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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. that was my thought.. it's hard to find the optimism. he had to provide a path forward though or it would've just been a horror movie. i think the human race is difficult to move in that direction w/o massive changes in leadership and education. a lot of people just don't get it or don't care. i also watched "Kiss the Ground" on netflix recently which is a few years old doc about top soil and how important it is to trapping carbon and how it's being ruined by modern farming techniques. It's worth watching. some good info in there. It's a bit "hollywood hippie" at times but overall has good science and is one of those things that fits in to the "we should do this to fix things" plan of attenborough. getting people to move to a plant based diet (or lab grown meats) and to stop having a ton of kids is a big ask for a lot of people even if it's the right thing to do. part of me was thinking "well, i'm glad i don't have kids and will be dead before all this shit peaks" and feeling really sorry for all the young people and anyone just being born.
  2. watched the new netflix david attenborough doc. it's a must watch.
  3. ignatius

    Rob pls

    it's ok that you put milk in the bowl and then the cereal. it's ok.
  4. he's already done more for fish than any president ever in the history of god's great country, the USA. btw qanon fruits are saying the dems gave trump covid in an attempt to assassinate him and the 25th amendment chatter is the next arrow in the quiver.
  5. so lush. it's heavy to me. it'll be interesting as it ages. it's so different in some ways. i hope the 2nd album that sean mentioned does come forth like Oversteps + moves Of Ten.. I'm curious what the counterpoint or addendum or whatever.. will sound like???
  6. AGNB - man. i wish both these crews would just meet once a month and fight on a soccer field like soccer hooligans in poland.
  7. https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/joe-biden-abc-news-town-hall-presidential-debates-1234797920/
  8. it really is amazing how they just keep doing that. release after release it's a new world.
  9. doubly worrisome since Sign is the name of my pet goat.
  10. i haven't listened again yet. that first listen of the live stream was intense. need to wait a few before going in again.
  11. this got buried 74 pages back so reposting. little interview about SIGN https://sfj.substack.com/p/autechre-sign
  12. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-calls-ag-barr-indict-joe-biden-26-days-until-election-1537518 stable genius ready to poison his opponents
  13. mine says "Download 0 of 11 tracks" but the tracks are there to download when i click on download i get eh choices of formats that pop up
  14. downloading :))))) thanks sean and rob.
  15. this last track is just killing me deader than dead. so good.
  16. maybe SIGN 2.. the green one.. will have all the beat fuckery? ?
  17. there's some sub bass in this stuff.. listening in the studio.
  18. this is ncie all the way around. such great sounding synths. super lush sorrow sadness melting embers and such.. i wonder what film will icense some of these for stuff?
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