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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. just as i finished cooking and everything was perfect i suddenly had to poop
  2. did you the youtube post? go to there.
  3. jfc pitchfork fuck off what are you even talking about? edit: also i wonder i fthere's a bonus?
  4. jesus.. he's a lunatic. his body language is so repulsive. what a load of bullshit out of his mouth.
  5. more info here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/birds-guitars-exhibit-montreal-fine-arts-1.3331646
  6. i think it would be kind of hilarious.
  7. oh totally.. bask away.. it's still filtering through people's eager ears. Moves of Ten didn't come immediately after Oversteps and i expect a similar timeline with whatever the 2nd album is that they release. I'm just expressing enthusiasm for whatever the next installment is by say "can haz plz".
  8. just heard a story on NPR that's super heartbreaking. interview with native person who's part of the trio of tribes that intersect trump's border wall. she was good and holding back profanity and anger. it was hard. so, there's a spring that's sacred to the native people that's water is being used to mix concrete for the wall at that area. the spring is used by migrating animals, deer and other 4 legged friends, who are now dying on the opposite side of the wall because their migration route is blocked and they can't get to the water and grazing around the spring. also the spring is home to an endangered turtle which will also die out of the spring is destroyed. she described the spring as being drained. they've been protesting and blocked a road and were tear gassed. this is after they tried all the regular channels of taking things to court and dealing with the local reps in congress etc who have ignored their pleas. legit hope all these fucking republican fuckwads die on the toilet.
  9. Sean said they prepped 2 albums for release. i suspect this will go like Oversteps then Moves of Ten releases. i want the sequel as well ?
  10. i've made playlists of all sorts of things and as soon as i put one autechre track in the playlist it's followed by like 7 or 8 other Ae tracks because can't just pick one.
  11. Exai is teh fucking god. i'm all for whatever playlists people put together. on streaming services it seems like something someone will just put on because lazy as fuck and also wanting surprises. i usually tell people who want to get into ae to start at the beginning and just go in order. spend a lot of time w/each release. hard to judge young people's habits these days when it comes to music. a lot of young people are into weird deep end shit. we had shows at work of some quite adventurous, noisy, droney, bombastic etc performances and loads a young people were well into it and totally captivated and open minded and connected to the thing they experienced. it was encouraging really. so, as for what's a good intro.. fuck it.. let people get in over their heads and swim to the surface for air if they need it.
  12. first time i heard that track it was like 4am and I was on the rooftop dancefloor/outside area of a club called Simon's in gainesville FL in a proper for the environment state of mind and it hooked me hard and i didn't know anything about the track and didn't find out until years later that it was an Ae remix. it may have been the first Ae track i ever heard actually. 1994.
  13. big oof. https://lawandcrime.com/2020-election/usps-special-agents-raided-home-of-qanon-aligned-mail-carrier-who-allegedly-hoarded-and-threw-out-several-bags-of-undelivered-mail/
  14. the guy he's talking about had his youtube channel terminated for harrassing employees multiple times. he's such a twat.
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