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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Left-liberals who buy weapons support an industry that is very right leaning politically or at least caters to a mostly right-wing customer base. I don't think that this is a good idea. Also this whole paranoia of an imminent civil war is pretty wild
  2. What exactly did eugene do? I haven't seen his post but smells like an annoying mixture of eugene's assholeness and WATMM's desire for manufactured scandals and outrage caused by deliberate misinterpretation of people's posts for entertainment purposes
  3. @Zeffolia: What about discrimination of people with low IQ?
  4. I love reactions to people's post. Just I dislike the emoticons you can chose from. In fact I would prefer no emoticons as reactions at all, instead I'd prefer actual posts as reactions. Posts that actually contain human thought and not a simplified version of the emotional world of a five year old.
  5. I've read the rules I think this could be used to make B1000's ban permanent (if it isn't already). After all he posted pictures of other users. "Violating this rule will result in the instant removal of your account, without any prior warning."
  6. Are they if they bring fear to the people he wants to fight?
  7. Killing a couple of dozen people is more than just the death of these people, it's a symbolic act. And this symbol is understood everywhere inside and outside the country. The symbolism of the act in fact has a way larger momentousness than the act itself (on a societal level of course; for the victims' next of kin all of this is indescribably terrible and none of the greater implications matter at that point). In that sense he did exploit his means to have the greatest impact that he could possibly have at his point in life in regard to his ideology. All I read in his manifesto is blood and soil. And if that's the only thing you know and think about then his actions actually make a lot of sense, it definitely isn't stupidity in terms of cognitive ineptitude. It is dehumanization of whole ethnicities in the face of ideological delusion
  8. [ocd]if I click on someone's soundcloud or bandcamp link (beneath their avatar) I will be directed to that site directly. I would prefer if a new tab opened[/ocd]
  9. Nice! I think it's always interesting to use old works and turn them into something new by combining and editing them
  10. yeah, how did u manage not to change ur style for 10 years
  11. I usually like Squee but his deleting behavior is a bit weird. One time he just deleted The Bro's track on My Latest Creation and when someone called him out on it he deleted this post too and the posts that followed it Not everything that looks like spam is spam. WATMM is an ecosystem just like the fungus-colony on Steve Stapleton's armpit, let it proliferate
  12. "How was your day, darling?" "It was fantastic! I told someone that they are 'very dumb' on an IDM forum!"
  13. Well, there are white nationalist organisations that might be the reason those losers did the shooting even if they weren't really part of a terror cell. In that sense they turn themselves into the extended arm of these organisations which isn't unwanted by same. I don't think that speaking of terror is wrong here
  14. It seems the US isn't in line with Western values: Mass shootings, terror attacks in other countries, death penalty. Maybe it's time for a military intervention for humanitarian reasons, to free the American people from their terror regime and bring them democracy and freedom
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