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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. Nah, they will most likely try to take advantage of your desperate situation and scam you into adhering to some religion, most likely Christianity. You would basically exchange your soul for a little bit of psychological help.
  2. Which is weird considering that as an adult you should have a much more developed perception and therefore a greater ability to appreciate things and view them from more different angles.
  3. Ok forget this, this gets pretty annoying after a while.
  4. I'm pretty happy about the German Unity and how the East flourishes now that it is free of dictatorship. Pretty happy about the existence of the EU, too.
  5. There used to be a website where you could order Jehovah's Witnesses to any address and they would actually show up there on time. Not possible anymore ?
  6. it was already very good but if you can make it better next time that would be even better
  7. Judging from his style of clothing he has entered midlife crisis and may never be the same again. Physical changes that commonly occur during these years are weight gain, wrinkles, sagging skin and hair loss. Regular exercise and maintenance of a nutritious diet may help to sustain one’s physical and mental health during these years of transition. Good luck!
  8. What a lame strategy to harvest burger.
  9. Telegram isn't a "homegrown social media service" by the Russian government. Even your linked article contradicts that. I use Telegram all the time as a more private alternative to WhatsApp (belongs to Facebook). Islamists use it to coordinate so it seems to actually be pretty safe. No wonder Russia wants to block it (but can't).
  10. Yes, that's how democracies can be eroded. Democracies only function if you have democrats (lower case). The same goes for privately owned media as well: Put people in power positions who aren't interested in a balanced reporting and you have Rupert Murdoch levels of mind control. The difference is that public-sector media isn't financially dependent on sensationalism & on being entertaining - they can provide a balanced in-depth analysis and reporting even if they risk losing viewers. Or in case of social media they wouldn't be dependent on ad money. My apologies for going dangerously far off the topic again. Carry on
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