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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I love the reflections on the lake surface and the colours of the evening sun. In the first pic I wish there was more to be seen of the branch in the foreground, maybe from a perspective that in order to achieve it you would have to climb the tree. Last time I climbed a tree was many years ago at the age of maybe 9 when me and my two best friends at that time made it a challenge to climb on all kinds of things around our hood, mostly trees. I think it's a good thing to do, at least it was for us at that time. So your pictures actually made me remember that time and made me think about climbing a tree again which I might do at some point again but not sure yet. In that way they actually were more thought-provoking than a lot of high resolution beautifully edited pics made with a fancy camera for me subjectively at the moment I looked at them. On second thought I might have climbed a tree much later in my life again, now that I think through it. Perhaps two years ago when I was really drunk. When did you climb a tree last time?
  2. Thought about the same not long ago and came to the conclusion that it can be the same but doesn't have to be the same for several reasons
  3. thank you all @cryptowen: pretty dope track, it fits the atmosphere of your pictures really well. Something about the colours and glitches give them a dream like quality. This is my fav: Hope I don't spam this thread too much with my photos but this is what I made yesterday:
  4. Yeah, absolutely, it's definitely questionable why one needs a review of any music at all. For me it's sometimes interesting to read or hear how others perceive the music but in the end there is no much insight because it's so extremely subjective and also it's almost impossible to talk about musical experiences adequately. But I would definitely love to read someones impressions who is really good at describing stuff that most people have a hard time to express (thinking about authors like David Foster Wallace or António Lobo Antunes)
  5. yeah, youtube is a bit one-way, I get that
  6. Hmm, explain. If you mean he just does it for attention and popularity, well, that might be an aspect, doesn't make the whole effort a bad thing. I think he didn't do too bad. And why think about it further if you don't like it?
  7. If modern genetic engineering would make it possible to cross a jaguarundi with a house cat to create a new species of pet cats how would that affect neighbour relationships when the jaguarundi cat bites the regular house cat in the tail and the neighbour sees it and gets all mad
  8. The world is a such a sad place edit: let's hit women
  9. Who posts on a music forum and talks about music? Do you have no mates? It's sad
  10. Иес, детс ен емеизин аидиа, бро! Чирс!
  11. Ugh, this is the track that ruins the flow of every of these live sets, the only part that I don't like within these sets. If it wasn't for this track the sets would be perfection. I even made versions where this part it cut out so I can enjoy them
  12. Yeah, he is good at talking about music but tt1pd their best track? Come onSubjective, yeah?... It is one hell of a 'banger'. =P I dunno, the first part of tt1pd sounds very angry in a funny way, kinda infantile like a kid stamping its feed on the ground but not in a bad way. Second part sounds very different and less playful, much darker and a bit formless and I like that part a lot more. It's definitely a good track but not the kind of vibe I like most about AE
  13. Yeah, he is good at talking about music but tt1pd their best track? Come on
  14. Slicker than jizz on a toddler's anus
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