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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. he met w/the president of the virgin islands.. http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/13/politics/virgin-islands-president-donald-trump/index.html
  2. https://twitter.com/TopherSpiro/status/918653193038499841 total lack of surprise
  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/BaFEYGIjvIf/?taken-by=artmakogonenko
  4. i hope his brain and CNS will malfunction from stupidity and cause his heart to stop and he'll just fall over.. off a roof... into a pit of fire
  5. i guess we know why Rose McGowan's career evaporated.. people wonder why n o one said anything.. because it's career suicide :( fucked up. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/10/rose-mcgowan-harvey-weinstein
  6. people do seem to disappear up their own asses and forget all about practical aspect of communication and evolving conversations and language. also.. the professionally outraged on the internet aren't doing society many/any favors. the internet as a tool is double edged right? i mean.. it gives voice to people who are just discovering themselves and the world like college students etc and it comes off as a giant sludge of sameness. a hive mind saying the same mantras.. but i guess that's to be said of lot's of parts of culture/society.. and of course as a middle class middle aged white guy i shouldn't have an opinion.. ahem.. anyway.. the good parts of progressive politics get lost and caught up in seemingly petty battles instead of actual policy ideas and reform. but i think that's just because everyone is talking at the same time and the people actually doing things and making the world a bit better for people who need help are pretty busy doing stuff to affect change. it'll be interesting to see where we are in 10 or 20 years w/that old chestnut of unintended consequences. but maybe everything will just be on fire.
  7. they read tweet conversations on the evening news now. even on PBS.
  8. so fucked.. we're so fucked https://twitter.com/sam_kriss/status/917381519760678912
  9. i'm confident his grave site will be a destination for people who want to piss and shit in public. i for one will try to live longer than him so i can shit on his grave.. will get good and drunk and maybe puke on his grave too. i have celiac so can eat a few slices of wonder bread and pretty much get the runs 8 minutes later so would be easy to ass piss on his grave w/o much prep. you're welcome. honestly i don't have a great deal of actual hatred for the guy. he's a symptom of a wider problem that concerns how unrestrained capitalism is accepted unquestionably by most americans, or at least that's part of it. throw in religious fundamentalism and a toxic obsession with guns and i don't see how you don't get a trump in charge eventually. i have far more contempt for people that look at the guy and what he stands for and go "yep this is the guy for me, i'm voting for him" i'm gonna diarrhea on his grave and you're reasonably reasonable reply will not diswade me. also, you forgot 40 years of destroying public education, condensing media control into ever smaller number of hands, institutionalized racism, the patriarchy, pacifying the masses, and yes of course the crue edge of capitalism cutting away at restrictions w/little resistance for at least 65 years...
  10. i'm confident his grave site will be a destination for people who want to piss and shit in public. i for one will try to live longer than him so i can shit on his grave.. will get good and drunk and maybe puke on his grave too. i have celiac so can eat a few slices of wonder bread and pretty much get the runs 8 minutes later so would be easy to ass piss on his grave w/o much prep. you're welcome.
  11. of the very visible americans he certainly is pretty terrible... but i suspect there's a worse person who is hidden and powerful and affecting lot's of people's lives. but bilzerian is pretty awful.. worse than a kardashian. Logically there are worse Americans than him but none of them inspire pure true hate in me like Dan bilzerian does i support this line of thinking.
  12. i thought he was a vegas magician or something? but i guess we can assume that in order to throw porn stars off a roof you are a trust fund kid. he also goes to mexico to some kind of stem cell testosterone HGH or whatever injected with mel gibson http://brobible.com/life/article/dan-bilzerian-stem-cells/
  13. of the very visible americans he certainly is pretty terrible... but i suspect there's a worse person who is hidden and powerful and affecting lot's of people's lives. but bilzerian is pretty awful.. worse than a kardashian.
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