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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. down for that. so long as it's not burning man
  2. oops. guess that crossed the line. sorry!
  3. i like the artwork. seems fine. i'm sure it'll look good on the vinyl sleeve
  4. great news! https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/covid-19-can-wreck-your-heart-even-if-you-havent-had-any-symptoms/
  5. that's a fuckn bike truck! dope. a friend used to ride one all over seattle to make deliveries for a bakery. i think his had a road bike rear end though so big wheel in the back.
  6. anyone think we get an EP in february/march?
  7. ae store is being dumb. bleep working fine.
  8. damn. preorder vinyl already sold out. i guess i'll have to find a copy locally whenever it ships to shops.
  9. I have a Wauvenfold 12 in the record collection. some good jams on it.. i forget what it's called..
  10. ignatius

    Rob pls

    wow. that worked almost!
  11. it would just be a graphic of hands that says "it is washable"
  12. at eventideaudio.com.. Pendulate.. free promo synth from new fangled audio.. refreshingly different and sounds really amazing. https://www.eventideaudio.com/promo/pendulate
  13. if you need to get rid of rats or mice.. this is the best way https://v.redd.it/hu3viwdtp5k51
  14. according to the article he was in hospital back in mid june. i guess he recovered but there's no info about his status really.
  15. i've had it bookmarked for a while but haven't dug in yet.
  16. aye aye aye.. this is from a while ago.. the essay.. worth checking out if you haven't
  17. did i say that? i was just giving context. these things don't happen in a void. i hope they catch the shooter. but your argument doesn't add up. look in the mirror. read back your own posts. the guy in kinosha shouldn't have been there running around w/an assault weapon. also, the protests in portland and various scuffles between proud boys and antifa or normie BLM protesters have been back and forth for _years_ here. at some point some of this became personal for some people on both sides. little grudges.. like gangs or soccer hooligans. and the police have typically been very one sided.. supporting the proud boy types and even coordinating with them while arresting left protesters. the police also have not bothered to track down the alt right ex military guy who threw fucking pipe bombs a few weeks ago and blew some shit up in the near by park to the down town protests.. not to mention the guy who pulled a gun at that patriot prayer rally and pointed it at counter protesters.. so.. the escalation was inevitable since the cops are absent on so many things. that being said.. it sucks someone got killed. it's bad all around. a lot of this is local and unique to portland. if/when they catch the shooter we'll know more about his motives and who the fuck he is. i wouldn't be surprised if he's some boogaloo boy since they tend to hate cops. he could just be some asshole.
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