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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. kinda obsessed w/this track "Civilization Day" by ornete coleman. once it gets going. holy shit the drums.. the bass.. incredible. nice when the arrangement gets stripped back some too. kinda blowing my mind.
  2. that legislation will have a much snappier title. edit: but they're all mostly "harm reduction" things and not "we're going to do a revolution and change the system via this barely passed legislation"
  3. it's something. anyway.. it fixes some funding issues in the ACA which will help a lot of people. also allows medicare to negotiate drug prices so that's good for the olds. the summary is good indication of what's what.
  4. so, w/the game of thrones prequel starting today i was reminded of this excellent review from season 8 episode 3. it's hysterical and captures all the rage/hate/disappointment at the way that season was going.
  5. ben shaprio's wife's vagina is so dry.. joke here somewhere.
  6. i've never had any issues w/the mastering of those either digital or vinyl. always thought they sound great. do people not like the way they sound?
  7. oh please throw him under the bus. i hope they all save themselves by throwing trump under the bus. pls pls. trump needs to be buried already. down in flames etc etc. https://www.businessinsider.com/mick-mulvaney-how-classified-docs-trump-mar-a-lago-2022-8
  8. was messing w/this yesterday. thanks for the heads up on this app. it's interesting and fun. stumbled on all kinds of stuff.
  9. whoa. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/world/daughter-of-russian-philosopher-alexander-dugin-killed-in-car-explosion/2665902 yeah.. here's dugin in 2014. i can't verify the translation though.. edit: Ukraine denied any responsibility. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/08/21/7364194/ Quote from Podoliak: "Ukraine, of course, has nothing to do with yesterday's explosion [Darya Dugina was killed when her car exploded in flames on the outskirts of Moscow - ed.], because we are not a criminal state, which is the Russian Federation, and even more so not a terrorist state."
  10. Roel Funcken, Evac, Mr. Projectile, b0t23, Proqxis - Portland Sept. 2nd 9pm-late 21+ sliding scale $10-$20 Azoth NE Sandy Blvd & 87th ave.
  11. i think he's working on another release now. not sure of a release date but shouldn't be as long a time span as between the first two comps ?
  12. lol. "What does Jordan Peterson have to say about music?" i think he must listen to some kind of weird religious prog band that are a bunch of musical elitists in some weird circle of academic douchebags. but he also sings in church real loud. no doubt. he's showing up in youtube ads before videos now.. promoting something i made sure to not remember. but it sounded awful. someone sent me a link to r/jordanpeterson post about climate change. comments were terrible. jordan peterson sucks. i make sure to mention that when i can.
  13. that could be part of it. some people respond to be ignored or when someone is indifferent to them. but follow your instincts. well.. idk.. my instincts are bad when it comes to relationships,.. so is my advice probably. thought: i like the smell of people smoking weed. i wish someone would make weed incense.. not "weed flavored" but w/actual weed so i can enjoy that. my ex was a daily smoker and i miss the weed smell. i smoked weed the other day.. just a tiny bit of a pinner. it was good. then i smoked some more and had mega heartburn and tension so i guess 50/50 but i liked smelling it in the house.
  14. this could also go in the "What's right with florida?" thread
  15. yeah. .i thought it fit in well. it's got some moments and runs through its course pretty steadily.
  16. the "we'll adapt. it'll be fine" narrative really means "i'm rich... so i'll be fine. fuck everyone else. it's their problem".
  17. recent study/climate modeling. https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/health/2022/08/17/climate-change-study-predicts-125-degree-days-missouri-heat-belt-2053/10329049002/
  18. not that it can't have it's own thread. it's so bizarre and weird and amazing.
  19. i hate all that shit. like the scented things people buy to plug into wall outlets that emit some bullshit chemical flower smell.. then when done it goes in the trash. fucking manufactured desire. a solution to a problem no one has... but hey.. seems like a great idea! let's buy 6 every other week at the grocery store because gotta have those! fucking OCD type shopping shit in america.
  20. omicron specific vaccine boosters likely available in a few weeks. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/omicron-specific-covid-boosters-are-coming/ moderna and pfizer are coming per national news networks today https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/know-omicron-specific-moderna-covid-165200202.html? so that's good.
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