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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. Justified is solid. Currently rewatching The Leftovers. Will probably watch Barry asap. Too many things really. Maybe after a season or two of some other stuff I’ll jump in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. lol.. maybe this date formating thing needs its own thread.
  3. order dispatched :) aug 23rd expected delivery.
  4. dude, while she's sleeping... with a pillow. just change your wifi password and don't tell her. she'll leave
  5. "i've played some video games" - (sad) fucking legend. that barrel roll.
  6. Frustrated music making. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. If he was I’d go shit on his lawn. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. The nazi eagle on the neck makes it more likely that this is a nazi instead of some sniper BS. Is the SS arm photo even from those guys? Doesn't seem to be at first blush but I sure haven't researched it beyond looking at the photos y'all posted already. the one dude is from portland and is well known nazi shitbag here.
  9. what you're supposed to do is get drunk at the dnb Show and then do some smarmy passive aggressive shit where you drunkenly say some nonsense loudly directly into her ear.
  10. ^ ancient aliens is my dirty pleasure. so outrageously funny sometimes. *got a boss DE-200 delay for $70
  11. had too many fwp to list. can't even organize my thoughts on it all.
  12. This IMO is exactly what it is about. Trump Industries has been dealing with sketchy Ruskie businessmen for a long time now. One example I read about was what was involved in building the Trump hotel in Toronto (they later changed the name after he became president shithead). The level of shadiness that went on behind the scenes in getting that thing financed was incredibly complex (think multiple front companies). It even included the killing of some known russian gangster in NYC, I think his body was found somewhere in Queens. The whole deal was on the verge of falling apart when in steps some mysterious Russian born Toronto billionaire who threw money at it to get it built, yet the thing sat there mostly empty for years and lost a ton of money. Anyway, there must be numerous other examples of team Trump working real estate deals with Russian financiers who are tied to organized crime/Putin. Money laundering must be just part of the whole thing. The difficult part of course is proving that Donnie was in the know on these deals...Mueller's got a tough fight ahead in trying to take down a huge criminal organization, led by the current sitting president of the United States... there's tat story about the property trump sold after owning it a year for $40 million profit to a russian oligarch. there's places in the UAE where they essentially use slave labor from india etc to build them. vice actually did a story on that one a couple years ago that is pretty good. mostly about labor practices related to the construction of trump properties. i wonder just how huge of an organization it is. it seems like the FBI vs the world at times. or a part of it.. a part of the world order is this massive criminal enterprise that involves heads of state of russia and USA. networks of banks and financial institutions. at times i find myself surprised that more bodies haven't started to drop yet.. maybe they have and we just don't know about them. also, the stuff w/wiki leaks and assange is wild and has to dove tail into all this. when everyone thought assange was dead a while back and then the encryption keys for the wiki docs were broken and everyone went a bit bananas... now it seems wiki is all pro russian jibber jabber. hopefully a book or two comes out about all this.. hopefully all this rolls up a big chunk of these people and they talk to roll up some more. if this really comes down there's going to be an attempt to clean house in american political system.
  13. The really crazy thing is that pee tapes would be minor "kompromat" given the potential scope of possible crimes, including money laundering, collusion, treason, etc. pee tape could just be the seed. i think it's more about money laundering.. making trump a billionaire. i think they essentially bought him. made some deals in secret through various holding companies or russian oligarchs to get trump to lift sanctions and not enforce the magnitsky act so that all those banks can be free to deal and release the $500 billion or whatever it is in russian oligarch/putin money so they can go on plundering. that.. and of course realizing putin's revenge over his butt hurt about losing the cold war and also putting russia in a more equal/powerful place in the world.. or however he sees it.
  14. oregon joined the lawsuit http://www.wweek.com/news/courts/2018/07/30/oregon-joins-lawsuit-against-trump-administration-to-keep-instructions-for-making-3-d-printed-guns-off-the-internet/
  15. it's silent donkey kong + qubert. defender at a far.
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