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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. "Who did that song?" the autechre did it.
  2. it's surprising the cops didn't shoot more people on jan 6th. i know at certain points it would've meant they got charged and overwhelmed but more than one cop was knocked out. i guess they have their rules of engagement or whatever. only squeezed off the one round when the idiots were close enough to the congress people and VP to be a problem.
  3. unless they make fewer "mistakes" next time. most of these people are looking for a snowball rolling down hill they can stick themselves to. if something like that happens a bunch of them will get shot at, die or go home. it's not beyond realm of possibility for there to be some minor shooting incident between a few of the more hardcore types and some swat or national guard or cops or whatever. i'd expect the state's reaction to that would be a serious crack down + chaos in congress as the more idiot type of congress people double down on the stupidity and "FREEDOM!" talk. it's all a spectacle. pretty obvious that whatever these people expect to happen is not going to happen. the IRS is not coming to take their guns etc. the IRS is increasing staff because there's something like $1 trillion in uncollected taxes and also wealthy people have tax attorneys and auditing them takes a lot of resources and time. the orange elephant in the room is trump and whatever happens w/his rhetoric etc and if people latch on to it in any kind of real way. personally, i'll be riding my bike, trying to make music and sweating out the next heat wave. ugh. 95+ all next week.
  4. there's thousands of his followers and conspiracy tards getting into "go mode" pointing to the funding for the IRS in the new bill just passed as a way that they'll come take their guns. they think the IRS is going to take their guns. "america is over. this is the first move" and all that kind of shit. as if the federal gov't is going to have 20,000 IRS agents by friday this week to start collecting people's guns. wtf. it's all so dumb. also, who puts the american flag at the head of their bed? lot's of people put the cross there but the flag? is that a twin bed in his mom's basement? wtf w/these people who need some kind of thing to latch on to to give their life purpose... to feel important.. fucking idiots.
  5. there's thousands of posts like this on tiktok from these "badasses" who think an appropriations bill is IRS coming to take their guns. america is so dumb.
  6. needed a new cycling hat. my pabst $7 hat that i've worn for like 10 years is starting to fall apart. it fits perfectly though and most cycling hats are too damn tight and strangle my skull. i have good winter hats for cycling but not good summer hats other than the PBR hat. so, i stopped by my local fav bike shop who has some hats. found some larger ones that fit well. spendy but i figured good since i won't be buying any more hats for years. so, i didn't look in the mirror w/the hats i tried on. .only judged the fit by the feel of them. bought 2 hats. both fit well. when i got home i looked in the mirror and idk. one is kinda baggy in places. the other has a tiny bill. both fit under the helmet perfectly though so there's that. they're not ideal but are comfortable and i will have to wear them in i guess. tldr. hats i bought aren't perfect but will do.
  7. had to buy a new oven recently. got the last one available of the one i settled on and feel like i won the lottery. one place told me they could "give you a rough idea of when i might be available". found one in stock locally somehow. used cars, anything that's a smart device etc gonna be tangled up. america needs new traditions that aren't tied to commerce but that ain't gonna happen.
  8. pretty dark tone he's going with. looks like this fucker is gonna run again. god dammit. fingers crossed we avert this carnage. i don't think we'll make it thru another 4 years of this guy.
  9. i'm gonna guess there's just as many tracks from sean that are the bomb. even just the snippets in the streams where he shared a bunch of clips. not to mention all the years of cohabitation in the studio. seems like obvious they're both killing it and always have been. together, solo .. whatever.. there's gonna be dope ae releases. oh, another rob track is Pro Radii i think right? or mostly rob? i forget. i think he said it was done by rob on MPC1000 w/the jjos. but also, the live sets.. 'the system' .. i think it's impossible to separate it all. what if the bomb track came out of a thing that one of them designed and the other performed? or they passed it back and forth tweaking/adding max patches... yada yada yada.. besides..we all have our favorite tracks and most of them i have no idea if it was one or the other or both. i thought the one person who said a few times "all the tracks have the same texture and sonic signature now that you're using max when before all the different bits of hardware gave it all a much broader texture and was less homogenized" - was hilarious and sean kinda laughed and made mention of "well what tracks do you think were made w/what gear?" or something. or 'it's not all max ya knob'.
  10. https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_rg9nwbgU9F1rkp3i3.mp4
  11. "we won't ever say who did what track" "i don't know. you'd have to ask rob it's one of his" lols. love it. separately and together they make the best music. hearing about what was used on some of the rob tracks reminds of a quote from one of the older interviews.. i think the sound on sound one.. "we're mutants.. we'll use anything we have. it doesn't matter" - or something like that. and it's so true. whatever they use together or separately they fucking wail on it.
  12. maybe trump had the pee tapes all along and they were in the safe. he would break them out and watch them now and then when feeling low. "nothing cheers him up like his piss tapes from the russia trip"
  13. probably checking the toilets for docs. srsly though i guess they have a warrant w/specific things they're gonna look for/take. also perhaps means the justice dept is investigating him and gathering evidence? idk. or could be in relation to the atlanta case.. so many possibilities. i wonder if some of alex jones' texts lead to this?
  14. i'm worried about long covid. i have enough problems w/o adding that to the list. it's a crap shoot. chances are healthy, vax'd and boosted people will get over the initial infection but the chance for long covid is always gonna be there and that shit can vary wildly in seriousness and some people basically become disabled from it. also, a crap shoot for me because compromised immune system so if i can be a little more careful and aware then that's that. it's not a big deal to wear a mask for me.
  15. indoors or in a big crowd yes. i went to a show last friday. first in long time. saw some friends hadn't seen in a long time. was good. i had my mask off in the venue until more people started showing up. then i masked up.
  16. i watched it th eother day. it's crazy how boomer fucked the whole thing was. fucking hippies who had no idea what kids were into at the time and booked "Peace and Love" with Korn and Limp Bizkit. so dumb and typical profit fuckery with farming out all the tasks to contractors who screwed up. that main woodstock dude just had no idea about anything relevant to the crowd that would show up based on the bands they booked. it looked terrible though.. so many testosterone meat heads in the crowd and just generally a shit show of an experience. even if it didn't go all lord of the flies it still looks like it was awful. but really it's like "what did they think was gonna happen?" looks like they made their money though. i remember thinking "who the fuck is gonna go to that? look who they booked." i was about 28 at the time and had a good laugh at how shit the whole thing looked.. just a cash grab. the security issue was just horrible. those poor kids who go assaulted and raped. wtf. outrageous.
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