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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. portland is same in regard to needles. many camps and many people just shooting up in different places randomly. have seen people shooting up on sidewalks. needles are all over. heroin epidemic is for real.
  2. thanks for the comments :) nice to hear hope you find stuff you dig in these tracks. these were all multitrack recorded live then edited for length and mixed. so it's all cv modulation and knob turning and basically making patches and then jamming. i like to give some download codes for free to the forums i visit regularly to share w/the community a bit and let the tracks find listeners who are in my 'neighborhood' or whatever. i probably won't release any ignatius stuff for a while though will hopefully have some music from a friend in coming months on vinyl for buried in time if all goes well. anyways.. enjoy the weirdness. :)
  3. ignatius

    elseq 1-5

    lmao i made an "elseq favorites" playlist long ago and it's the fucking jam. really amazing work on these tracks. mind blowing at times really. i got way into it after i made the favs playlist. it's still a lot of tracks but i've found that it sounds like an album after a couple listens.
  4. click the link.. turn up the sound. https://www.tumblr.com/video/theweirdwideweb/166700706339/700/
  5. this is what he knows. he thinks all the people in business are the 'best people' and all the people in public service are losers. so why would be pick a 'loser' for the big job? he thinks business knows best. why would someone work in public service if they could work in business and make more money because money is the measurement of success.
  6. new release. all modular. "Legacy Systems" its a 13 track album. 6 of those tracks are bonus tracks so you get a surprise of b-sides once you download. it's experimental, beat driven stuff.. nothing too daring.. kind of jam sessions that turned into patches i liked so i recorded them and got them mastered. they're all kind of long because fuck it. play loud for best results. http://ignatiusmusic.bandcamp.com/yum ler2-jkbj c6lw-684k ense-kfv8 gdqf-gmz2 th8l-3zyh 2enh-h6nv d8dj-5yq9 u9kd-j3ha xy3e-6sqb qkvg-y4gw fngz-bm24 ldkn-xzwm cjyv-jglg ebu6-kbv3 gdlt-gx6s 2hpy-7q8l def3-v9bj s8dl-6t4k uqz4-v239 vg2j-gclz 9kl6-3h5g znet-cv23 za63-h8s4
  7. fuckkk... https://news.vice.com/story/bill-browder-visa-revoked-putin via reddit: link to the testimony https://www.c-span.org/video/?431852-1/william-browder-overturning-magnitsky-act-putins-top-priority i haven't watched it.. though saw some of it when it was crrent news... apprently it's a pretty amazing story.
  8. What part of the movie is this about? Maybe I missed some seconds, because I was explaining many things to my younger sister who didn't watch the first Blade Runner, so I might have been too quick to write that... but at some points it wasn't clear to me how K got his clues about where to go next (like going to the LA landfill, finding Deckard)... and planting the tracking device thing was a bit lazy (in terms of writing) in my opinion, but ok. The movie and art in it is fucking great. I think I'm going to go watch it again... alone this time. Empty theater, and smoking a marryjane while watching it would be a blast (in a perfect world) :) edit: yeah, I definitely need to watch it again... scenes were absolutely beautiful i thought K went to las vegas to dig up LIberace's dick?
  9. and straight up lies are accepted. so, the trump vs the congresswoman about the phonecall... the call came when they were in the car.. on the way to view the arrival of the body.. the call was put on speakerphone.. everyone in the car heard the call. the congresswoman.. the goofy one who wears the big hats.. she had known the soldier personally for like 12 years or something nad met him through some program she started that helps at risk kids or something.. the family had invited her to come along to view the body as it arrived w/all the military respects adn flag on teh coffin etc.. but media not really reporting the whole story widely.. also, this latest controversy that she apparently said something at the groundbreaking of the FBI building is also just a lie.. miami herald dug up the video and she says nothing disrespectful.. media asked the question to huckabee sanders fucktard in the press briefing.. she says "oh it wasn't on mic.. it was something she said to someone she was talking to and was overheard" this groundbreaking ceremony was 5 years ago.. wtf.. these poeple just make shit up.. wheres the source on this? i.e. hat ladys relationship with soldier miami herald. ps - random. i grew up in miami and lived on miami gardens dr. this soldier is from miami gardens neighborhood. here's the source for them being int he car. http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/miami-gardens/article179433356.html and here's the bit about her mentoring the soldier when he was younger http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/article179454126.html
  10. haven't looked in on this thread in ages. only saw the movie last monday. enjoyed it. cast is good. plot decent enough. wishing it wasn't so wrapped up neat and stuff. a little more open and unresolved like a PK Dick story would've been nice but not much to complain about really. there were some sound FX i've heard before.. that big swarm of wobbles is something used in the tv show of Hannibal quite extensively.. maybe it's from a sound library but not so sure because all of hannibal sound design and score is impeccable as is the cinematography.. anyway.. blade runner was nice. there was no one else in the theater when i saw it at 11:10 am on a monday morning :) i quite like seeing films that way.. all alone in a big ass room.
  11. 3 arrested and charged w/attempted murder after spencer spoke in florida. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/10/20/university-florida-shooting-richard-spencer-supporters-arrrested/784390001/
  12. and straight up lies are accepted. so, the trump vs the congresswoman about the phonecall... the call came when they were in the car.. on the way to view the arrival of the body.. the call was put on speakerphone.. everyone in the car heard the call. the congresswoman.. the goofy one who wears the big hats.. she had known the soldier personally for like 12 years or something nad met him through some program she started that helps at risk kids or something.. the family had invited her to come along to view the body as it arrived w/all the military respects adn flag on teh coffin etc.. but media not really reporting the whole story widely.. also, this latest controversy that she apparently said something at the groundbreaking of the FBI building is also just a lie.. miami herald dug up the video and she says nothing disrespectful.. media asked the question to huckabee sanders fucktard in the press briefing.. she says "oh it wasn't on mic.. it was something she said to someone she was talking to and was overheard" this groundbreaking ceremony was 5 years ago.. wtf.. these poeple just make shit up..
  13. today the local news had a story about twitter users saying they found melania's body double. 24 hour news cycle puts everything on all the time.
  14. lol i can totally see him saying something like that.. totally believable.
  15. i watched that documentary about him. they didn't show the video but played the audio from it and it's fucking awful sounding.
  16. honestly this is going to happen sooner rather than later. just like the 9/11 movie. the conditions in our society guarantee that a film like this was bound to be made at some point.
  17. a new fad is sweeping america... people go outside and shit on their own doorstep. this somehow gets confused protests and football players start shitting on the field during the national anthem.. then the whole game is played amidst shit being tracked on and off the field.. the commentators making whitty use of various puns and ratings increase as everyone mostly falls in love with the idea of being shit on at every turn edit: sware i didn't read the post above mind about the wolf being a shit fixer.. sware to jebus.. i didn't
  18. a few people said there's tapes.. video too. from apprentice era stuff. but all those people had signed non-disclosure stuff.. so if leak that stuff they lose their jobs and get sued for $5 million or something crazy. people were asking Mark Cuban to buy the tapes from NBC for $5 million during the election. i guess there's tapes of trump saying all kinds of racist stuff using all the words of hate and also talking about women and referring to specific people.
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