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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. kid throwing watermelon = genuine lol
  2. yeah.. same. it's because trump can't interrupt like he did before. but at times his face turns read while he's waiting and i enjoy that moment.
  3. he's nuts. doing better? idk. he sits there fuming waiting for his mic to be unmuted which is kinda fun to watch. trump is really speaking to his base. he's doing fine in that regard i guess. he's not answering any of the questions about not having a plan for anything but i'm sure his base is ignoring that. biden is doing fine. holding his own even looking 'strong' and making sense and not stumbling too much. he's making good points within the context of the debate. gotta say it's all pretty tiresome though and i can't wait for it to be over. i do hope trump has a stroke soon.
  4. got my tax refunds and property tax bill on same day.. again.
  5. dietrich at complete had the jackets leftover from another project and sold them to us for cheeeeap. so we scored some deals where we could.
  6. seems about right. 10 inch records are always more expensive. a few years back i did a couple vinyl releases of 200 each, 12 inch, and it was around the cost you were quoted if not a little less. Not sure who you got the quote from but i had really excellent experience with Dietrich Schoenemann at Complete Mastering. he has a lot of connections. so, he did the mastering and cut the master and got us in line at a pressing plant for a good price. he sort of took the ball and ran w/it. saved us a lot of time and headache. http://completemastering.com https://complete-usa.com/h/manufacture.htm don't forget sleeves/jackets/artwork. a good way to go if you don't go full color on the artwork is to find a local screenprinter. these were screenprinted and everyone was really happy w/the way it turned out. made for nice unique release/artwork since every one was a little different.
  7. it's so good they should just change the name to scienceTube
  8. the problem will be the leftovers from the last 4 years.. if biden manages to get elected and trump leaves w/o shitting up things even more. Can't imagine him stewing in the white house for a few months waiting for his replacement. The real wackos are activated in america now. they're out of their basements, out of their private clubs, conspiracies are running wild, so many things that were the bulwark against those things are at diminished capacity. the state department will have to be rebuilt, as will the EPA, USDA and every other department of government. they've all been smashed with massive blows to their funding and personnel. another 4 years of trump will indeed be like a pandemic for democracy and american government.
  9. if biden gets elected and manages to get a stimulus bill out there, protects healthcare, gets his infrastructure bill going and rolls back trumps tax cuts.. that's doing something imo. all hinges on what the senate looks like of course and fucking supreme court. will a biden adminstration fix some of the systemic problems in USA and make sweeping structural changes? doubtful.. but tax changes and infrastructure would be good first steps to those things possibly.
  10. my brother's wife got one f these emails.. i'm guessing it's russian troll farm at work. https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2020/10/20/brevard-voters-threatened-emails-purportedly-proud-boys/5997458002/
  11. this is all pretty hilarious and not unexpected. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/10/trump-campaign-cash-woes Where the campaign has dropped major money on advertising, it might as well have put the cash through an industrial shredder for all the impact it made. In January, Trump spent $10 million on a Super Bowl ad when he didn’t even have a Democratic challenger, in a pointless pissing contest with Mike Bloomberg. Last fall, he dropped $250,000 on an ad that ran during Game 7 of the World Series, after the booing against him reached“almost 100 decibels” during Game 5. The campaign also sunk $1.6 million on TV ads in the Washington, D.C., media market—where he received a humiliating 4% of the vote in 2016 and has no chance of winning in 2020—so Trump could gaze adoringly at himself during Fox News commercial breaks. Meanwhile, $310 million can’t be accounted for because it went through limited liability firms, which is precisely the amount of sketchy one should expect from Team Trump. And while campaign manager Bill Stepien insisted that money is not an issue, donors seem to be growing suspicious about whether their money is in good hands: Republican megadonor Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam, recently donated $75 million to Preserve America, a new pro-Trump super political action committee that is not controlled by Trump World political operatives. One of the reasons the group was founded in August is because there is deep distrust among some GOP donors that the existing pro-Trump organizations would spend the money wisely, according to a Republican strategist with direct knowledge of the matter.
  12. since G. W. Bush the dems have tried to take the high road instead of just pushing through their agenda when they have a majority. they always fuck up because they aren't united and they infight over bullshit. the republicans just bum rush the show when they have a majority and the presidency. they don't give a shit what the dems want or what the dems say. they aren't interested in civility. they want power and whatever means to an end is good enough for them. democrats never realize this and they miss their opportunities. hopefully, if biden wins and the dems pick up some seats here and there.. they seize the moment and push through some core bits of their plans immediately. otherwise they'll spend 2 years arguing over details and then the midterm elections come and who knows what will happen then...
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