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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. truly, this can be said about most mainstream politicians regardless of party. the things they've all gone along with or let happen without protest is pretty terrible when looking back over the last 50 years. And then there's all the stuff that isn't common knowledge. rule changes. small bills passed in silence and almost in secret with little reporting by the press. things that have consequences. there's books about this stuff. for example: Asking the question, "what went wrong," two Pulitzer Prize-winning authors present a sweeping critique of the last two decades of American history, concluding that short-sighted greed in business and government has undermined the American dream. Original. https://www.amazon.com/America-Wrong-Donald-L-Barlett/dp/0836270010 it's a dry read but is astounding. the information contained about the structural corruption of congress is maddening.
  2. i think a lot of people are hoping this is true and a lot of other people are pessimistic about our chances considering all the other things that need to happen beyond just righting the ship to meet the challenges of climate change, wealth inequality, systemic racism etc. it does feel like we're in new territory because not that many people know how to use the long lens of history to look back and put things in context. it is hard to guess if america is more or less stupid at this time than at any time in its past.
  3. "i'm canadian" - currently most humble brag. btw - i'm packing my escape canoe now. getting ready a little more every day to paddle north. when you see the flares go up it means the piss drawer is full and I need more beans.
  4. wawawewa - narrative is gonna run strong for a while. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/peteraldhous/political-violence-inequality-us-election?bftwnews&utm_term=4ldqpgc#4ldqpgc
  5. i think he'd do better as a cabinet member in charge of some domestic department.. he'd be freed up to focus and not get distracted by world events which happens often to a president. actually, i think he'd be better off just doing shit on his own and not having boundaries. if he could do a proof of concept of some of his ideas and then get investment from foundations and stuff that might be a good fit. regardless.. i don't think kanye has any chance of becoming president. maybe if he starred in the apprentice for 10 seasons first..
  6. really thought he'd done this already but i guess not. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/donald-trump-civil-servants-schedule-f
  7. this came to mind.. it's an interview w/author of the book "how to hide an empire". pretty interesting historical look
  8. to be fair he made it pretty easy for a long time. i'm still not a big fan of his music or anything and there's plenty to turn me off about him but this interview w/joe rogan makes some things about him more clear. still sounds like he wants to start a cult at times but it also sounds like he's thinking of big ideas etc as the times kind of call for that. the religious stuff turns me off but if it's a means to an end that stays positive for other people then so be it.
  9. listening to some more of this now.. it's much better. he sounds better and in a better place. making sense etc. much more interesting to listen to. joe rogan doing a good job of things. the idea of his mega monastery is creepy though.. and reminded me instantly of Neal Stephenson's Anathem. anyway.. once he settles down some he's much easier to listen to and follow. some of his ideas are interesting and hopefully some of the positive things come off well over time because who knows.. maybe something will click for people and make sense down the road and become a thing that helps some people. shrug.
  10. america will be forever changed. i guess. i mean.. at least forever meaning for a generation and then beyond that who knows wtf will happen due to climate change, AI and general acceleration of technology and widening gap of rich and poor etc. the disinformation campaigns, conspiracy wackos who deep dive every damn thing and act on it, the breaking of america as in destruction of the middle class which is more or less gone now compared to 20 years ago.. if this election doesn't go right, if all the bad things happen (affordable care act gone, no movement on environmental issues, further descent into corruption, influence of industry on politics, religion blah blah) i think the death of america means that the idea of america as a thing, meaning it's promise (even when that's bullshit to a lot of people), the idea that america is a leader in the world and does the right thing, and domestically is still kind of united in a common culture or osmething.. that goes away.. the permanent fracturing of america is the result of all this division. the inability for americans to recognize other americans as being part of the same idea or place or whatever.. that goes away.. america will have to reinvent what it means to be american because right now a lot of people don't know what that is i think.. and reinvention takes a long time. there's a lot of people who would love to just straight kill people on the other side of their argument. that's some rambling bullshit i wrote up there and it's hard to put into words but some articles did it pretty well.. https://spectator.us/end-american-empire-dominion/ https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2020/8/19/the-end-of-american-history-begins-in-america/ https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2020/06/america-image-power-trump/613228/ Even in previous moments of American vulnerability, Washington reigned supreme. Whatever moral or strategic challenge it faced, there was a sense that its political vibrancy matched its economic and military might, that its system and its democratic culture were so deeply rooted that it could always regenerate itself. It was as if the very idea of America mattered, an engine driving it on, whatever other glitches existed under the hood. Now something appears to be changing. America seems mired, its very ability to rebound in question. A new power has emerged on the world stage to challenge American supremacy—China—with a weapon the Soviet Union never possessed: mutually assured economic destruction.
  11. https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2089629184415/just-in-fox-news-president-and-several-top-anchors-advised-to-quarantine-after-being-exposed-to-covid-on-flight-to-debate?s=oldSite&ss=i2 Several big names at Fox News Channel have been advised to quarantine after a fellow passenger on a private charter flight from New York City to Nashville for the presidential debate tested positive for Covid, including Fox News Media President Jay Wallace, chief political anchor Bret Baier, anchor of “The Story” Martha MacCallum, and two of the hosts of “The Five,” Dana Perino and Juan Williams.
  12. also: “White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows stunningly admitted this morning that the administration has given up on even trying to control this pandemic, that they’ve given up on their basic duty to protect the American people,” https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/us-elections-government/ny-meadows-surrender-control-pandemic-biden-20201026-7gtpapqabjgy3pknehwimrffvi-story.html
  13. wtf stream of consciousness tied to a kite and let go into a hurricane forever ascending up into the edge of space.
  14. then his math was wrong or his xbox price was wrong. everywhere i've looked on line has spotify at that .003 cents base royalty rate. shrug. if you google you'll find the answers in detail or even just check spotify $0.003 is accurate. royalty for radio play is way way higher. there's always more details. https://www.rollingstone.com/pro/features/spotify-million-artists-royalties-1038408/ here's a royalty calculator https://tunemunk.com/spotify-royalty-calculator/
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