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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. Using data collected from around the world on illicit drugs, researchers trained the computer to come up with new drugs that hadn't been created yet, but that would fit the parameters. It came up with 8.9 million different chemical designs. https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/local-news/vancouver-researchers-create-minority-report-tech-for-designer-drugs-4764676
  2. Sub Media's "system Fail" series.. 9 parts. dystopian news show from the last 18 months-ish. it's old news at this point but has a lot of content focused in other countries that is/was not covered much here in the states. there's a silver lining/hope etc in the organizing they etc they interview people in the middle of it all. kind of fascinating presentations. it's smartly done to hook the viewer and get them to stick around for the interesting interviews etc. lot's of content on the submedia home page. https://sub.media
  3. he wants to suck jesus' cock to save the west from postmodernism devils. the comments on that video are hilarious. "so glad he's finally fighting the real enemy. the devil is real!"
  4. i stayed in austin for a minute in about 2003 and was charmed some by the place even though i almost got runover more than once while crossing the street in the crosswalk w/the walk sign. i couldn't believe how huge the place had gotten the next time i drove through there in 2015ish. it was like houston traffic.
  5. yeeehhhhaaawww!!! fuck regulations am i right? it'll be fine. soon there will be wall to wall freedom loving tax cheating billionaires all over texas blasting off and building slave colonies in space away from prying eyes and international earth laws.
  6. i think texas is more diverse than that. it's a huge state. dallas, austin and houston are massive cities. houston in particular is full of young people. there's tons of art and music and good food etc. but yeah.. generally, the image of the gun loving rugged individual cowboy type is something that still exists in texas for a reason. texas is a big sprawl though. gridlock and sprawl. it's probably more complex than people want to admit but everything probably is.
  7. been watching a bunch of flatland videos the last couple days. so many great riders over the years.
  8. bespoke got updated to v1.1 lot's of fixes and new features. ? https://www.bespokesynth.com
  9. that guy said that deer was walking around outside his house like that for a while.
  10. also, unrelated tangent but didn't want to bump the thread so edit: christian identity shit is simmering.
  11. i'm not debating it. i'm not saying he's wrong or disagreeing.. but you know it's gonna be aired constantly and will be annoying as fuck as all political ads are. i hope he wins. he'd be much better for everyone. the voter triggering will be severe during the campaign so texans.. i'm sorry you'll have to deal w/that shit.
  12. you can bet "he'll take your guns" is going to play on repeat. i hope he wins for the sake of the people of texas. maybe he'll reduce some harm there. i don't expect any politician to be a savior but perhaps make a dent and make some smart decisions here or there.. anyway.. get ready to see this clip day in day out starting.. probably this month.
  13. yeah.. it was some predatory shit. mortgage brokers, bankers, financial institutions all got fat on fees and commissions. totally self serving and should've been prosecuted for fraud and/or negligence in many cases. some people should've gone to jail for sure. but they're doing a lot of the same shit again.. not the easy mortgages but the bundling of them and selling them as a product to investors.
  14. totally different world though. the financial products that blew up the world in 2007/8 didn't exist in the 70s and 80s or even 90s. bundling mortgages together to sell as a product to investors didn't exist. this became a beast to feed. more mortgages were disguised as 'good' when indeed they were bad but they were given AAA ratings by the ratings agency because of how they were repackaged into bundles of thousands. this was then sold to investors. $45k over 30 years is a pretty small monthly payment w/a fixed APR. it's a much lower risk than a 15 or 30 year apr that is adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) which can fluctuate wildly and a monthly payment can go up greatly pushing it into the unaffordable range for the mortgage holder. if you haven't see it you should watch "The Big Short" - based on an amazing book. the screenplay won an oscar for how it explains all this complex shit to people. it's a movie i watch once a year or so to remember how the fix is always in and to renew anger at banks for being such fucking shitbags.
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