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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. Corporate Dems = Expired Leftovers. If Bernie gets the carpet yanked out from underneath him again by DNC leadership for the sake of shoving a Corporatist down our throats, like what happened on June 7th, 2016, then it's pretty much guaranteed a second term for Trump. it'll be close. a lot of little pockets of people would plug their noses while voting democrat to get rid of trump.. but we'll see. it depends how much stink happens between democrat candidates.
  2. Trump could easily win the next election. The democrats can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory at any time just by being idiots. Also expect even more Russian meddling and trolls and all out dirty tricks come 2020. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. he handed off a number of investigations to other state attorneys. all of trumps organizations are being investigated as well as his innauguration committee and i think 2 of his children. i guess previous special counsel investigations sprawled all over and "got carried away" and mueller stuck to his focus which was russia and the election but everything he uncovered that wasn't part of his focus he handed off to other people. as for what is made public, mueller is part of that process. he sits down w/the AG and one other person who i forget and they figure out what's to be made public.. congress can actually subpeona the report if they want. they can even read the entire thing into the record if they want to. edit: part of the discussion is about who he chose to indict and why and who didn't get indicted and why. i think there's ample opportunity for congress to pick and investigations if warranted. part one of frontline rehash of events
  4. I believe him too, the fact that after 30 years he is still being harrassed by the FBI, NSA and other agencies while living miles away from Nevada is really meaningful. The documentary is nicely done but that Mickey Rourke narration is awful. i think i watched that one. i liked it. it's definitely one of the more legit ones
  5. Showed up in my Instagram feed. Fucking dicks at fb with direct pipeline Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. water heaters, AC, TV screens, washer/dryer/kitchen appliances are the big energy sucks right? was told once that if i have an electric water heater even 1 solar panel will pay for itself in 1 year just by supplying electricity for the water heater. a couple years ago i had to get a new water heater so splashed out on super energy efficient rheem water heater. seems to help knock the bill down a tiny bit but also i'm just one person here now since my ex left a year or so ago so that probably has something to do w/the reduction as well ;) stupid fw problem: it's march so "march madness" college basketball tournament is going on and it's fucking annoying even though i don't encounter any of it.. i wish it was hockey. NHL stanley cup playoffs start in april.
  7. sorry.. but that stuff just reminds me christian rock bands or the music played when two scientologists get married and after they say their vows they're walking out of the hall all goofy and smiley celebrating w/everyone as that song plays then they have a brief honeymoon and and are immediately separated to go clean tom cruise's various houses and the camera zooms way out from across a valley and tom cruise is spying on them as they clean and that song is what's going on inside his head and he has a moment of day dreaming and it's revealed that that song came to life just before he jumped up on Oprah's couch. he needs 1 bad acid trip
  8. ignatius

    Brexit :(

    "fewer" you're doing god's work, sir.
  9. i wonder if he'll play the dementia card if he gets indicted? "my client didn't know what he was doing due to his onset of dementia" or something.. it's not hard to agree that he's showing many classic signs of dementia. i watched one of those videos w/the doctor/psychologist a year or so ago and it made sense then.
  10. ignatius

    Brexit :(

    but instead of no babbies it's about running out of toilet paper. england will be wiping its ass w/dem beans.
  11. i still think he has some kind of mass of side effects from taking Propecia hair growth drug for 20+ years. also think he has some sundowners or whatever.. some kind of altered mental state... plus it dove tails w/his personality disorder of being a psychopath and lacking empathy and thinking that he's the only important one in the world. he's also just poorly aware or informed ofcommon everyday protocol for interacting with people.. so he's an awkward weirdo who's self centered and totally self serving and has th ethinnest skin and most giant ego and he's a fucking moron to boot so to us he just looks totally confused and like he exists in his own reality. his supporters mostly wait for the one liner and hope it's a good zinger at the expense of someone they don't like.
  12. ignatius

