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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. ^^^ thought she was leaving twitter already??? fuck. go away.
  2. "view new content" on watmm front page doesn't work for me anymore.. just says "sorry no new content found" when clearly there is new content. *shakes fist at cloud
  3. i think it just means they vote for the authoritarian who wants to suspend rights etc. lol. bye roseanne! can't wait for trump's tweet relate to that news
  4. FLOL https://twitter.com/jackdaw_ruiz/status/999491233020985344?s=21 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. wasn't his excuse or the excuse people made for him that he was trying to 'go to a place' in comedy and riff and be edgy or something? because that guy was heckling him and ol' kramer he was striking out at every turn? what a shit show. i wouldn't worry about michael richards.. i'm sure he still has plenty of that sienfeld money and gets a royalty check or something. michael richards is truly haunted by it - I sympathize with him in that regard - it was angry and inappropriate but he's not a bigoted asshole - he's kind of the first person to really get the backlash for saying something offensive without a worthy context or excuse - I can assure you plenty of 80s to mid-90s era white comics said racist shit all the time without being called out. i'm sure he is.. i mean.. i used the N word once in front of a mixed race friend when we were watching a movie when i was 17 and i still have sleepless nights over it and i'm 46 now. for serious. i didn't even use it in 'that way' but have tortured myself ever since even though i was a dumb immature kid ignorant of the power of language and words etc. and definitely lot's of comics and actors etc (john wayne!) said all kinds of racist shit on stage and in interviews.. and sexist stuff as well.. i mean.. john hughes movies are full of some weird racist sexist stuff that at the time was a little cringey but now comes across as just so overtly racist or whatever. but long duck dong was a fucking anti hero! i hate that "he was a product of his time" shit that people pull about john wayne when there were plenty of other 'products of their time' who were calling out the bullshit racist crap and trying to live those better values. anyway.. as for strategies for dealing w/art from controversial people i think sometimes the art just stands on its own like miles davis' work or whatever.. but if it's some DJ who is a homophobe/racist/proud boy who made a good track then pass.. i can't deal w/it. there's plenty of good music made by people who aren't assholes to throw light on people who are assholes. i guess somewhere there is a line for me personally but for new stuff current today if i here something and think it's good then a week later find the person is an asshole then i have no trouble ignoring it. maybe it depends just _how_ good something is ;) i don't fucking know really.
  6. wasn't his excuse or the excuse people made for him that he was trying to 'go to a place' in comedy and riff and be edgy or something? because that guy was heckling him and ol' kramer he was striking out at every turn? what a shit show. i wouldn't worry about michael richards.. i'm sure he still has plenty of that sienfeld money and gets a royalty check or something.
  7. all things lead to a south park episode. srsly though anyone see that chappelle netflix comedy special where he does the bit about the super hero who saves but he rapes? obviously a long form cosby examination.
  8. dropping an a-bomb on idm forum is like dropping n-bomb on hiphop one. feels very natural. it's a natural spectrum
  9. made a dark meme-like post on FB about having to talk to health insurance provider about details of explanation of benefits etc and how it would be easier to just die... my mom called me crying.
  10. the music is also bad so no problem there and yet it lingers...
  11. i tried to read gravity's rainbow a few times.. jesus what a nightmare structure. every page has dyslexic syphilis or something. DFW was into formal logic i think. that was his philosophic area of study which is basically a kind of math right? i don't know.. none of that is anywhere near my wheelhouse. i don't think he could escape himself. franzen said DFW was eventually just writing to not be bored and then they switched his meds and the new meds didn't work so they put him back on the old meds and those didn't work anymore either so he hung himself in the kitchen.
  12. he also thought about having mary karr's husband murdered and threw her out of a moving vehicle. from all the biography i've read of him dfw was a giant piece of shit for a period in the nineties (maybe always) and i'll admit this brought his work down in my eyes. also the elevation of him to this sainthood status in the literary community and especially by young men when he was a pretty noted misogynist was difficult to reconcile. his work is so entwined with his narcissism and his deconstruction of himself that it becomes hard to read anything of his once you realize he was actually a bit of a fraud who was probably writing books for all the wrong reasons. but, saying all that, he was still a hugely influential figure to me when i was a teenager so i'm not going to erase that part of my life. and i still enjoy some of his work. i didn't know anything about who he was. i got infinite jest as a gift when it was released and then i read it over a summer and read it again a couple more times. i've always loved it and there's a lot of his other work that i really love as well though some of it is hugely depressing. i never thought of him as a fraud only as hugely gifted at using words. there are bits of his stories are cribbed from other lines of thought or ideas but that's often a writerly thing to do though i'm sure is a thing writers argue about in some sweaty room that's very serious and toxic. anyway.. i thought Oblivion was amazing and i didn't understand why it wasn't selling out.. but what do i know about books. fuck. there's some for real mind fucks in some of his work with stories that turn on themselves because they are so hyper considered and self conscious etc.. sort of like taking acid and questioning everything but holding on to a joke somewhere about humanity and i really dug that kind of thing because he did it well. also his nonfiction i found really good in places. obviously he wasn't very good at being a human being. i don't know if the entire face of him presented to the public was a total lie or what. The Pale King was a let down for me and though there's a few passages i enjoyed there's a huge chunk that's straight up plagiarized from a story that Beck told in an interview in the 90s about when he was poor and lived in a shitty room w/friends and there was the rotating neon sign outside for the podiatrist's office and depending on which way it was pointing when they looked out the window they did or didn't do a thing. it was a flip of a coin for them w/o the coin.. that whole story goes on for many pages in the Pale king. it's a shame he was never able to be accused in this internet age and have that story come out so he could try to "This is water" it or whatever. he was obviously a bit 'off' if he was contemplating having her husband murdered and threw her out of a moving car. what the actual fuck.
  13. Mr. Show hypothesis - everybody who wasn't Hitler who did good things for humanity got touched in the bumhole (butthole)
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