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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. oh.. please don't get cocky.. he's not out yet.
  2. it would totally fuck up Cascadia. we can't have that. Cascadia is the dream. I'm going to report these idaho fucks to the BSA. https://zapatopi.net/bsa/
  3. a bunch of conservative assholes want to move borders to make a mega super conservative state. all because they're sick of democratic politics. https://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/2020/07/move-oregons-border-petitioner-files-federal-lawsuit-in-quest-to-move-17-counties-to-greater-idaho.html
  4. trump is just promising anything to anyone as he's always done. he even changed his religious affiliation from presbyterian to general christian to appeal to a wider audience of jesus people.
  5. free advertising. alex jones.. such a tool. joe rogan being 'controversial' as well i guess. maybe some of the $100 million they gave joe will trickle down to musicians.
  6. not to mention wrecking the post office. edit: 538 is tracking voting and voting problems. https://fivethirtyeight.com/live-blog/trump-biden-votes/ A Legal Battle Over Absentee Ballots Brewing In Minnesota The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has just ruled that Minnesota cannot count ballots that arrive after 8 p.m. on Nov. 3. Earlier this month, a federal judge upheld a state court agreement — originally approved in August — that allowed the counting of absentee ballots received up to seven days after Election Day, but state Republicans quickly appealed the decision. In its ruling, the 8th Circuit wrote that the state legislature, not the secretary of state, had the authority to set election law. It also instructed the state to segregate the late-arriving ballots; it remains to be seen whether they will be counted.
  7. don't forget whatever shenanigans come after election day in the courts. trump team is ready to call the election over on election night and push the decision into the courts in an attempt for ballots not counted yet to be disallowed. This would be contrary to every election which usually isn't certified until after election day. Ballots are always counted into the days following the election.
  8. i've seen several reports about it spreading in the states from lot's of indoor gatherings of friends in peoples houses and stuff. people feel safe "oh i'm just with my family and a few friends" having a BBQ or celebration of some kind. Apparently lot's of people are doing that kind of thing and it's hard to monitor and hard to track etc but in USA it's apparently the type of event that is the source of lot's of spreading events.
  9. seemed inevitable.. but i didn't expect it to happen on day one of the release of PLUS. some parts sound pretty interesting but i only scanned through it. I really like to stripped down nature of these releases by themselves. PLUS is perfect imo. all the sounds occupy the right amount of space.
  10. someone layered SIGN and PLUS
  11. check the youtube page. they did a fakenews broadcast using deepfakes that is covering stories about deepfakes. META. i hope they keep dumping weirdness there. it's a nice branch of absurdity and imo much needed. the south park pandemic special was good. need more absurd fun good time shit to get through this winter.
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