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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. wot do you mean? i thought we get one a week until Xmas? btw totally hooked on session 3. holy shit fuck balls.
  2. berghaus meme incoming?
  3. ideally they should each slice the other's jugular and whoever lives longest wins but both have to die.
  4. fucking ay so good. finally time to listen to it in the studio. jebus. such great things happening in this music. can't think of what it reminds me of. some live sets but not. it's something else entirely. there's some great compacted bass and sub bass and generally all kinds of melody and tonal stuff that's just submerged in some tracks. put it right into my veins pls.
  5. is it tomorrow yet? i dont really know any of the names of the tracks. so can't applaud your choices. of favs.. but will anyways.. clapclapclapclapc
  6. Regarding karma - dick Cheney got a heart transplant even after all he’s done. Hopefully one or all of his children dislike him. Hopefully he’s unhappy in some deep existential way and the heart transplant is a way to prolong that suffering. Universe works in strange ways. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Nice. We woke up to 10mm of ice covering every surface. Power lines were down all over the city, took me almost half an hour to chip all the ice off my car. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-s-april-2018-ice-storm-in-pictures-and-video-1.4575934 fucking ice can suck. even if you're used to dealing w/it it's a drag.
  8. no worries dude. i forgot about the enws of hannity and trump being chatty cathy. fox has long been the communications wing of the republican party. talking points line for line
  9. so, an obvious back channel for trump and Fox news to coordinate. seems one of the less devious things we'll learn.
  10. if you like on the corner era miles you should check out "Big Fun" and also "Panthallassa - the music of miles of davis" by bill laswell. laswell got access to all the original tapes from on the corner, in a silent way etc sessions and put them together and mixed them to represent something closer to what took place in the studio. it's one of my favorite releases in any genre. but.. 'Big Fun' is epic as well.. it's deep in the heroin vibes.
  11. there's no conflict of interest anywhere around any of these people.
  12. fuck. tracks 2, 3, 4, are fucking on it. hit in the head w/an axe. 2 Six Of Eight (midst) 8:42 - endless lush 3 Xflood 9:24 <- 2001 going to god space odyssey ae style 4 Gonk Tuf Hi 7:52 <- headfuck jazz electronic. next level. i'm still getting used to the snare whatever white noise sound in Dummy Casual Pt2 but the transition into is a fucking x 10 next level i'm still digesting the rest.. i want to go get drunk in the bar at the great northern and dance w/leeland palmer but whatever. it is what it is. fuck. there's 4 more hours to come.
  13. yeah.. i don't even think it was declared policy as non interventionist. i think there was hesitation to enter into conflict because there were 2 already.. which is weird because they killed a shit ton of people w/drones/ how is that non interventionist? is it because the people flying the drones are far as fuck away? it's mind fuck. i don't know how they split decisions but i guess it's what they do. one behavior for this geography and another one for this other geography. in america i think there's a collective dream that the middle east would go away but it seems impossible to be ignored. the world is twin peaks.
  14. middle east meddling or not meddling is the tough call of our lifetimes for the western world. if we'd not meddled then it'd be easier to not meddle now. i think obama tried really hard in some ways to hope things would be better by doing nothing but he was deep in Afghanistan trying to fix what was left to him and i think it's a fools errand to go there though the school children and the women's rights etc make it seem otherwise. can't see many people fit for that job of making those decisions. after reading enough chomsky and seeing enough adam curtis documentaries and frontline and reading other books etc.. wtf. a mess. always a mess. why meddle? we always do it wrong because we don't understand that place or those people. cultures etc.. or maybe they didn't try even. enough to get it close. even. idk. i'm drunk on the internet because coping w/pain is dumb.
  15. pretty much. i've always thought the progression was a pretty obvious line. not that i think i'm tuned into the process but i think anyone who listens seriously can hear the things at work whatever that means.. shrug.
  16. i'm forever pissed off when in a TV junk mode and i switch the channel to CBS and see "48 Hours" in the info section but there's no Eddie Murphy or Nick Nolte.
  17. i need to brush my dog's teeth. he has some bad breath.
  18. if trump cared about human rights.. or people at all.. he'd let syrian refugees into america Trump has been in office for just over a year. He has had ample opportunity to address Assad through serious policy options, and has failed to take action. While I’m never going to be able to prove it, the timing of these strikes, in concert with his tweets over said strikes, is highly suspicious. Trump probably thinks “Wag the Dog” is a documentary. 'trump' and 'serious policy options' are in two totally different universes lolll
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