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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. ^^^"I read some news articles on that today" FLOL.. right.. news.. "people that look at porn and people that lie about but i wasn't looking at porn"
  2. The best i (we) was also at work at the time ;)
  3. some of the fucks who voted against the teacher raises got voted out. that's good news. fast answer from the local population.
  4. 100% accurate. I was talking with a bunch of Americans last week and they’re all stoked about the tariffs protecting America. They don’t care that cars are going to cost more and be worse, for example. They still think that America is the only country that matters, and trying to give them examples like the British empire just flies over their heads. Please do us all a favour and vote this ass clown out of office mmmkay? MAGA faithful just want to troll the libs at all costs. they really don't care. also, no one knows history. they don't teach that shit for a reason. they want people to have the stupids for life.
  5. flol. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/trump-says-mueller-investigation-is-illegal-trump-appointed-judge-says-hes-wrong/ he's such a fuck toddler. if he gets indicted he's going to call for civil war. watch.. he'll say some more dumb shit about the "2nd amendment people" https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/10/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton.html remember when he said he wouldn't accept election results if he didn't win? https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/20/politics/donald-trump-i-will-totally-accept-election-results-if-i-win/index.html
  6. Lol trump cancels raises for federal workers. So much for that 2% cola adjustment. I wonder if that includes armed forces? Fucking guy gives $4.6 billion to farmers because of his stupid tariffs and big tax cut to the rich but oh well no wage hike for the diligent federal public servant. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. and spared us all her horse shit. though tina fey is very funny
  8. The vinyl sounds great. Finally listening over here. Really excellent master and pressing imo. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. good. that asshole. she should go back up to alaska and stay there. disinviting her is the least he could do.
  10. lol. didn't realize how huge. it scales in the browser though right? no?
  11. it's a primary. so 90% of republican votes. Scott will face off against Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson in November. he coudl very well win. rick scott is a total piece of shit though. he's always been dirty. scammer. his company made it a policy to overbill medicare and they committed fraud i the 100s of millions of dollars. race for govenor gonna be nasty i think: Andrew Gillum, a Black Progressive, and Ron DeSantis, a Trump Acolyte, Win Florida Governor Primaries https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/28/us/politics/florida-arizona-election-results.html
  12. "we're going to look at if google searches can be regulated." https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/08/28/trump-wakes-up-googles-himself-and-doesnt-like-what-he-sees-illegal/?utm_source=reddit.com&utm_term=.8af8ba9a7aae also: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/trump-news-google-search-results-twitter-rigged-us-president-a8510736.html?utm_source=reddit.com
  13. Yeesh. This bit: Yeah, George W. Bush was just a fiscally conservative Republican that improved the debt by starting two multi trillion dollar wars. and gave tax cuts tot he rich at the same time.
  14. they need to convince the public who are divided. they haven't had that moment yet. that moment when all the things come together and the obviousness of it is apparent to everyone. MAGA!
  15. ok The sentence before it is about that still many fans think back to the melodious first albums. And the word "Vergangenheitsbewältigung" in this sentence, meaning "overcoming the past" is mostly used in the context how to handle to historical past (mostly WWII, Hitler, and so on). It's hard to translate, sorry. It just ironically emphasizes this sentiment, when people mourn after the good old days, as Autechre were still melodious, you know? bbqbqbqbqbq is 100% melodious though.
  16. can't tell if just fatigued from life or if chemo med side effects are finally revealing themselves. i'm unsure about the new shoes i'm wearing.
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