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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. bought some ice cream and i can't stop eating it.
  2. aren't the pro cricket players all depressed because the games take 4 days to play and they're super intense about it? https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/apr/22/sport.ameliahill
  3. i've been listening to a lot of the real thing/angel dust lately. there's some great synth stuff
  4. all that pizza is shit. but there's a hundred different competitors now.. uber delivers food for people.. all those places that drive and pick up take out for people..
  5. he's very smart. he went to an ivy league school. he did pretty okay in school. he's got the best memory. the best people. the best brain. the best words.
  6. Yep, he's already there: http://www.politicususa.com/2017/11/01/watch-deteriorating-trumps-speech-stumbles-mispronounces-words-cabinet-meeting.html I heard the audio on npr earlier and was like, wait, did he just say diversery? Then he said it again. the video that plays after that trump video is titled "Lion loves weiner dog" and it's about a lion and a dachshund
  7. you can say cunt on the internet, it's alright. obligatory
  8. 538 has a landing page about impeachment that has some links you can follow to do some digging. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/chance-donald-trump-impeached/ regarding bill clinton.. he may have made decisions some people didn't like and in hindsight some shit was pretty bad for us all but making a bad decision or making bad policy is different than actual treason and collusion with foreign agents/governments.. we'll see how it all pans out and what's there when they're done.. i'm guessing w/someone like trump there's a million rocks to kick over and a nest of financial deals long time entanglements. some of which may be of interest. some of which is not relevant
  9. read who devin nunes and Trey Gowdy are. they're fucking hacks. https://oversight.house.gov/release/house-oversight-house-intel-committees-launch-joint-investigation-obama-era-uranium-one-deal/ this is all politically motivated. they do it because they can.. the same reason they investigated bill clinton's blow job for years. it's politics. ask putin he's fucking paranoid. that's one narrative anyways.. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/putins-revenge/ seems a lot of it fits.
  10. the uranium thing is non existent. it's total bullshit. this lady will explain it better than i can.
  11. most fragile sense of self and ego on display. wtf.. this guy is so fucking crazy. it's really not hard to believe any of the crazy stuff floating around about him. he's a fucking wack job. waited for him to sell me some golden shovels. think i've missed it. guess this is not an offshoot of tp3 thats the singer of the dead kennedies. and a very well-informed political commentator / activist. jello is a legend but long in the tooth sometimes.. cold cut journey by dj use of his spoken word bit is a classic.
  12. god damn when it rains it pours! bills. property tax increase, hospital bill (even though i went to a hospital that is owned by the company i get insurance from! i guess they feel like they can double dip. why give me a good rate? they can take my money coming and going. had some procedure at a different hospital 2 days earlier and the bill was more than $1600 cheaper) and now the main water line into my house is ruptured and leaking into the basement so i turned the water off at the street. and of course this has to happen when my ex is on her way here w/her family in a moving truck to pick up all her crap. so, i no toilets or water etc.. fun. i need to take a dump using the last of the water that's in the toilet tank then i'm getting the fuck out and 'running errands' for a couple hours all so i can come home to a house wher ei gotta do some kind of water routine just to take a shit. i'm most concerned about taking shits. what good is a house if ya can't take a dump in your own bathroom? and i'm hung over and didn't sleep well. and in 1994 i went to mardi gras. drove from florida w/some friends.. on the way there passing through all kinds of "WTF is this shit this is a town?" type places in florida we stopped to get gas and in the gas station there were a bunch of trucker hats w/various stupid things on them and the one i should've bought and regret not buying to this day say in all caps.. "SHIT ON IT" on the front.. it was perfect and expresses my main thoughts just now about life and i wish i could wear that hat.
  13. fuck.. 900+ people dead in puerto rico after hurricane
  14. yeah.. the pets are the children. the dog was best damn little dog. 5 yr old pomeranian. such a character. there's 5 or 6 people i know who got married or divorced in the last year. crazy times.
  15. oh it feels 1st world though because everything is weird as shit. i'm doing ok though.. thanks for asking our relationship was complicated. was long distance for a while (5 years!) so being in a house full of her crap isn't unusual feeling though has different context now. feels pretty modern. i'll start looking for a dog to adopt after the holidays.
  16. 12 year relationship ended a few weeks ago. My house is full of her stuff. I’ve been making piles of things that she needs to come pick up. So much crap she needs to get out of my house. It’s a museum to our relationship. Ugh. Can’t wait for it to all be gone. Also we adopted a dog a couple years ago and the dog and I bonded. It was my first dog. Technically it was her dog though because we adopted it from someone in her extended family. So she got the dog. I miss the dog. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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