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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I buy expensive stuff hoping that it's better than the cheap stuff and when it breaks after 2 weeks I'm too broke to buy new stuff.
  2. Genius idea, gotta copy that idea (it's genius). Genius!
  3. Just make all your lazy friends not be lazy at election day. It's easier to make 10 left leaning otherwise non-voters go vote than to convince 1 right leaning idiot to vote left.
  4. Gerrymandering, main stream media and Wall Street election interference through campaign funding, tho
  5. Thanks for your appreciation of my beautiful drunk posts I really got you, didn't I? Like really I post way too much. *searches for world map of social media addiction*
  6. This one looks better: Yes, I mostly meant the central Asians which aren't so few
  7. Yeah, I'm sure this is based on the self-reported data (how else would such statistics be made?), which is inaccurate. But I still think it gives an idea. Map is from 2008 Edit: Maybe this list from 2010 is more accurate? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_alcohol_consumption_per_capita ?
  8. ^We need both and I was not describing some sort of dream scenario which I think would be best. I think a UBI inevitably must come to tackle mass unemployment. As usual politics will react too slowly and we will experience some economic and societal crisis before such measures will be taken.
  9. I've been to the occupation museum in Riga with a Russian. When we looked at the Nazi-Soviet Pact he slowly and tenderly put his arm around me. It felt politically incorrect.
  10. С Новым годом! За Ваше здоровье!
  11. Those were probably western Russians. We tend to forget the Central and East Asian Russians. I believe they drink a bit less
  12. As for Germany, we have a government that gladly would join any US led war. We just missed out on the Iraq war because some filthy social democrats were in power but luckily this isn't the case anymore. They are in power but as the junior partner of the conservatives and they aren't real social democrats anymore, they would love to bomb Iran if it benefits them. A lot of our politicians would really like to have lucrative jobs in American companies after their political career. Our next Chancellor in 2021 will probably this BlackRock chairman Merz who would gladly follow orders from his American company. And our former defence minister Von der Leyen (pronounced: lyin') that got her kids jobs at McKinsey in exchange for stealing tax money is now the European Commission President that wants to double national defence spending and on top of that establish a European Army that could help the US army without the approval of annoying national parliaments. Too bad there are so many Iranians living here who wouldn't like it but if they complain we could just send them back home and bomb them
  13. At some point I could tell who farted just from the stench. Every person in the world has their distinctive and unique fart stench like snow flakes
  14. I had a tuna steak on some Spanish island which was amazing but it made me shit 'n' fart 'n' vomit for 3 days. It did that to all of us. And we were sleeping in a tent. The stench of our farts was almost unbearable. One time I farted so badly that the other guy had to vomit from my fart. When we got a hotel room same guy shat and vomited at the same time. He sat on the toilet while the stream of vomit went into the bidet
  15. At least they don't put Datura into the beer anymore to make it stronger like back in the days. That's where all the devil sightings from medieval times derive from It would make a thousand ManjuShris cry
  16. It's not wether you're an alcoholic or not, it's how you handle your alcoholism.
  17. We live in alcoholic cultures I thought he was being sarcastic
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