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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dingformung

  1. How long have you been brewing your own beer?
  2. ^so giving in to some illusion like religion or joining a hare krishna cult is the way to overcome materialism and basically the answer to all problems?
  3. ^this sexy media mogul helped Trump get the decisive few percent to get into power, also helped Netanyahu and Scott Morrison and might be responsible for the decisive few percent that made Brexit possible meow
  4. exactly, we enslaved them and breed them in meat factories
  5. nice to hear you're still working on it! ?
  6. “Against the humiliating bondage of a thousand years Rapacity came from afar to subjugate them for a hundred years. Against the cynical malice in the shape Of neo-colonialism and its petty local servants.” Obviously this sounds awful but definitely a funny choice for a national anthem and the lyrics are unusual
  7. FM is essential, impossible to live without frequency modulation, imo. You'd just die immediately without it. Makes the sounds cut right through. Not sure what you mean by esoteric, tho Listen to The Bro - FM Funk by The Bro
  8. Someone who would camp on a remote island would also lie to the newspaper about her age for the giggles. Pretty funny actually
  9. probably obvious suggestion but have you listened to Bitches Brew? But again, no "pure" jazz, more Fusion
  10. herbie might be the godfather of funk but his funk is way jazzier than normal funk. probably more jazz than funk. but who the fuck cares. most of his stuff is really good
  11. Used to listen to Bartók a lot around age 14 - 15. Good stuff, really dark, convoluted and trippy. Thanks for reminding me at this music
  12. no clue man. thought the explanation this psychology guy gives is maybe a bit obvious but valid
  13. I always do this (41:16):
  14. But based on a 100% accurate article auxien posted somewhere else he is actually poor bcs he has no access to his wealth and needs to borrow money from his friends to get by. What a noble man, just doing things for the greater good and not to enrich himself. He is one of us, guys!!! working on the production lines with everyone else!!! with us!!! promise me to never doubt ur vibe
  15. I think I understand. In a confused world there is little space for nuance, so better avoid any unnecessary negativity because it could transmit to others in unpredictable ways and contribute to dangerous societal dynamics. Agreed I'm Ashamed of WATMM Sometimes... ?
  16. There usually are negative aspects about any group. Pointing them out can sometimes be helpful and/or insightful, other times not.
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