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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. right, it's fucking crazy. super spreader event. i wonder how many people they each infected in the following days. contact tracing is happening i think so we'll know sooner or later. stay the fuck away from republicans.
  2. trump had a big fundraiser just a couple days ago at one of his golf course/country clubs. big dollar fundraiser so rich donors. i'm having a hard time thinking there wasn't lot's of handshakes
  3. not really sounding like Ae but somewhere in the dope experimental sound design abrasive weirdness tent. https://tomhall.bandcamp.com/album/bestowed-order-on-chaos
  4. oof. also, i think he could just be taking the headlines away from everyone but himself.. though worth mentioning the only reason that people found out about hope hicks having covid is that reporters broke the story.. the white house didn't share info on her positive test and symptoms which is shitty.
  5. Although Hicks displayed symptoms on Wednesday evening, Trump flew to his golf club in New Jersey on Thursday and held multiple events. https://www.yahoo.com/news/president-trump-says-he-and-the-first-lady-have-tested-positive-for-covid-19-054718866.html
  6. he'll take the russian vaccine and then when it magically saves him he'll roll it out around USA
  7. edit: i wonder if he really has it or if he's trying to make some sympathy ploy or be magically healed in a few days like big strong man
  8. what a weird decision not to look directly at the camera but stand pointed sideways some and turn her head. is this one of those "get my good side" type things? is that characterization of her previous life accurate? i know nothing other than she was a model.
  9. what's funny is this tweet/video came out hours before hte debate. lols. Borat2 incoming!
  10. The Republican former Sen. Rick Santorum said that asking President Donald Trump to denounce white supremacists was a low blow because they were his voter base. https://www.businessinsider.com/rick-santorum-trump-right-wing-extremists-voting-base-2020-9
  11. i hope in the next debate, if trump acts like a bratty toddler again, that biden treats him like one. asks him he needs a timeout.. "hey Donald you seem upset. Maybe you need a timeout.. or a hamberder" or e just tells him to "save your blathering nonsense for twitter". the door is wide open for such zingers if it seems appropriate. "ah, shut up man" is a good start though.
  12. Trump when he saw Joe Biden getting a hug from Jill Biden. https://i.imgur.com/zzL7iYA.gifv Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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