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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. the whole of america is about trolling now so of course this will become a thing. everything is the internet. the internet brought out into real life. put your troll post on your car and drive around then think of something else next month and change it. my neighbor had a handy man come out to fix a bunch of stuff on his house and the guy showed up in a pick up w/no shit 50 bumper stickers that were all "lock her up hillary for prison pro trump" type bullshit and first thought was "well yes of course you just put the whole internet on your truck" irl shitpost
  2. Nicely put; the Silicon Valley mindset in a nutshell IMO. Licence to completely fuck up people's entire livelihoods without any attempt to take responsibility for the consequences because hey, it's "disruption" and all tech must be good tech. as if these people didn't watch The Black Mirror or they did watch the Black Mirror and thought it was full of great ideas w/o any unintended consequences.
  3. i was thinking that as franken ramped up his rhetoric during testimony from sessions and spoke out against tax bill that something might come for him... as it is this is a true thing from his past.. but i like how he said "yes ethics investigate me..." we'll see where this shit show of a government goes..
  4. ...by this person https://tchiya.wordpress.com/about/ not saying you can't be a wingnut and still a victim, but still, this person seems to be completely full of shit in other areas of life, so it does make you wonder. her site is amazing. there's some awesome typos. it's hard rock.. hard rock cafe. the "earthy hippie ambient world music crystal healing black liberation yoga program" sect of humans is w/o variation extremely difficult for me to stomach. go do your thing but stay the fuck away from me w/that goo-head shit. also, is it worth wondering if her trajectory for life turned drastically after the alleged drugging/raping? as she says it did. is it unlikely that a predator only did this act the one time? does that happen.. ."i'll drug and rape this women here and see how it goes.. maybe it's my thing but perhaps it's not for me". if Tyson is creepy rapist then i'd expect more women to come forward. or are rapist who just do it the one time and then come to jesus? her story sounds pretty vague. "he gave me a drink and i passed out and woke up to see him in the hallway leaving". well, maybe he'll make a statement.. maybe her story will go round a bit more and get fleshed out.
  5. so many idiots. distorted views that are still a product of something.. we should do a study on every single adult in america to figure out why they're so fucked up
  6. men are cancelled. i read it on line. mancelled.
  7. next thing ya know they're gonna accuse Bill Cosby of drugging and raping women.... oh...
  8. Haha yeah poly does my head in, still. One of these days I'm going to make my detuning 500 oscillator wasp nest synth or my self-healing fractional phase poly-LFO or my ultra chorus but I have to figure out how the hell poly works first... probably contact aliens w/that patch. ;) max is a good thing. i think it'll be fun long term and something i can assemble and tweak and so on until i make something i feel is interesting enough to make a song with. taking this class was a good decision as i don't think i'd have gotten off my ass and started to learn it otherwise. i think i just need to really figure out when it's best to send a message to a thing and what inlet and when i need to build some kind of logic function to make a thing happen. but there's a ton of tutorials on youtube and books and stuff so it's a head start i think compared to even 10 years ago. wish i'd known someone using it in the 90s/00s. take some anti inflammatories.. advil or something w/ibuprofen in it. if it persists make an appointment. teeth pain is some shit i can't handle for long. it's like a throbbing nerve brain. ren and stimpy.. those were the days...
  9. this is amazing. https://www.tumblr.com/video/weirdness-is-good/167589506779/700/
  10. those poor bullets will have to live w/the guilt having penetrated innocent people.
  11. there's a lot of objects. they all have their own arguments that need talking to. i've gone around the barn to get in the front door like 5 times before i realized i didn't have to make some complicated thing but could just make a message w/instructions in it to tell the object to do a thing. it's fun though. i've meant to get into it for years but only now that there is a class a half mile from my house do i give it a go.
  12. trying to learn max since september. taking a class even. it's good. learning a lot. but i've made 3 or 4 attempts at a poly synth using poly~ and i'm ready to shit in my laptop and close the lid. none of them work even when they're step for step . for . object for object w/the tutorials. srsly cycling74 why is polyphony retarded in max? i thought i was of average intelligence but apparently i'm more dumberer than a lot of people on youtube.
  13. oh https://www.tumblr.com/video/tee-pee4my-bunghole/167552987648/400/ couldn't decide if this should go in dank memes, funny pics or how to see america thread...
  14. the secret is 2 hands.. and you never break eye contact w/the hole in the water bottle.
  15. LtOVJ8i.mp4 he's a fucking weirdo guy. wtf.. this guy is giving a 3rd grader's book report presentation on his big airplane trip
  16. there's many more things to factor in. voter suppression, gerrymandering, unintended consequences, natural disasters, black swan events etc.. there are some things that seem predictable though.. we'll see what happens at the midterms and w/the meuller investigation. i think the chaos of this administration is intentional to some degree and they will try to thrive on it. everyone's looking at the left hand and the right hand is doing the dirt.
  17. oh come on.. he's the proverbial "good guy w/a gun". you need to hire him immediately and arm him. put him on the pizzagate case and give him some of the alex jones man pills. either that or flush him out the executive trap door in the floor and send him tubing all the way to his couch to watch ancient aliens as a come down from the testosterone bump of infowars.. give him a case of beers and insist that anytime someone, including the narrator, says any of these phrases that he slam a beer: "you have to wonder...", "you have to ask yourself...", "...mainstream archaeologists..."...
  18. how soon are you going? the tokyo festival of modular is this weekend.. i think it starts thursday. it'll be fun and probably some good live performances at night.
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