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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. How are the acoustics in that room?
  2. As I pointed out, it's a pretty poisoned word. It can mean almost opposite things. But even if you define it like modern European leftist parties define it then what Sanders calls democratic socialism isn't socialism. Wanting a functioning healthcare system isn't socialism, it's a pretty standard and normal thing that should be considered centre-left., not far left
  3. 1. I'm sick of these high temperatures. 36ºC / 96.8ºF peak is too much 2. Seems I won't be able to do my planned trip to Russia this year
  4. If you really bend the term they aren't that wrong. The NSDAP had a lot of backing by the working class. A lot of socialist ideas were incorporated into the facist ideology, mostly for populist reasons though. The National Socialists basically tried to find a "third way" between socialism and nationalism (both popular ideologies at that time), at least that's what they propagated in order to get power. There is a new far right party in Germany now called "The Third Way" because of that. But of course this has nothing to do with the idea of socialism the Utopist thinkers of early 19th century had in mind and even less with what Marx had in mind. And then there is the state socialism of the USSR etc., which is yet another thing. And ontop of that socialism is a term used in right wing propaganda trying to establish an association between the modern left and Stalin, which is pretty wild. So yeah, the term is pretty much unusable by now. On the other hand it might not be wrong of the left to reclaim the term and add more positive connotations to it. Still, what those popular leftist American politicians call socialism is nothing but social democracy and maybe they would have more success if they started calling it that But no clue
  5. I think it's harder for Americans to eat healthy considering that healthy food is very expensive and fatty food very cheap. It's much easier to eat healthy in a lot of other countries
  6. Yes, I slso appreciated watching something in my mother tongue. Most German series are shite. Another good one in German language is "der Pass"
  7. Yeah But what Sanders etc. call socialism is in fact social democracy
  8. USA is ready for some social democracy. It's about time You guys could have a much easier and relaxed life with some containment of predatory capitalism
  9. Is it less CPU intensive than Reaktor Blocks?
  10. Just stick your dick through the hole so people look at your dick instead of the hole
  11. I wish people stopped calling ae IDM Warp Tapes sound fun but I prefer their new stuff by a tenfold. I guess Warp30 was the right format to release this stuff though OneSix soundboards when?
  12. The amount of cost efficiency you could achieve combining all these gadgets is astonishing and wonderful
  13. Oh, thanks for pointing that out. Wasn't aware of how brainwashed I've been from the media before you told me
  14. boc is nice nothing wrong with boc yeah, that's all
  15. dingformung


    I'm good enough to deserve a OneSix sound board
  16. Sounding rather succulent
  17. dingformung

    elseq 1-5

    Thanks pal. Still working at it. Maybe you can give me some tips on how to enhance my cuntiness? You seem to be good at that specific aptitude ?
  18. dingformung

    elseq 1-5

    It's spelled "summary", not "summery". I'd prefer that you guys stick to a correct spelling. I mean, it's your mother tongue. If there is anything they could teach you guys at school it's the correct spelling of the language that you make use of every single day. But it seems they failed. Maybe they taught you other things like dick sucking, who knows
  19. are you some sorta heroic father figure or some such? thanks!
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