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Everything posted by Extralife

  1. Tell Rom to get off his ass and release some new tunes, pls.
  2. In all seriousness, the sound quality is much clearer and I can’t really notice a difference between wired and this Bluetooth. The cancelling can be turned on or off - but when on, it counts down on a lot of the background “chatter”. Pretty immersive but they do cost some serious $$$.
  3. Well my wife is always talking at me in the evening while I’m trying to listen to da IDMz...so yeah. Got to cancel that shit.
  4. I totally got sucked in to that hype. The Nuraphones were good, but these Sony’s sound waaay better.
  5. My goddam Nuraphones died on me after two years ? ...but I picked up a pair of Sony WH-1000XM3 and am now glad they did.
  6. Dang, would have loved to be there. That is an all-time favorite jam of mine.
  7. Bump... ...cause I just discovered this gem of an album (thanks to the fine folks in the AGE - Orion Years thread). Deep acidic ambient techno. Five parts in total. First two on Fax and the rest on Carpe Sonum (a rather excellent label continuing on with Pete’s legacy). https://thomaspheckmann.bandcamp.com/album/the-lost-tales-vol-i https://carpesonum.bandcamp.com
  8. I really enjoyed those live releases on his Bandcamp. Always up for more Four Tet.
  9. Loving that preview track. March seems a long way away ?
  10. Scis is a sound design wonderland. What you would hope Thrill Jockey releases might sound like in the 2020s. Abrasive and saccharine in equal measures. As if Freeform and Tortoise were jamming together in 1995 and fell through a wormhole into 2020...and kept jamming. Well done, Markus.
  11. Grabbed the AGE digital, and the Drax "Mental Plane" release from his bandcamp -- both lush. What other stuff of his would you recommend in this style? I see a lot is much harder edged straight-up techno, which is not really my thing.
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