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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. they've tried to repeal it before.. this is the 2nd or 3rd time they've tried to repeal it.
  2. or portugal. look forward to packages.. i'm sure they'll have forum package. this is misleading. Portugal has net neutrality. This is a mobile package. i heard they don't even mobile there anymore because net neutrality fake news.
  3. federal charges and fines and jail time would be better. disgrace of his name, family, legacy is what's needed here. maximum shame.
  4. or portugal. look forward to packages.. i'm sure they'll have forum package.
  5. it's still impressive kind of impressive. i don't recall any of the lyrics either. holy shit:
  6. waiting for one of these guys to cut off his penis as a gesture of apology
  7. blumpstore lol he is so relatable, no wonder lower/middle class folks love him, hes one of them! he's their working class billionaire
  8. tomorrow is the vote i think. day before turkey day in america. perfect distraction for these douchebags.
  9. it's all pretty gross. wondering what other countries are like? has #MeToo left the USA borders with similar results anywhere?
  10. it's a bummer. his interviews are really great and he seems so reasonable level headed but apparently.. not so much! and another woman came out w/a story about al franken that's more recent.. while he was a senator. and wtf that video of the collection of 16 women telling a bit of their stories about trump. the trumpites really hate hillary a lot. wtf. it's obviously all true. he admitted lot's of it anyways in various interviews.. the stuff about walking into dressing rooms for miss teen usa or whatever it was nad probably every beauty pagent shit show he ever was a part of. happy thanksgiving america!
  11. the estate tax has an interesting history. more details than i know but i'm sure it'd make some interesting reading. it was basically an attempt to prevent a wealthy aristocracy of landowners and 'lords' who pass down their wealth from generation to generation. that more or less happened anyways but it's an attempt to redistribute wealth... which these days means it gets redistributed to the Pentagon like all the rest of our taxes ;) it's the tax that is supposed to be unable to be dodged. but there are ways.. trusts, partnerships etc etc etc... basically you form a company that is your family.. the wealth stays in the company and gets distributed around the family.. when the head of the family passes.. someone else takes over the company.. what's the company do? the company is an investment holding firm. easy peasy. i'm sure that's an overly simplistic view of it and there's probably some financially inclined person who knows how this shit works who is rolling the eyes but hey.. it's close enough for now. all that being said.. the estate tax is supposed to be the one that makes us all equal. it's all some bullshit.. the tax code is fucked up. you don't even have to do anything really devious to hide the money. there's a bunch of ways to do it w/o even putting it in a bank in islands somewhere. the tax code is so complicated because it's written by tax attorneys who make it so complex so only they can understand it.. the rule makers make the rules so they can take advantage of them. 'elites' taking advantage through a cost of entry. if you want to read some fucked up shit about the us economy and tax code there's a book called "America: What went wrong?" that's all about savings and loan scam, over spending, and how congress (a bunch of lawyers and their accountants) write the tax code and all the rules around it. it's dry but is sort of written like some classic 'lifting the veil on corruption' journalism because it's written by some reporters. it'd be good bedtime reading because it'd put you to sleep after a while. your dreams might suck though.
  12. The part about the private jets isn’t quite accurate. The rest is despicably true. only poor people w/jets get the tax break ;) but.. if you consider the estate tax.. what the repubs call the death tax.. then it's pretty accurate. there's a huge estate tax break which affects rich people the most so moving money around w/the tax code.. the details at some point become irrlevant except the fine print always fucks a lot of people.. but when everyone is getting fucked then why read the fine print..
  13. you stole my thanksgiving thing..when they go around the table and you say what you're thankful for.. dank
  14. the whole of america is about trolling now so of course this will become a thing. everything is the internet. the internet brought out into real life. put your troll post on your car and drive around then think of something else next month and change it. my neighbor had a handy man come out to fix a bunch of stuff on his house and the guy showed up in a pick up w/no shit 50 bumper stickers that were all "lock her up hillary for prison pro trump" type bullshit and first thought was "well yes of course you just put the whole internet on your truck" irl shitpost
  15. Nicely put; the Silicon Valley mindset in a nutshell IMO. Licence to completely fuck up people's entire livelihoods without any attempt to take responsibility for the consequences because hey, it's "disruption" and all tech must be good tech. as if these people didn't watch The Black Mirror or they did watch the Black Mirror and thought it was full of great ideas w/o any unintended consequences.
  16. i was thinking that as franken ramped up his rhetoric during testimony from sessions and spoke out against tax bill that something might come for him... as it is this is a true thing from his past.. but i like how he said "yes ethics investigate me..." we'll see where this shit show of a government goes..
  17. ...by this person https://tchiya.wordpress.com/about/ not saying you can't be a wingnut and still a victim, but still, this person seems to be completely full of shit in other areas of life, so it does make you wonder. her site is amazing. there's some awesome typos. it's hard rock.. hard rock cafe. the "earthy hippie ambient world music crystal healing black liberation yoga program" sect of humans is w/o variation extremely difficult for me to stomach. go do your thing but stay the fuck away from me w/that goo-head shit. also, is it worth wondering if her trajectory for life turned drastically after the alleged drugging/raping? as she says it did. is it unlikely that a predator only did this act the one time? does that happen.. ."i'll drug and rape this women here and see how it goes.. maybe it's my thing but perhaps it's not for me". if Tyson is creepy rapist then i'd expect more women to come forward. or are rapist who just do it the one time and then come to jesus? her story sounds pretty vague. "he gave me a drink and i passed out and woke up to see him in the hallway leaving". well, maybe he'll make a statement.. maybe her story will go round a bit more and get fleshed out.
  18. so many idiots. distorted views that are still a product of something.. we should do a study on every single adult in america to figure out why they're so fucked up
  19. men are cancelled. i read it on line. mancelled.
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