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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. it was down more than a couple hours for me. i'm sure i missed some opportunities to post memes.
  2. same. i have a friend in Whitehorse in the Yukon. visited her several years ago. had an amazing time. don't think i could live there especially the WTF cold as fuck winters. i loved BC though and hanging out in vancouver a bit was great. hard to live there though because fucking expensive rent etc. not seriously thinking about leaving USA because it's just improbable for so many reasons for me. besides, portland is pretty good. hard to be american and be aware of how shitty this country can be as a world player. long time problem though. a shame we can't just opt out. i guess we have to fight for the country we want america to be.
  3. it's really far away. i went there in 2005 and it's amazing but also small in a lot of ways. as a westerner/american it felt quite different and strange. i'd go back though. the people i met were mostly great. it would take some time to get used to living there.. same for australia. had fun in melbourne and sydney though. melbourne is a bit like portland in some ways. i'd probably look to canada first if i was trying to become a resident somewhere other than USA.
  4. did laundry yesterday and had one leftover sock. when putting the clean laundry away i noticed that leftover sock's other half sitting on the floor near the hamper. so i must've dropped it when taking the laundry down stairs. so, one of the socks is clean and the other is dirty. i deliberated putting the clean sock in the drawer and the dirty one in the hamper and waiting until i did laundry again to match them back up in cleanliness.. but this seemed too frustrating.. so i put the clean one and the dirty one in the hamper so they can be together until they're both clean and can be put in the drawer. sorry clean sock.. you get to hang w/your dirty mate until next laundry day. it's not your fault clean sock. it's mine and i'll do my best not to let this happen again.
  5. it's as if he took all the stupid internet comments and made a video out of them
  6. sounds like someone fed him info about what's possible. speculation w/perhaps some inside info about the potential for a pandemic etc etc.
  7. kind of expected though ay? also, big surprise ? most rural places have limited resources to deal with lot's of hospitalizations. limited staffing... often there is no intensive care unit in the local clinic and maybe no ventilators etc. every flu season many get overwhelmed so with something like covid they'll be a mess. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/05/the-next-death-wave-from-covid-19-will-be-the-poor-rural-and-white/ The next death wave from COVID-19 will be the poor, rural and white
  8. just get consent from the donkey first OK
  9. He actually had checks delayed so his name could be on them. Gov issued checks never have the President’s name. But trump insisted. I got the letter telling me I had a check on the way a month after I got the check.
  10. Inception is crap. I hope Tenet is good but it’ll probably be crap too. Rick and morty will get mileage out of it though. Nolan is ace but inception is derp shit.
  11. no worries.. you're post didn't come across as dickish or anything.... i got the tone ?
  12. the one in front looks like it has a breast though. i posted it from mobile so it might've just disappeared into the digital ether.
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