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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. someone switched the song to some autechre.
  2. beans get that protein in your body. i do a lot of potatoes.. probably as much as fat hobbits eat.
  3. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT MF DOOM RIP true legend.. wtf. fucking fuck. https://hiphopdx.com/news/id.59830/title.mf-doom-has-died-cause-currently-unknown# https://www.instagram.com/p/CJefkDalNYo/?igshid=jojfrkanfmdb
  4. fuckn blender actually died today. had the thing loaded up. turned it to blend and it just went click and nothing happened. fucker. had to pull the old oster pitcher bender out of the cupboard. makes a decent back up but wtf. $100 blenders don't seem to last more than a couple years. $25 classic "strawberry daquiri maker blnder from the 80s" lives forever. went by the store and the line was out the door. need to get some groceries but fuck a line. went to the alternate grocery store. got a trickle batter charger for the car. it's been hard to start because i never drive these days and this morning i didn't think it would start.
  5. get vaccinated. lose some weight. do core work to help my back. avoid getting a job as long as possible. build that max patch. collect/deliver on hugs promised during the pandemic. learn to be comfortable with having a folder full of finished tracks on the hard drive. read more books/less time on internet. connect with people i want to connect with. make a will. shit on donald trump's grave. beans and rice and tomatoes are all you need.
  6. these idiots are just trying to appease trump and his base. "we did all we could please re-elect us"
  7. crazy. i wonder what the cause of death is? if not covid then what?
  8. it's very slow but i couldn't not watch it. it's so counter to current attention spans. it's compelling in many ways and super weird creepy and ultimately brutal. it changes.. it has chapters. it turns.. but the turns are not any less slow. he makes the world's he portrays foreign.. sometimes inhuman. i watched all of it and i'm glad i did. his stuff, all of it that i've seen, is like a moving photoshoot. that probably sounds stupid since we're talking about movies which are literally moving photos.. but the lighting and the details and wardrobe.. it's all kind of intense but muted. i don't know.. it's hard to explain. the neon demon is like that too in some ways though is more cohesive with its subterranean LA model world and fame etc.
  9. "when i post cultural or political topics they get way more interest than when i post my tracks"
  10. that's really interesting. thanks for the link. it rounds out the context for me.
  11. it's a pain. a few years ago i had to go to a bunch of fmaily weddings. like 4 in one year.. and i skipped one. and now there's another scheduled for this summer and i don't think i can do it. they're all on the other side of the country.
  12. it's been a while.. had to watch this to feel better today.
  13. i've only ever heard black people say it in reference to white people.
  14. it's definitely a sarcastic southern thing black people form the south say in referrence to a white person doing the thing that any decent human being would do but expecting praise for it because they're white and in the south. like holding the door open for an old person and thinking that you've parted the sea and delivered the jews to paradise. i'm not sure why my brain connected that saying with this thread but that's brains i guess. edit: now that i think of it it's also a jab at white people being two faced. one way in public but another way in private, in teh voting booth, in the field wearing white hoods and robes and burning crosses but big smile and "pardon me let me get that door for you". i'm going to sleep before i start referencing Bulworth.
  15. interesting experiment. wasn't aware of that. i remember the milli vanilli controversy.
  16. yeah.. it's kinda gross. in general i find being disingenuous intollerable. for some reason this reminds of something i heard growing up in florida.. "well, that's mighty white of you" . when someone wants extra credit for just being a human being. white hero trope. "thanks for our civil rights. so mighty white of you". can't recall where i heard it first. probably between some adults when i was a kid. anyway.. i think constructive criticism is an art and a lot of people don't know how to do it and usually just are dicks about it and can't be objective. for some people it's a hard thing to learn. often it's better to say nothing. the internet is a big weird place with room for all kinds of non-mainstream shit on mainstream platforms. anonymity can still be had if that's desired... as can unapologetic presentation. the fans and haters seem to appear regardless. directing people to the welcoming places and building community around it takes guardians (fuckn mods). my back hurts.
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