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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. what questions were you not asked in the first AAA that you hope to be asked in this AAA? are you still using max or is it all elektrons? how do you name your tracks? what's with the north face jackets? do you think you'll make music with more melodies like the old days? any chance of a LegoFeet release? how do you feel about the term "IDM"?
  2. Win or lose I hope trump falls down the stairs while deplaning air force one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. just a recapp of trump's covid response w/timeline etc. Last Week Tonight w/john oliver episode from yesterday
  4. has already said "investigations will continue regardless who wins/loses the election" also this
  5. this is what happens in portland. they organize the trump truck parades and they just drive around. the majority of them are people who live in washingtion or rural counties of oregon. the whole point is to troll the libs and harassing douchebags. it's why the patriot prayer groups and proud boys come here too. we're a target because portland metro area is a tolerant inclusive place. they think they can own the libs or whatever but also they have a persecution complex or something. they've done this even prior to this year's craziness. in 2018 there was an attack or two where someone got out of one of these trucks and punched a gay kid or something. i forget details but they've attacked and harassed people on random streets in different neighborhoods.
  6. i see. i do think the problem is people more than anything. not that there's too many of them but that they refuse to recognize the problem or are unwilling to make changes. so, imo it will be hard to maintain the current standards of living w/o those big social changes.. more than just banning straws and plastic bags in some cities. the government and industry can lead but they don't seem entirely motivated currently.. even if there are a lot of individual people and companies looking for solutions w/lot's of passion. the netflix attenborough doc is far more in the doomerism camp than the planet of the humans doc.. but the evidence attenborough presents is undeniable. we really are on a cliff in a many ways. i do agree there are a lot of solutions and changes that can reduce the effects of climate change and slow it down. I'm not sure i agree that it will happen. some of it will. some of it won't. I hope it does and I try to live in that place but it isn't easy.
  7. i watched the whole thing and i expected it not to mention nuclear since it's still on a lot of people's shit list but for me it only makes the argument stronger for modern nuclear power to exist. the doc is a little hacky but i don't see doomerism as far off from what reality to be so perhaps it's hard for me to discount that since i'm not overly optimistic about things. and i do check that in myself all the time and say "hold on.. shit doesn't have to go that way" but there's so much supporting evidence for things being really super fucked and waiting for humans to wake up in a real way and recognize the problems we need to solve and everyone needs to get on board and go all in. edit: after watching docs like Kiss the Ground (hollywood hippie doc about soil that has some good interesting science put into practice) and the attenborough doc on netflix.. there are a thousand different solutions that will have to be rolled out and they'll sometimes be different in different places and that's good because local/regional solutions will fit better.. and i think all this stuff can happen if/when people wake up but the fight against the big dollar industries will be a struggle to put it simply and what are the odds of the future winning?
  8. does the link you posted explain why? the doc was linked to me by a friend. i take all things w/a grain of salt and i'm not evangelizing it. i know a lot of people are pissed off about the doc. is it not something worth watching? edit: read your link and honestly it all seems like just a difference of opinion. i think both things can be true.. if that makes no sense.. then i think there is reason to be apocalyptic and also reason to accept the facts of big business doing big things and making money.. but the fossil fuel industry intertwined in green energy is obvious in a lot of places. there's still a lot to figure out about a path forward. I can be critical of the doc but accept part of the reality it presents. after watching the Attenborough doc on netflix it's hard not to be apocalyptic at times and realize what it will take to change things in a real way. it's a big ask for a lot of americans and the developed world. it's hard not to imagine the world in the future with comfortable mega rich people and everyone else surviving on food pellets dropped by drones.
  9. we're pretty much fucked. i'm half way through this doc about how renewables and green energy is intertwined and reliant on fossil fuels. bit of a reality check.
  10. have had similar experience w/someone i know who is in his 20s. an engineer. has a really interesting job making things for healthcare purposes. fixing MRIs and making parts for things like those robots that do surgery. spends lot's of time w/doctors in hospitals etc. After a couple years he finally admitted he thinks healthcare should be free. He said many things over the previous 4 years about wishing the right would go big time on renewables and environmental conservation. he's somewhat of a Futurology type who is way into tech and design etc. but there's a huge disconnect when i make sure he understands that those things he thinks are part of a better future are in no way part of the plan that the right has embraced and is pushing. there really is some kind of fear that capitalism is only safe in the hands of the right and w/o the right w/their finger on the scale we'll end up a socialist country like cuba or venezuela or whatever non-realistic example. even after explaining that socialism isn't what biden and most or all of the left is pushing for.. just a better safety net, better education ,free healthcare and like 5% more taxes on people who are fucking rich. Once he said "well, if you were in my tax bracket" which i just said - "stop dude.. just stop". he's also anti-abortion, smokes weed. but grew up in a conservative household. so his parents did a number on him i guess.. as happens to a lot of people. i told him no one would know if he votes for biden and he could tell his conservative family he voted for trump... but i'm sure he voted for trump out of fear of communism marching down main street or some other fantasy drilled into people's heads. how can educated people be so stupid? it's not even a conservative philosophy at this point.. it's something else. i have a conservative or two in the extended family who stayed home in 2016 even after asking them to just hold their noses and vote for hillary for all that is sane.. but nope.. even though they were afraid of trump and his wacko followers they couldn't bring themselves to vote for hillary. college education with masters in business but nope.. can't do the selfless thing and swallow the pride. but that's hillary and they all hate the clintons because what/// fuck it.. we have a few more days and we'll see what's what.
  11. blame IBS. or it could be your thyroid. or allergies.. collitis or something.
  12. he's a twat. srsly. youtube random normie is accurate. put it on a year from now and maybe he'll get it then. spend a month w/each autechre album in chronological order.
  13. oh.. please don't get cocky.. he's not out yet.
  14. it would totally fuck up Cascadia. we can't have that. Cascadia is the dream. I'm going to report these idaho fucks to the BSA. https://zapatopi.net/bsa/
  15. a bunch of conservative assholes want to move borders to make a mega super conservative state. all because they're sick of democratic politics. https://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/2020/07/move-oregons-border-petitioner-files-federal-lawsuit-in-quest-to-move-17-counties-to-greater-idaho.html
  16. trump is just promising anything to anyone as he's always done. he even changed his religious affiliation from presbyterian to general christian to appeal to a wider audience of jesus people.
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