    Brexit :(

    oof. i think a no deal brexit will be full of "unforeseen outcomes" that effect far off places.
  13. that video is amazing it's an interesting channel. the vids about "is reality real" and "free will" are both interesting as well. but the aliens one is classic. the song is great.. "What's with all the anal probes?"
  14. yeah I have the same issue. Love the explanation about how the ancient pyramids are actually a re-charging station for aliens. I also love their use of language in those documentaries. They never explicitly state anything as fact and will instead use a question that suggests something could be a fact (such as the pyramids) and then go off on a thirty minute tangent about their suggestion, where they ask more questions and then answer those questions with more questions. And you end up in like 4 or 5 questions deep where you realize what they are talking about is based on assumptions built on more assumptions. it's great. i think i've seen just about every episode and some of them are just classic.. bigfoot is an interdimensional being who travels on bursts of light, pumapunku.. all those places.. i mean.. those "theorists" are all living in a different reality. it's fascinating. you should watch the stan romanek story. it's fucking hilarious. then the end.. is the big twist and i think i yelled out "OF COURSE!" there's also "patient 17" and another one called "unacknowledged" that's pretty good. there's probably 10 or so that are older that are just absurd and unentertaining that i've had on in the background. forgetable. not that many have the pizzazz of the more recent stuff.. Turns out he’s a pedophile. No, really. On August 8, 2017, Romanek was found guilty of felony possession of child pornography.[6] On December 14, 2017, he was sentenced to serve two years in a community corrections facility. He is now a registered sex offender in the level 3 program for severe deniers. He is unable to use computers unmonitored or contact children under 18, without special approval.[7][8] you ruined the surprise. i was trying not to let that out because it makes watching the doc even more incredible when you get to the end and it comes out and he's arrested. i had no idea and i'm watching this doc laughing at all the bullshit then the end comes and of course he's a fucking pedo! it's the capper. so much hokey bullshit in the documentary. the phonecalls and the little aliens peaking in on his house. i's a riot.
  15. wtf Economist? https://twitter.com/ParkerMolloy/status/1108204023033851904
  16. no.. but i've watched this like 100 times. btw ^^^ that book is $15 at amazon
  17. yeah I have the same issue. Love the explanation about how the ancient pyramids are actually a re-charging station for aliens. I also love their use of language in those documentaries. They never explicitly state anything as fact and will instead use a question that suggests something could be a fact (such as the pyramids) and then go off on a thirty minute tangent about their suggestion, where they ask more questions and then answer those questions with more questions. And you end up in like 4 or 5 questions deep where you realize what they are talking about is based on assumptions built on more assumptions. it's great. i think i've seen just about every episode and some of them are just classic.. bigfoot is an interdimensional being who travels on bursts of light, pumapunku.. all those places.. i mean.. those "theorists" are all living in a different reality. it's fascinating. you should watch the stan romanek story. it's fucking hilarious. then the end.. is the big twist and i think i yelled out "OF COURSE!" there's also "patient 17" and another one called "unacknowledged" that's pretty good. there's probably 10 or so that are older that are just absurd and unentertaining that i've had on in the background. forgetable. not that many have the pizzazz of the more recent stuff..
  18. i've watch the crackpot UFO docs on netflix. it's a minor addiction and a lot of them are hilarious. they're not ancient aliens type hilarious but still fun. the stan romaneck story is amazing. so damn funny. he has all kinds of 'footage' of aliens spying on him and recorded phonecalls and at the end there's a big 'twist' which made me lol.
  19. Fuck. New Zealand shooter apparently praises trump in his manifesto White supremacy and fascism are everywhere. I know every place has its wackos. Fuck. Sucks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. wtf w/those fucking karaoke covers.. those people need therapy though i think the idioteque dude is just high as fuck and doesn't want the party to end or can't be bothered to go to a party so he stays home and has total control for better or worse. "just gonna go off camera and snort some drugs" oh.. reptillian zillians jillian killian slayed me. that shit is subtle genius
  21. i just watched this again and it made me feel better for a few minutes
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