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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Trump is an evil psychopath and of unsound mind. The only reason he is in power is his family dynasty's money, which should be taken away from him and used for meaningful things instead. Over 80 million Iranians are getting poorer and poorer everyday because of US sanctions. Iran, a country with a very old and sophisticated culture, a confident and pro-western middle class and high standards of education (unlike the US) is getting isolated and systematically brought down by those nutjobs that populate the White House these days, many of which even play with the thought of throwing bombs on the Iranians. Not saying that the Iranian regime isn't terrible, I just don't really see how crushing civil life is helping anything. It's saddening to see the kind of nonchalance with which leaders decide in which part of the world people have to live or die
  2. I'm not American but I think showing some support to Taiwan was a good idea and one of the few good things regarding Trump's foreign policy. Maybe it was just an accident but who cares
  3. Agree that introducing the term "socialism" was wrong, especially as what Bernie Sanders talks about is social democracy, not socialism. Every political scientist would agree on that
  4. He definitely isn't as articulate as you would expect from a president.
  5. This fascist is seriously attacking one of the most participatory and egalitarian societies of the planet for being unfair. His whole family and all people that are alike him need to be dispossessed
  6. No. As a native German speaker I can tell you that the lisp is part of the experience. Try pronouncing "Pfropfen" or "Schöpflöffel"
  7. I'm hyped we get another new unfiltered audio plugin, very good news!
  8. I like it! Especially the Karplus Strong stuff Could need one or two more elements to juxtapose that rhythm and maybe a bit of harshness control in the second third though! maek mor
  9. Was very drunk yesterday and didn't post here on WATMM in the process. It's a missed opportunity to boost the forum quality
  10. None of what you propose is convention here (and will never be). If you want to change anything here, you might want to consider learning the native language this country has. Be thankful that this language is German (if u have the luck that your place is central Europrean). Good luck. Deal with those problems first, It's your responsibility. Got it?
  11. Why are most American public posts stupid? Why is almost every public appearance an American has is either bought or managed by some vulgar idiot?
  12. ppppzz8iiww hhuunn -- iiff yoouu llooggiinn ttoo bbaanndcaa.............................................
  13. One of my colleagues has lived in the UK for too long. He's Slovak and has been living in the UK for 12 years and in Germany for like 2 years. His German is like a 50/50 mix of German and English (due to the similarity of these two languages) but with a Slavic accent. In his head German and English are basically the same but with a slightly different pronunciation. It's fun to observe him talking to Germans who don't know much English. They usually have no idea what he's talking about but try to act like they understood everything. And his listening comprehension is like zero. So you basically observe two parties not understanding each other but trying to act as if they do, which is hilarious. It's so unproductive it's productive again. That's because everyone feels energized by the amusement this produces when those interactions are heard. And he's happy too, because he feels much more accepted here than in the UK. Maybe that all is because Germans are much more impolite than the British. It's one of those clichés that are true. So there is less acting friendly while being malign and so on, less dissimulation. Everyone here that was 10 by the fall of the Berlin wall is 40 now
  14. Trump's not a racist, he's a delegate for openly lived white supremacy and needs to be dispossessed and put into jail.
  15. The left has always been the force that tried to better the life of people from lower social strata. Problem is that it's impossible to teach a retard about political history. Around 20% - 30% of people are idiots that will do dumb stuff like voting for Trump no matter what. There is no way that any democrat politician will win them over, ever, at least with reason. So how is this easy to avoid?
  16. yeah, definitely makes me wanna walk around Miami in a pink suit
  17. Very true The sad thing is that if you look at what people from the German AfD (far right party that's in Bundestag and got 10%) say and compare it with Trumpian views AfD seems almost moderate, which basically means that the greatest economic power of the planet is led by a bunch of (proto-)fascists/(semi-)Nazis that get support from nearly 50% of the voters. It's very concerning and shows how deep-rooted racism and nationalist ideology is in American society, unfortunately. And it all makes sense if you look at the country's past. Still, it requires a lot of vigilance and responsibility from the other 50%
  18. The fact alone that a man like Trump could become president of the US shows how much we as humanity have failed so far
  19. The article isn't bad but it equates socialism with the state socialism of the USSR. But it's way more complicated than that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism
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