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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. I'm drunk enough to tell you that I got a lot of money, like A LOT, from such an investment. Could have made much, much more, tho. Fuck that tho
  2. I really like the way you play this piece. It sounds like you've played this one often, you put really interesting and subtle expression into everything. Very difficult to do with such a bland instrument as the piano
  3. this is a real position that a subtantial number of ppl on the left hold, though I hold that position, too, in a less extreme form. I think taking away a person's freedom requires a lot of justification. People who are a danger to others should of course go to jail, to ensure other people's freedom, but you can theoretically get into jail if you get caught fair-dodging too often. Prisons are responsible for an increase in crime, too (I suspect), they're universities of crime. Currently the US has as many prisoners as a small nation has inhabitants. US prisons are basically labour camps, people are pressured into working for an hourly wage of 20 cents to 3 dollars there (Victoria's Secret for example pays them 23 cents an hour to make some real sexy lingerie). They are not forced by direct violence but by continuous psychological pressure 24/7.
  4. I don't normally use strong language but Donald has to get the heck out!
  5. are you kidding me man No, I genuinely don't know it.
  6. What a douchey answer. I asked you politely for a favour and now this. Shameful for an admin of a public forum.
  7. Are random CEOs really better than Trump? Some of them might be smarter and more ruthless psychopaths. Trump himself is a CEO. Do you think that media corporations whose purpose is first and foremost to generate returns for their investors by way of making maximum possible profit (disregarding any possible consequences) are really better than an elected government (despite gerrymandering and other ways of election interference)? Do you trust them more? Even if you can answer this question with "yes", others might want to have a say in that, too - democracy, ya know. Corporation rule is authoritarianism. "Some type of influence" is funny, considering that the nation is basically in control of the military-industrial complex - whose influence reaches far into all other nations of the world, as well, economically, politically, intelligence wise, militarily, etc. Lol @ thinking that the fact that voters aren't elected says anything. A Bertold Brecht quote comes to mind: "The people has forfeited the government's trust. Wouldn't it be easier if the government just elected a new people?" That donations should be transparent should go without saying, unfortunately that's not the case not only in the US but in (I think) all major Western countries. In Germany, parties - on top of the donations - get state money based on the amount of votes they get. I think that's a good system and should replace donations by private corporations, who want something in return, entirely. Remove corporation donations all together - they give parties an advantage without any democratic legitimisation to do so. It's basically legalised corruption/bribery. Again, I don't know how dear you hold the idea of democracy. I think it won't happen. The system is too rigid to be fundamentally changed without major disruptions. Here's a random map for some reason:
  8. Got a warning point by Chen bcs I said "gay", lol.
  9. Neither do I and it's not what I mean. To socialise just means that it's publicly funded and treated like other nationalised infrastructure. Doesn't mean it's under direct command of the US president, lol. From the Wiki-Article about public broadcasting: "Public-sector media (state-funded) is not to be confused with state media (state-controlled), which is 'controlled financially and editorially by the state.'" Also, someone like Trump wouldn't have got into power if social media was socialised and if there was more public-sector media. ? Generally the US president has too much power, he's got almost dictator like untouchability. But fix your two party system first before you fix your presidential system, lol (won't happen ?). Hmmm, no - businesses can't act as a balance to the government because they aren't elected or got into power through democratic processes. I don't know how highly you value the idea of democracy but corporations are like little Soviet Unions, or can be if they want to - there is nothing democratic about them and they shouldn't be a "counterbalance" to the government. More often than not it's not the most moral companies that come out on top. The government, without being authoritarian, should have full authority to work properly for its citizens.
  10. - Socialise social media and put it under parliamentarian control. The idea that some tech company's para-police is responsible for handling matters of such high public importance is negligent, irresponsible and undemocratic. If you're at it, nationalise prisons, too. - You need public service broadcasting in the US (like in other modern countries). PBS is only almost what I mean - PBS gets financed through donations of businesses and private people and is dependant on selling stories. They and other broadcasters should constantly get government money so they aren't dependant on sensationalism and entertainment. Trump was financially worthwhile for commercial media, so they helped him (even the "left" ones in that they liked bashing him but not really doing their job beyond that - debunking and analysing and making the public aware of the true dimensions, which is a little less entertaining than saying how dumb his tweets are, and yields lesser ratings). The lack of public service broadcasting in the US leads to entertainment driven politics programs that are often dumb as fuck. PBS is still good, I guess, but do people actually watch PBS as much as the other broadcasters?
  11. I browse WATMM compulsively. It's the dumbest addiction ever, quite pathetic in fact.
  12. I skipped the first preview track because it was too repetitive. Reppa is a revelation, though. Pre-ordered
  13. Can you stop mocking him for a really dumb post he made a decade or so ago? For a Canadian who should be all about extraordinarily good manners, politeness and brown-nosing that's really bad style.
  14. You shouldn't have downloaded that cracked VST from vstslutz.ru, bro. I'm watching you through your webcam in this second. Nice lilac underwear
  15. Can you deactivate this, @Joyrex? I have a way of sending every word in a separate message so this gets a bit annoying after a while.
  16. Paranoia itself can be a manipulation tool. It's exactly this indefinite fear, the sense that something sinister is going on but you can't really point your finger at what or where, that is exploited and used by power elites to manipulate your behaviour. Fears have the advantage that they are easy to generate and that they have a much deeper psychological impact on your actions (and inactions!) than opinions. Generating fear is one important element of power politics, very useful indeed.
  17. If you want to spend money, pay a tailor who actually can make you something unique that fits you rather than paying some brand for being a walking ad for them and save the art/profession of the tailor. ?
  18. Yeah, somehow I thought I was in that thread. I'm still rite doe
  19. Let's face it, we are seen as cattle and as a ressource to exploit. Combine mass surveillance with machine learning and privatised media and you have a machinery that allows those who are in control of it to do very effective opinion and indignation management, free will - a market disturbance - becomes a managable factor. By measuring your emotional responses to certain stimula all your weaknesses are exposed and can be used to control your behaviour. Once such an infrastructure is fully implemented there is virtually no way to reverse it because all efforts can be nipped in the bud. Maybe it's too late already.
  20. The good thing about your posts is that they are so low quality that people assume you are sarcastic.
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