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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. oof. “Even if you’re someone who doesn’t share anything, Facebook could potentially reverse-engineer your emotional persona by filling in the blanks from your like-minded friends’ emotional states. In other words, the more your friends emote and translate their soulful moments into basic data points, the more Facebook can determine what makes you tick, too”
  2. the Leftovers a good series exploring a lot of things including voices, hauntings etc. mostly related to trauma.
  3. sounds like they need to build a few more pools.
  4. it's one of the records that stands alone to me. such a specific thing about it. when i want to hear it there's no alternative.
  5. it's threads like this one that are a gateway to essential oils, white lady magic, Qanon
  6. "Ancient Alien Demon Theorists say a resounding YES!" but really.. humans have been imagining all kinds of things and writing/drawing/painting them forever. it doesn't mean those things are real. i mean.. ya know.. there's a thing called fiction.
  7. the food cart w/good burgers i want to go to is all the way across town. i need gas.
  8. i've never liked the interface but have gotten some really nice sounds out of it.. or well... sounds i like a lot. i think it can sound great. the OP7 chipsound fromo plogue is great. i like it a lot. classic sounding but can be weird of course. the arturia dx7 is also good but interface is slow for me. lot's of clicking and dragging etc especially the envelopes. requires doing the same thing 10 times or whatever.. and like all arturia synths you have to program it to get rid of the sheen they put on everything that makes it super lame commercial plug in sounding.. but i've gotten lot's of good shit out of it. some wicked acid bass things.. but i don't enjoy using it. i wish every synth had the absynth morph feature where you can morph a preset a little bit over and over again. great way to 'find' sounds and starting places. edit: and totally agree about u-he stuff. i like it all.
  9. "your fuck stock is ass prone. nutcocker" lulz
  10. this sounds like a copout to me. passing the buck to some higher power whispering in your ear and then saying "it wasn't me.. it was the demon".. i mean.. this can be rephrased.. like drug addicts who say they 'have a monkey on their back telling them to do heroin' and they need to get that monkey off their back. the point is no one knows and anyone who says they do know is selling something. if imagining demons it's a thing that helps you get through some shit and helps frame the battle you're having with yourself so that you can identify the problems and exorcise them then go for it.. but creating fictions and imaginary scenarios has potential to become a delusion that further pushes a person away from reality and into their own world as a means of coping with reality or ignoring reality. reality is too hard so make up some powerful demonic nemesis to frame the reality you exist in and pit yourself against it.. this might be comforting for a while but it's entirely possible to disappear into this make believe world of battling a demon or whatever and further estranging oneself from reality. i mean.. i guess that's ok. reality is hard sometimes. creating a way to exist in it is something a lot of people do subconsciously because to fathom all of reality and the barrage of information at our fingertips complete w/endless atrocities etc is confusing as in wtf am i supposed to do w/all this information and how do i exist and do the things i want to do all the while knowing that somewhere a soldier is walking around w/a baby impaled on a bayonet and there is a garbage patch in the ocean as big as a country? anyway.... david foster wallace often referred to his depression as a black sail taking him over. i suspect other people have similar ways to describe it. but overall it's described as the "tyrannical oppression of brain chemistry". “The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.” if one is going to make up a story about depression and demon whispers etc i suggest writing it all down and seeing how it looks on paper.. which is maybe what this thread is about but i think it's important to realize that it's probably unique to the author and others might say something similar but conceptualize those whispers as something else. i don't know what i'm talking about though and i'm just some fucking guy on the internet. edit: i recommend watching this if you can. it's pretty interesting and sad and crazy w/regards to childhood trauma and blocking it out
  11. can't get enough of this fckn record. sittin in the sweet spot listening to vekoS always draws me in.
  12. posted this in the youtube vids thread but.. seems maybe here it should be too. there's a thousand angles to add.. but when considering human consciousness and that we all will die as well as eeveryone we know or have ever known it seems kinda irrelevant.. as to what matters. insert rust cole monologues.. so, if human consciousness is special and not something granted to any other animal/organism on earth then it seems a shitty bargain ay? i mean.. if it's not exclusive to us then at least we could commiserate w/octopi or dolphins or dogs or something.. but seems like it's just us who are aware that we're going to die and we learn that pretty early on. my point? idk. but along w/knowing what we know we also know pretty certainly that we're also, as a species, shitting it all down the toilet for the bulk of humanity as funnel waste into every crevasse and aerosolize into the atmosphere the shit and piss of pigs and cows and chickens along with countless numbers of pollutants and toxins.. so, we can turn the lens inwards in hopes of figuring ourselves out but if we do then it maybe will be just in time to drown as the elites live it up in billion dollar lifeboats or mine shafts stocked w/canned foods and hot breeders a la Dr. Strangelove. weeeeeeeehoooooo! sorry.. decided today to have 2x ciders after 2x cup of coffee and so shitposting? happens. as youo were. i dispute this assumption. cave dwellers were beating on rocks w/sticks and thumping diy drums and using some nose whistles etc long before any notion of 'civilization' existed.
  13. my ipod has yeesland at 33rpm pitched up a little bit. ipod > streaming except for actual piss streaming which is undefeated.
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