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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. development aid via who though? a lot of times the NGOs get it all wrong. if it was the US NAvy Seabees doing building projects then they get shit done. haliburton etc not so much. that kind of thing is tough to do right or well. nation building is a shit show. it's all a shit show really.. world bank wto etc.. is fucked up. not that it has to be but it has been for long time due to political pressures and one nation or another pulling the strings. USA invading iran would be super stupid but there's been a "Committee to Liberate Iran" for 30 years i think.. corporate partnerships w/Iranian nationals and pentagon insiders.. it's a thing that always seems to be in place.. always a plan for invading any country. i don't think the US population has the stomach for more middle east wars though.. i think iraq and afghanistan are about all anyone can stand and the tax cuts and wars have soaked up all the cash so it's only a matter of time until more bridges start collapsing and the entirety of US Infrastructure starts to fail en masse. from the electrical grid to the rail roads to power and water systems.. it's all gonna crumble. who wants to have a drink?
  2. it would unite many smaller nations in the middle east (and muslims around the world) though some would sit out.. and then it'd be the most epic jihad ever. jihad part 2 the jahidasphere! ugh this is so muddle headed pretty funny though. his tone of voice is magic and the kid throwing hte hat on the floor was womp womp I don’t know about uniting anyone. We ran a war game in the early aughts where an embittered marine general took on the role of an Iran like middle eastern country and easily decimated the us navy using similar tactics to those used against the uss cole. The military decided this was “unrealistic” and redid the game so the us would win by doing away with basic tactical tools like radar. We declared it a victory and completely missed the point of the generals tactics, that a war with Iran exposed major flaws in us combat tactics and would almost definitely result in thousands of deaths and the destruction of our fleet. There’s a reason no one actually attacks that country. that sounds like something the pentagon would do. did you ever see that HBO movie from the 90s i think.. starring kelsey gramemer about the pentagon project for the troop carrier that they spent $18 billion on? it was supposed to be like $18 million or something. in the end they tried to fake the tests so it would pass all kinds of live fire drills but some soldiers caught wind of it and used appropriate tests and blew it up in front of congressional envoy or something because they would be the ones who's lives would be at risk riding along in some death trap. oh here it is "the Pentagon Wars" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0144550/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_72 meanwhile at trump tower... http://www.palmerreport.com/analysis/trump-tower-russian-prostitution-bust/11561/
  3. that is super fucked up. the guy was tuning away and he shot him anyways.. that stupid law needs to be repealed. in a state w/o that law the guy would've been arrested and charged w/murder. it's so stupid. no one can take even the most minor infringement on their person w/o pulling out a gun. there's zero chance for 'cooler heads' to prevail. for people to step back and go "oops.. ya know that was kind of a dick move. i'm sorry" fucking wounded white guy pride and toxic masculinity. so fragile. fuck that guy.
  4. it would unite many smaller nations in the middle east (and muslims around the world) though some would sit out.. and then it'd be the most epic jihad ever. jihad part 2 the jahidasphere! ugh this is so muddle headed pretty funny though. his tone of voice is magic and the kid throwing hte hat on the floor was womp womp
  5. that moment was so surreal it transcended humor also, the small town with those conservatives that didn't want the mosque. baron cohen has to read /r/the_donald because he nailed every trump supporters nightmare perfectly that segment is amazing. all of it was. he's really holding up a mirror/lens whatever.. showing people w/different viewpoints and hopefully knocking sense into some people as well. it's going to be a lot to think about for some people.
  6. he's a member of the georgia house. small potatoes nationally but hopefully he still catches hell on every front especially locally. "they duped me" wtf.. he dropped his pants and yelled the N word w/very little prodding. also, his imitation of a chinese person was absurd wtf.
  7. yes. that idiot even made a statement about it and how he was "duped" and taken advantage of. https://politics.myajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/lawmaker-duped-sacha-baron-cohen-this-why-trump-won/t4MGGDybLya3zuId1miJqM/
  8. welp.. that explains some of where this came from. puts those ideas that seem pretty evident in a lot of behavior from big corporations and billionaires all up in people's faces. hopefully that article gets some traction and her book too. dark times.
  9. not just that but there are differences between these people and they all make decisions that effect the future present etc.. so the wrong person getting the job is a big deal..i don't really need to provide examples do i? if gore became president instead of bush where might we be? hard to say but we'd probably not have invaded iraq. we'd have some other thing to be sick over maybe but it's hard to imgaine it being worse than what we did in iraq. anyway.. vote or protest or shut down from politics. pick your poison/remedy
  10. in the usa we've eroded safety nets and cut services while closing mental health hospitals and gutting education while fighting useless wars for my entire lifetime. it's been a steady diet of shredding anything that helps people who need help
  11. addiction, homelessness, mental health problems.. the same all over.
  12. i can answer any questions you have. basically the answer is the same. *there is no nutritional value **probably diarrhea
  13. thanks for linking that. interesting. lot's of places dealing w/all the same problems. portland has a big homeless/drug/alcohol/transient problem like much of the west coast. interesting seeing it looking the same in those pics
  14. O God, the FOMO would kill me I think. for me it would basically be "The Entertainment" from infinite Jest
  15. don't read the comments don't read the comments don't read the comments don't read the comments don't read the comments don't read the comments don't read the comments don't read the comments
  16. so, that's Melania, his daughter.. 2 playboy bunnies.. is the one on the far right the one he paid off after an affair? nice to see them all together.
  17. https://twitter.com/cameron_kasky/status/1019314229537529856?s=21 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. read something yesterday, i forget where, that says if there's no Pee tape then the kompromat that putin has on trump is that putin helped him win the election with all the various ways they interfered and assisted. hey, could be. it's as likely as anything or perhaps more likely. the thought that trump had back channel to russia before his campaign even got off the ground is plausible. a sort of "ok Putin, do your thing and I'll play ball if i win" type of scenario. i think that w/all the extra garbage criminal activity from the garbage criminal class of fixers, lawyers etc around trump makes for a big shady enterprise.
  19. that last segment about gun control and kids is amazing and flol funny at the character he created. it's mostly a good show. kinda cringe at the first two segments but only because i feel embarrassed for everyone! when he's talking about 'free bleeding' on the american flag i lol'd. i'd ask 'where does he find these people' but they're everywhere in the world.
  20. so glad trey gowdy is going away. fucking hack.
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