrain from describing them because then you end up calling me beautiful flower
  18. PS I wrote and I confirm that this is not a problem for me, but I'm not at all sure it's not a problem for Focalor
  19. It is nothing more than a naive thing, which for some reason, evading boredom, I did. I have not uploaded the video on youtube to avoid violating the copirights, but since it is 30 seconds of a live, I considered it acceptable to share the file here, in a link that will expire in a short time, without creating any kind of damage. I then perhaps insisted, but in the wake of irony: if someone wants to see it it's ok, otherwise it's not a problem at all. The very fact that all these letters have been written has loaded this trifle with an expectation that far exceeds its content.
  20. I believe the shipping details would be visible if you chose the tracked delivery option. I received the email a few days ago, but I have not yet received anything - i'm from Italy - and, as in your case, I cannot check the status of the order. The same thing happened with sign and everything was fine
  21. Draft78


    this is for the nostalgic of the glorious night in Krakow
  22. therefore, the Japanese bonus track could be a piece of koto music under anesthesia. I see a not too hidden thread of malice behind Sean's grin. Rob, as always, let it pass, rolling his eyes and bringing a hand to his forehead.
  23. ^^ no one has downloaded the supreme meeting between Focalor and erhcetuA : when the Lord of storms has emerged there will be no redemption for you, mortals
  24. I couldn't resist https://we.tl/t-8360EBaJvT
  25. considering that the live response to oversteps was Yuggoth's hymn, I am inclined to believe that the set that will follow Sign - moreover in the occurrence of the planetary collapse - will be useful for him to manifest in our dimension.
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